Lately I begun making templates for dolphin.. and soon enough i found that is not enough to modify the files from your template directory, you also have to edit some files from the base directory.. this is very wrong..
I would sugest that in dolphin 7 somehow the base directory to dissapear completely! Let's simplify things, for example to make a good quality template is not enough to change your template directory you also have to edit some files from the base directory.. for example when you install some templates you first need to backup the original base directory and then overwrite the files inside with the ones from the new template.. yes i know you can leave the base directory alone but that would definately look like a superficial design and incomplete..
In dolphin 7 UNI folder is quite empty. And you can change Anything (design) using only changed UNI folder, so here will only YOUR changes. No need change Base folder anymore. All possible in your template. |
Hello Aramis ;-)
It seems like it will be a lot of CSS files in each module folder (modules/boonex/xxx/templates/base and-or uni/css) ???
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
If need to override styles of modules too - Yes ) |
Of course I could be wrong... but it seems to me that it will be more difficult than ever to customize the whole site... That sounds like a very bad news 
I will ask Andrew to reconsider 
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
Each module can`t have files out of own folder. Each module more all-in-one. This is new standards of developing. |
Each module can`t have files out of own folder. Each module more all-in-one. This is new standards of developing.
.css files are MADE to customize hundreds of pages on the same time, so it will be ilogical for each module to have it's own css file.. you're right.. but I have an idea..
IDEA: it will be nice if somehow (i don't have too much php knowledge) if you add let's say
"custom_module_name" will be identical with the module directory name, so if you add that entry in the general style sheet than that module will have the settings you set there.. so we have the possibility to edit each module alone without the need to modify any code outside the template folder.. adding styles dynamical when we add some new modules custom styled from the rest..
I opened a blog to discuss about this new Modules/Templates standard that I think is really wrong... Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
Here will big question. For whom is dolphin - for developers or for template-maker guys? :)
Whom more?
For developers more comfortable keep all in one place. For update mods will need just update own module folder.
For template-makers - better keep in template folder.
But, here little question - are you goung to change templates of not your mods? :)
Or just default boonex modules?
Common design already in templates folder (base folder keep base styles, images, if you want - you already can override all styles and inages in your template folder (UNI as example) ).
98% of current templates at expertzzz site change just 2-3 base css files, rare - images and layouts.
So, are this so necessary to change existed good template core? (dolphin7)
Not sure.
Aramis, my Friend ;-)
Honestly, I think that the first thing that will do a Dolphin site owner is to customize his site's look (the only thing that many of your "customers" will ever do)....
To split a module in 2 folders, one for the functionality and another one for the template, will be very easy to do for a developer.
Having to search and edit dozens of template files will be vrey difficult for most of site owners who will just customize his/her site...
I think that this is a very good idea to regroup all the files of a functionality in a module folder. Why this same idea (to regroup all styles files in a template folder ) will be wrong for the template ???
If it were some technical problem this will be a good reason... but there is none... at least none that I can see...
Aramis, don't get angry ;-) but I call such things BoonEx syndrome: flying to high, searching to far... when the best solution is just under the shoes :-))
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
Code always splitted from template part, but all keeping in same folder - in modules :)
I not even sure that someone will change templates of modules. Here very specific styles and html files.
Even for 6.1.x this is was really rare that guys change layouts and exactly modules styles.
Usually - for any appearance customization - change styles in tmpl_uni will more than anough. You will able to change quite all important places.
.. Seems only time will show how current offer is real useful ..
Before need just to play with current system. Don`t forget - that this s just beta stage. If it will really troubled point, maybe will decided to split these folders as you asked - will see :)
My 2pesos
Most who get here, try to do the world with Dolphin in the first week. They have very little comprehension of the true depth this software has out of the box. Keep functions seperate almost ensures more stability because newbies or beginners don't understand the difference between CSS or PHP let alone the different coding styles of each lanaguage.
Dolphin is to overwhelming out of the box more so then any other software on the market, If you have found a new one in the last 7 months let me know, I would love to see it...
Which means the Admin GUI is most important and first because it provides 90% of everything 98% of the people building communities are going to do with it.
I mean come on... Look how fast people break the core just trying to install one add-onMOD ;)
Functions kept away from style. I approve
Alright 7pesos...
Aramis said:
"Here will big question. For whom is dolphin - for developers or for template-maker guys? :)
Whom more?"
As far as I can tell, Dolphin is for the people that will use it. To me, that means that Dolphin should be developed so that it can be used as people want to use it, even if that means a small amount of inconvenience on the part of the developers.
I have to say that one of the biggest drawbacks to Dolphin right now for me is the templating. I have not delved deeply into the process yet, I'll admit, so I am shooting from the hip on this. BUT, based on what I have read going back months into the forums AND what I have seen in existing "customized" Dolphin sites, I see a bunch of sites that look (to my eye) nearly identical.
How does this help an end-user brand a community? How does it excite potential users? When every site is a cookie-cutter, why should someone use mine (or yours)?
I have seen the same thing happening in many CMS - It's not just Dolphin. I am not picking on anyone. That said, if the mods include CSS in one package, I can deal with that, because *I* know where to look. Most people will not, and it will cause a flood of forum posts that will eventually never get answered (just like you see int he forums of every major open-source software) about design... "I installed XYZ template, but my ABC module broke. What do I do?" Some will be easy to fix. Others, not so much.
sombRIA said:
"Functions kept away from style. I approve"
Hmmm. Why can't style be a part of functions? WHy not have "master CSS" and a "mods CSS?"
For example, every mod developer gets their own code for CSS Styling. I might be "thesomeex."
ALL of my mods are wrapped in a major div <div class="thesomeex_modspecificclasshere">, and all css styling is written with that parent div: .thesomeex_modspecificclasshere h3
Then all the css for that module could be copied and pasted into the module css file through the admin, and kept tidy in ONE place. Those who understand the very basics of CSS styling could work with such a system. Experts could make such a system sing. Those who did not would still only have one place to be told to go when they had a problem.
It would make support easier for developers. It would make design easier for end users and template designers. And it would not be difficult to implement, even as an "optional practice."
Then again, I have always come to development as a designer, since this is what I do. I always look at things and think, "How can this be easier and more intuitive for the end user?"