does any one why the file videos get stord with no file extension , and when you try to play it you get (file not found error )
does any one why the file videos get stord with no file extension , and when you try to play it you get (file not found error )
thanks | ||||||||||||||||||
Check the permissions on your FFmpeg.exe file should be 777 on some servers will work at 755. The FFmpeg is what converts your videos to .flv.
Located: flash/
You should have 4 like this under the files folder :
1.flv 1.jpg 1.mp4 1 small.jpg
Of course the number will depend on what order the video was uploaded in. | ||||||||||||||||||
my permissions are set to 777 and what i see is
1 1.jpg 1.small.jpg
and that is it .
thanks for the replay
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@LeonidS, that is not 100% accurate. i was on an account the other day, and i could upload any number of videos from my end, while the site owner was unable to upload any. where they would upload, they would all report as being 0:00 in length. clicking on the file would report file not found, and the file is in there but has no extension. i could download the file and give it an extension and reupload the very same file and it would process. so there is certainly some other underlying circumstance that is hiding from us. Regards, DosDawg When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support | ||||||||||||||||||
thanks guys , am not sure if corn jobs are setup correctly , but i believe they are :
****cd/home/makateeb/public_html/periodic; /usr/local/bin/php -q cron.php
and when i ebed videos from youtube it works perfectly ,
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thanks guys , am not sure if corn jobs are setup correctly , but i believe they are : ****cd/home/makateeb/public_html/periodic; /usr/local/bin/php -q cron.php
and when i ebed videos from youtube it works perfectly ,
take off the -q and try to upload a video and you should get an email with a report. please post that here. When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support | ||||||||||||||||||
Hi DosDawg, The cronjob I setup for my site is cd /home/wmalluju/public_html/periodic; /usr/bin/php -q cron.php to run ***** Can you please say this is correct or not? The "cd"at the beginning is needed? Thanks. | ||||||||||||||||||
Hi DosDawg,
can you please help me to get my video going , I think the corn jobs may be the problem , and if it is how should i set it , my hosting is arivxe , | ||||||||||||||||||
am not getting any emails | ||||||||||||||||||
danny1234, why do you need the (cd)? if you instllation is in the public_html, and I am assuming it is from your cron that you own the home directory (makateeb). If the cron is running ok, after you uploade a video you will get an e-mail.
Try this and see what happens and post back.
/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/makateeb/public_html/peridoic/cron.php
on some servers the local is needed and some not, try both ways and see which one works. After the upload wait a few minutes to see if the video is being processed.
BTW, i am using Arvixe and that is the way my cron is setup and it works fine. My FFmpeg.exe is set to 755 | ||||||||||||||||||
I have a question, can you do another way without using cron jobs? I haven't touched cron jobs, Is there some scripting code that can be changed. I"m having the same issue. | ||||||||||||||||||
I am sure that there are other ways; but it would be out of my league. I dabble a little with php but by no means a programer. Why have you not set you cron, you need that to process you video uploads. Just wondering?? | ||||||||||||||||||
you know , what guys am not getting , no emails from my corn jobs , and i tryed both ways with local , or with out local , but am getting any emails | ||||||||||||||||||
I have some useful information regarding Cron Jobs and how to test them manually located here: If it works when you run them manually, then your cron configuration is probably not correct. Chris Nothing to see here | ||||||||||||||||||
hello Zacron
i have tryed every thing and it is not working , would mind if i gave the needed info for my cpanel , may be you see some thing i dont see. | ||||||||||||||||||
hello zacron , i did wht you said and ran corn jobs manulley after i renamed file .httcc.old , and i get blank page , so what do i need to do next ? | ||||||||||||||||||
Danny1234, you will get a blank page when you try to manually run your cron job. Make sure your have cleared the /cache and /public_cache EXCEPT for the .htaccess file and try to run the manual cron.php again. If it works then post your cron command from your cpanel(or whatever) for further assistance. Chris Nothing to see here | ||||||||||||||||||
am not getting any emails I know this is a stupid question but did you enter a valid email into the cronjob? If you did, you may want to check that for an error.
Also, I think 775 will be fine for the ffmpeg file. ... Hosted by! | ||||||||||||||||||
sorry , but how can i verfy the email in corn jobs , or where should i inter it , step by step please ? | ||||||||||||||||||
hello guys . zarcon ,
i have ran the corn jobs manualley and this is the email i got , can you guys let me know , how to fix the problem , and please be detailed . thanks
A message that you sent contained no recipient addresses, and therefore no
delivery could be attempted. ------ This is a copy of your message, including all the headers. ------ To: Subject: =?UTF-8?B?OiBQZXJpb2RpYyBSZXBvcnQ=?= Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 MIME-Version: 1.0 From: =?UTF-8?B?QWxtYWthdGVlYiA=?= <> Message-Id: <> Date: Tue, 05 Jan 2010 21:50:20 -0800 - Start email send - Total queued emails: 1 Ready for send: 1 Processed emails: 1 | ||||||||||||||||||
oh my corn job wes set :
usr/local/bin/php -q /home/makateeb/public_html/periodic/cron.php | ||||||||||||||||||
Is it working now or not? if you had of read my post about 2 blocks north of here. I showed you the proper cron job for Arvixe hostin. Like I said I am using Arvixe and my cron runs fine.
if this is what your using make sure you have the / in front of usr
/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/makateeb/public_html/peridoic/cron.php | ||||||||||||||||||
hello jec1944 and yes i have the same hosting like you , but i really don not know what is the problem . | ||||||||||||||||||
If you will PM me with you domain and Cpanel log in I will take a look.?? if you want..
regards. | ||||||||||||||||||
that would be perfect , but how can i PM you ? | ||||||||||||||||||
Ok, got the e-mail..just hang not log-in..let me see and take a look.. | ||||||||||||||||||
just emailed it and sent it via PM , can you please try to help , thanks | ||||||||||||||||||
Danny 1234,
system is not generating cron e-mail, now all permissions are ok. Server is sending mail ok, I have sent myself test e-mails.
Do you remember? did you change any path settings while going through the install? | ||||||||||||||||||
Hi all jec1944 Please, can help all us here in phorum? My cron job neither send emails to me. What I need to do to check my cron?
Thanks! | ||||||||||||||||||
this is the email that i get from cron jobs , but befor that , can you please see how the video appearing on the site :
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That shows us your cronjob is running and your ffmpeg is being executed. It's probably a folder permission error. ... Hosted by! | ||||||||||||||||||
That shows us your cronjob is running and your ffmpeg is being executed. It's probably a folder permission error. As Bob Barker said: always spray and nu--- I mean check your folder permissions, because they are the numero uno cause for extra mistak--- I mean video problems. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin | ||||||||||||||||||
Thank you guys all , for the comments and for your valuable openion , and for the help i got from all of you , I installed the script again , and videos arelaying fine , but when i try to use the flash uploader i get this error
Upload Error: 404
any ideas how to fixt that ?
thanks to all | ||||||||||||||||||
It actually says 'upload error 403' You are being blocked by a setting
mod_security has to be disabled for that particular function. ... Hosted by! | ||||||||||||||||||
thank you , but how can i fix that ? step by step please , because am new on this .
thanks again | ||||||||||||||||||
and I tryed that again , the error is 404 , i just copied and paste the error here :
Upload Error: 404
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On my VPS, it was within /usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/std/2/*/
My host added as a white list item 'SecRuleERemoveById sec_ID_Here'. and then he had to restart Apache. It is a security function that blocks specific flash security risks (I think). You're host will have to do it if that's even the problem. ... Hosted by! | ||||||||||||||||||
restarted appache , but the same thing error 404 | ||||||||||||||||||
Danny, your .htaccess file in the flash folder is blocking your flash uploads i believe. I had the same problem...
Quick Fix: open the file for edit (delete the Deny for all), save close and see if you can upload using flash..let me know. | ||||||||||||||||||
Thanks for the help on the videos , as for this one , i did what you recomnded but i still have the same problem. |