Hi folks
I have read through many posts regarding the no image in captcha and have updated my php.ini file and ttf but I am still not getting the image when people go to sign up?
Can anyone help please.
Many Thanks
Hi folks I have read through many posts regarding the no image in captcha and have updated my php.ini file and ttf but I am still not getting the image when people go to sign up? Can anyone help please.
Many Thanks | ||||||
Have you followed the Re-Captcha instructions in the Dolphin Admin Panel Dashboard? If we're talking about the same thing, you'll need to create/generate your Public and Private keys and enter them in the field shown in my screenshot below. | ||||||
Hi there Thanks, yes this is the first thing I did then went to test the site and noticed there was no image on the recaptcha at the bottom of the register page? I have gone through the search on the forum and tried all the things people have posted with no luck :( Any ideas? | ||||||
Is it showing in the fields builder for user in the join form part in admin? BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin | ||||||
Have you gone into the Profile Fields Builder and added the Captcha block to the Join Page? | ||||||
It is showing as captcha interestingly no recaptcha..could that be the problem? not sure how to fix it? | ||||||
This may sound like a basic and fundamental suggestion but have you clear both your browser cache and dolphin cache? I find many times issues are cache related when everything else has been checked. | ||||||
Captcha is correct....and YES- what viraladmin said. :) | ||||||
Hi. I have tried to join on another PC as a completely different user and it is not showing at all..its driving me nuts. I don't want to not show it due to spamming problems I have had in the past. Can you guys try..see if it shows on your PC please?
Many Thanks | ||||||
Your site is set to invitation only. | ||||||
I doubt this is it, but have you checked to make sure that your Security Image Block isn't set to show on a second Join Page? | ||||||
I will again ask this, have you cleared DOLPHIN cahce? If you have not you can use all the computers you like and it won't solve the cache issue. | ||||||
Right..I will clear the cache in a minute and for the purpose of testing I have turned off invitation only, and I will check to make sure the security tag is nowhere else .. thanks guys your help is appreciated.. | ||||||
the security image is only showing on the join page. Is the number you have circled supposed to be set to 0 or 1? | ||||||
Should be 0 | ||||||
Just set it to 1 and it removed the captcha information completely. so reset it to 0 and it is back but still no image..I cant tell you how many hours I have spent on this...arrrrrgggghhh!!! comes to mind LOL!! | ||||||
I would say after clearing cache, recheck your public and private key settings in dolphin and make sure they are correct. | ||||||
Ok I have reset the keys by deleting the old ones and getting new..I have input this, but still the same problem..the google site says I should do this: (txt below?) but not to sure if I should need to? When your users submit the form where you integrated reCAPTCHA, you'll get as part of the payload a string with the name "g-recaptcha-response". In order to check whether Google has verified that user, send a POST request with these parameters:
| ||||||
You seem to have quiet a few problems going on with your site. | ||||||
Hi I just downloaded the file and installed it via cute ftp. The only thing I have changed is added some missing file directories and made changes via the admin panel? as well as the normal contact and help files.. | ||||||
That part stood out to me.. Why were they missing? added some missing file directories
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin | ||||||
There were quite a few "file" directories missing..when I had installed and went to set the permissions they were asking for files and directories that were not there at all so I made new ones. They were also missing from the earlier versions and 7.2 as well.. Interestingly I checked n my contact us page and the captcha box is there and working perfectly ? | ||||||
If there were random directories missing from the install then there's no telling what else is missing. I think I would start over and definitely use a different FTP program. BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin | ||||||
Photos upload ok but my videos are just stuck in the processing file? any ideas why? | ||||||
Is the cron job setup in Cpanel and running? BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin | ||||||
I think I will just download it and start again, see if I can get anywhere and just when I thought I was doing so well :( only been at it for 2 days..Many thanks for all your help..I am sure I will be coming back to this at some point in the week, just going to give my brain a break for now. Many Thanks x | ||||||
I think I will just download it and start again,
It would/could also help if you post your host tools audit page. What type of server are you on? ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! | ||||||
Web-server: Apache/2.4.10 (Unix) PHP: 5.3.28 MySQL: 5.5.42 - OK Dolphin version = 7.1.6 - OK Does that help. It shows everything in green and OK? | ||||||
mmmm...regarding the cron set up..i have just checked and have not received the email that I sent via the contact page so something is definitely not right... This is why I gave up on this 2 years ago..it drove me mad trying to get things to work, but as I have paid for 2 full licences then I should really get my monies worth and try to use it.. | ||||||
Not sure who you host with, but if they are one of the quality sites recommended here in the forums for boonex hosting, you may find they will install it for you. | ||||||
Captcha is Javascript based, so if there is some JS error on the page - Captcha will not work. Try to fix the JS error and Captcha will appear. Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |