Hi, I have the following problem:
I've installed Dolphpin 6.1.6, RMS-LINUX-v.3.5.2 (my OS is CentOS 5.2)
I've installed all ray widgets and use my RMS. I can successfuly test my chat from Boonex Red5 Tester (http://www.boonex.com:80/rms.html) using my server IP and RMS port=1935 and RMS Http port=5080. I can set my webcam using chat's setting and see a picture of myself, but no "My Video" box.
Problem: no Video Box in chat. I've spent several hours searching boonex forums, checked all my settings. It seems that everything is OK, except one - NO VIDEO.
Any ideas? Any help will be gratefully appreciated.
I know this sounds stupid, but I have to ask:
1. Are you in chat by yourself or with someone else who has their cam turned on?
I realize it sounds like a stupid question, but one that needs to be answered.
Also, are you turning your cam on by hitting play video on it. Do you have it paused? I'm only asking because often it's the really simple things that are the issue.
Next, if you have all of this correct, does the end user trying to view have their computer set up with the correct flash updates enabled in order to view your cam?
***And thank you for all the upfront information on your system, makes it much easier to answer you.
I know this sounds stupid, but I have to ask:
1. Are you in chat by yourself or with someone else who has their cam turned on?
I realize it sounds like a stupid question, but one that needs to be answered.
Also, are you turning your cam on by hitting play video on it. Do you have it paused? I'm only asking because often it's the really simple things that are the issue.
Next, if you have all of this correct, does the end user trying to view have their computer set up with the correct flash updates enabled in order to view your cam?
***And thank you for all the upfront information on your system, makes it much easier to answer you.
As I anderstand, when I use ray chat with my RMS I must have Video Box in the chat, where "My Video" avatar must appear. Affter cklicking "cast video" on this avatar, flashplayer will ask me weather it can use my camera or not/.This is the usual procedure/. My Problem is:
I have no "My Viseo", so I can't click "cast video", i.e. I can't start video recording.
Your not hooked up to your RMS.
Go into Admin => Plug Ins => Ray => Base Settings
You need to set the Ray to talk to the RMS
Your RMS is the IP of your RMS
Another way to tell that your RMS is not working is to take a look at your White Boards (Boards in the main menu) if it will not fully load and allow you to work with it then the RMS is not working.
Now, if your RMS settings are correct but nothing works still, then you need to re-fire the RMS, have your host do it. They will need the path that your RMS is located at, also, set your RMS to automatically re-start with the server.
Also, did you tell the RMS that your site is allowed to connect to it? In the instructions you have to list your site yoursite.com as a site that has permission to connect, if it's not there it won't let you in regardless of the settings you have on it.
change velue in file red5-web.properties to:
webapp.virtualHosts=*, localhost,
let me know if it help
Thanks Ro
change velue in file red5-web.properties to:
webapp.virtualHosts=*, localhost,
let me know if it help
Thanks Ro
No effect!
Of course. I also tried to set my server's IP addresses right in ray/conf/red5.properties file like:
No effect.
Check out my post that might help you, but it seems like your issue is a connection issue. I would also check it out in different browers if you haven't done so.
I would also check out boonexnerds website. They have instructions there for setting up Ray Chat. May be it just a simple thing as mydatery said.
Check out my post that might help you, but it seems like your issue is a connection issue. I would also check it out in different browers if you haven't done so.
I would also check out boonexnerds website. They have instructions there for setting up Ray Chat. May be it just a simple thing as mydatery said.
Thanks a lot for your help. I red your notes earlier. I tried Opera and Firefox - result is absolutely the same. What really puzzles me is a fact that there is no wrench tool icon in the upper right corner of the chat messages field.

Something is wrong with connection, because I can't use videoplayer (connecting forever). But I'm still trying to win.
I have an experience of installing and administrating Adobe Flash Media Server. Ray's technology is just the same (rtmp protocol over 1935 port).
Let's do this the easy way:
Go to yoursite.com/board.php (That is your little drawing boards)
Are they loading? Are you able to create a new file and play/draw on it?
If not, your not connecting to the RMS, don't care what your settings are, your not connecting and that is why you have no Video Icon in the lower right corner of your chat.php page.
Now, you need to go back through the instructions and check everything again. Do the test with the boonex red 5, shut down your RMS and reboot it back up, check your ports, check file permissions in the RMS, check the file path of the RMS.
**I'm also tagging this thread for Boonex Admin to see if they have any additional ideas. In the end, you may simply have a hosting issue blocking the ports that your trying to connect on.
Dear Rimboonex.
Actually, the absence of the video icon in your chat window tells the only thing:
You did not enable RMS in Dashboard -> Plugins -> Ray Suite -> Settings
Once you enable it, you may encounter a different problem - constant Connecting in case your RMS is not installed or its ports are not accessible.
If RMS is working properly, you will see the video icon in Chat and IM. And Video Recorder and Whiteboard will start working.
So, first you need to enable RMS and then test if it's working.
Best regards,
Igor L.
Let's do this the easy way:
Go to yoursite.com/board.php (That is your little drawing boards)
Are they loading? Are you able to create a new file and play/draw on it?
If not, your not connecting to the RMS, don't care what your settings are, your not connecting and that is why you have no Video Icon in the lower right corner of your chat.php page.
Now, you need to go back through the instructions and check everything again. Do the test with the boonex red 5, shut down your RMS and reboot it back up, check your ports, check file permissions in the RMS, check the file path of the RMS.
**I'm also tagging this thread for Boonex Admin to see if they have any additional ideas. In the end, you may simply have a hosting issue blocking the ports that your trying to connect on.
Dear Mydetery,
RMS is working.
I can use boards for drawing, erasing, etc.
Ports information:
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2009-08-06 23:39 MSD
Interesting ports on <MyDomain> <MyServerIP>:
1935/tcp open rtmp
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.012 seconds
[root@vitahost log]# nmap localhost -p5080
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2009-08-06 23:40 MSD
Interesting ports on <MyDomain> <MyServerIP>:
5080/tcp open unknown
I can connect to RED5 page over <MyServerIP>:5080
A/V Chat and VideoRecorder are not working.
I saw only one error in ray/log/error.log:
2009-08-06 19:55:29,057 [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-9] WARN o.r.server.net.rtmp.RTMPConnection - Closing RTMPMinaConnection from : 4323 to <MyDomain>(in: 3401 out 3254 ), with id 321865016 due to long handshake
No hanshake - I think this is from VideoRecorder Connecting..... forever. I'm really confused.
Hi rimboonex,
I have the same problem. No MyVideo box in the chat. Drawing on the board is working, in IM the MyVideo box shows up and is working properly, but not in the chat. So if the board and the IM is working, RMS must work! I can see the test-page on Port 5080. A netstat shows me that port 1935 is okay.....
I use a Debian 4.0. My browser is Firefox 3.0 with Adobe Flash 9 because of the incompatibility reason of version 10. Until now I also did not find the answer for the problem...
In the Dolphin 7 Beta 2 I even can record videos in the video comment funtion, but no MyVideo in the chat. So RMS must work here to!
Any further hints by others?
Thanks a lot to all!
Video Recorder is a seperate issue from Video Chat. Let's work with the Video Chat first and then move to the Video Recorder after that.
Check your file permissions for your chat.
ray/modules/chat/files 777
ray/modules/chat/xml/config.xml /main.xml /skins.xml /langs.xml 666
All other folders in ray/modules/chat should be set to 755
All other files in ray/modules/chat/xml/ should be set to 644
Hi rimboonex,
I have the same problem. No MyVideo box in the chat. Drawing on the board is working, in IM the MyVideo box shows up and is working properly, but not in the chat. So if the board and the IM is working, RMS must work! I can see the test-page on Port 5080. A netstat shows me that port 1935 is okay.....
I use a Debian 4.0. My browser is Firefox 3.0 with Adobe Flash 9 because of the incompatibility reason of version 10. Until now I also did not find the answer for the problem...
In the Dolphin 7 Beta 2 I even can record videos in the video comment funtion, but no MyVideo in the chat. So RMS must work here to!
Any further hints by others?
Thanks a lot to all!
Hi, hansgeorg,
Do you mean that Flash Player 10 is incompatible with ray?
I tried IE, Firefox and Opera - the same result. To my mind if we are speaking about social or community sites, the question of choosing of special browsers and Flash Player vesions 9 and higher has no sense. Users are free in choosing browsers and players, the vendors always suggest to upgrade the software.
In my case I use Linux CentOS 5.2, php 5.2.6, JRE from Adobe Coldfusion8 server.
Video Recorder is a seperate issue from Video Chat. Let's work with the Video Chat first and then move to the Video Recorder after that.
Check your file permissions for your chat.
ray/modules/chat/files 777
ray/modules/chat/xml/config.xml /main.xml /skins.xml /langs.xml 666
All other folders in ray/modules/chat should be set to 755
All other files in ray/modules/chat/xml/ should be set to 644
Hi, Mydatery.
I've checked all permissions. They are OK. What user must be the owner of the files? root? or it makes no difference?
Hi rimboonex,
I read about this incompatibility here somwhere.
I tried Firefox 3 and Adobe 10 with different A/V Chats like red5chat, etc. There always was the same problem to open, configure and save the Adobe settings. With Adobe 9 no problem ....
Hi Mydatery and rimboonex,
thanks a lot for your time and efforts!
File permissions are okay!
Maybe it is a problem with my browser and the Adobe Flash Player. What do you think? Some details...
Here is the end of my standard output when I start RMS with ./red5.sh. It is different than when I start the Debian package of Red5 0.7.0. This ends like in the installation manual of Ray required.....
[RAY notification - Video.init] Application Video was started
[RAY notification] Application IM 3.5 was started
[RAY notification - Chat.init] Application chat 3.5 was started
[RAY notification - Board.init] Board application was started
[RAY notification] Application started Global Server
[INFO] [Launcher:/installer] org.red5.server.service.Installer - Installer service created
[RAY notification - Video.connect] /opt/RMS_3.5.2/./webapps/video/streams/config.xml
[INFO] [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8088
[INFO] [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8088
[INFO] [main] org.red5.server.tomcat.TomcatLoader - Setting connector: org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector
[INFO] [main] org.red5.server.net.rtmps.TomcatRTMPSLoader - Loading RTMPS context
[INFO] [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine - Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.18
[INFO] [main] org.red5.server.net.rtmps.TomcatRTMPSLoader - Connector info: org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector/2.1
[INFO] [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8443
[INFO] [main] org.red5.server.net.rtmps.TomcatRTMPSLoader - Starting RTMPS engine
[INFO] [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8443
Bootstrap complete
Here are my configurations I made in RMS-3.5.2:
red5.sh: JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-;
run_daemon.sh: RAY_SERVER_PATH=/opt/RMS_3.5.2;
For each Ray-application in red5-web.properties:
webapp.virtualHosts= (also tried *,, localhost)
I run both, Dolphin 6.1.6 and RMA-v.3.5.2, on a local test machine with internet connection. My OS is Debian Lenny. My browsers are Iceweasel (-> Firefox) and Epiphany (Gecko-version). My Adobe Version is 9.
When I go as Admin to Plugins -> Ray Settings -> etc. and enter as my IP: or my host: localhost and try the chat, I get the "connecting problem". Ports 5080 and 1935 are set and work properly. When I don`t mark to use the "RMS function" and login as a user, the drawing board works properly. One time I got the IM working too with the MyVideo box and webcam, but not in the chat.
Now there is no more MyVideo box in chat and IM, but the board is still working. If the board works, does RMS work?????
When I try to configure the chat with "Settings -> Advanced" I get the Adobe settings. The webcam is recognized and as soon as I click on the standard webcam icon, it disappears and my webcam shows up correctly. I get the signal (light) from my webcam that it is working. I see everything where I point my webcam to. When I save it and close the Adobe settings the signal from the webcam disappears again. Do I open the Adobe settings dialogue again, I only see the standard webcam icon once again. But I never see the MyVideo box ... -;(
Is it possible that it is a problem with the browser and Adobe Flash Player?
Thanks a lot in advance
Hi Mydatery and rimboonex,
thanks a lot for your time and efforts!
File permissions are okay!
Maybe it is a problem with my browser and the Adobe Flash Player. What do you think? Some details...
Here is the end of my standard output when I start RMS with ./red5.sh. It is different than when I start the Debian package of Red5 0.7.0. This ends like in the installation manual of Ray required.....
[RAY notification - Video.init] Application Video was started
[RAY notification] Application IM 3.5 was started
[RAY notification - Chat.init] Application chat 3.5 was started
[RAY notification - Board.init] Board application was started
[RAY notification] Application started Global Server
[INFO] [Launcher:/installer] org.red5.server.service.Installer - Installer service created
[RAY notification - Video.connect] /opt/RMS_3.5.2/./webapps/video/streams/config.xml
[INFO] [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8088
[INFO] [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8088
[INFO] [main] org.red5.server.tomcat.TomcatLoader - Setting connector: org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector
[INFO] [main] org.red5.server.net.rtmps.TomcatRTMPSLoader - Loading RTMPS context
[INFO] [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine - Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.18
[INFO] [main] org.red5.server.net.rtmps.TomcatRTMPSLoader - Connector info: org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector/2.1
[INFO] [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8443
[INFO] [main] org.red5.server.net.rtmps.TomcatRTMPSLoader - Starting RTMPS engine
[INFO] [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8443
Bootstrap complete
Here are my configurations I made in RMS-3.5.2:
red5.sh: JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-;
run_daemon.sh: RAY_SERVER_PATH=/opt/RMS_3.5.2;
For each Ray-application in red5-web.properties:
webapp.virtualHosts= (also tried *,, localhost)
I run both, Dolphin 6.1.6 and RMA-v.3.5.2, on a local test machine with internet connection. My OS is Debian Lenny. My browsers are Iceweasel (-> Firefox) and Epiphany (Gecko-version). My Adobe Version is 9.
When I go as Admin to Plugins -> Ray Settings -> etc. and enter as my IP: or my host: localhost and try the chat, I get the "connecting problem". Ports 5080 and 1935 are set and work properly. When I don`t mark to use the "RMS function" and login as a user, the drawing board works properly. One time I got the IM working too with the MyVideo box and webcam, but not in the chat.
Now there is no more MyVideo box in chat and IM, but the board is still working. If the board works, does RMS work?????
When I try to configure the chat with "Settings -> Advanced" I get the Adobe settings. The webcam is recognized and as soon as I click on the standard webcam icon, it disappears and my webcam shows up correctly. I get the signal (light) from my webcam that it is working. I see everything where I point my webcam to. When I save it and close the Adobe settings the signal from the webcam disappears again. Do I open the Adobe settings dialogue again, I only see the standard webcam icon once again. But I never see the MyVideo box ... -;(
Is it possible that it is a problem with the browser and Adobe Flash Player?
Thanks a lot in advance
Hi hansgeorg.
I've found one great error in my red5 logs. Looking at your rms start script output there is no such an error in your script:
INFO] [main] org.red5.server.net.rtmps.TomcatRTMPSLoader - Loading RTMPS context
[INFO] [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine - Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.18
[INFO] [main] org.red5.server.net.rtmps.TomcatRTMPSLoader - Connector info: org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector/2.1
[INFO] [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8443
[INFO] [main] org.red5.server.net.rtmps.TomcatRTMPSLoader - Starting RTMPS engine
[INFO] [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8443
Bootstrap complete
It's OK. In my case I have an error with TomcatRTMPSLoader saying :
Error initializing endpoint
java.net.BindException: Address already in use.
In conf/red5.properties:
If i change rtmps.port to 8444 there is no error during red5 start.
Is it possible to use port 8444 and why this error exists in my case but no error in your's?
All my ports and addresses OK. I've downloaded red5 demos, but can't run them, because i have no /demos
directory after downloading the demos, they are siyuated in /webapps directory.
So, no errors in logs and starting scripts, but still no video in chat and videorecorder. Sorry I was wrong spaeking about my boards working: one can draw on it, but nobody else can connect ti it.
Any ideas?
Hi Mydatery and rimboonex,
thanks a lot for your time and efforts!
File permissions are okay!
Maybe it is a problem with my browser and the Adobe Flash Player. What do you think? Some details...
Here is the end of my standard output when I start RMS with ./red5.sh. It is different than when I start the Debian package of Red5 0.7.0. This ends like in the installation manual of Ray required.....
[RAY notification - Video.init] Application Video was started
[RAY notification] Application IM 3.5 was started
[RAY notification - Chat.init] Application chat 3.5 was started
[RAY notification - Board.init] Board application was started
[RAY notification] Application started Global Server
[INFO] [Launcher:/installer] org.red5.server.service.Installer - Installer service created
[RAY notification - Video.connect] /opt/RMS_3.5.2/./webapps/video/streams/config.xml
[INFO] [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8088
[INFO] [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8088
[INFO] [main] org.red5.server.tomcat.TomcatLoader - Setting connector: org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector
[INFO] [main] org.red5.server.net.rtmps.TomcatRTMPSLoader - Loading RTMPS context
[INFO] [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine - Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.18
[INFO] [main] org.red5.server.net.rtmps.TomcatRTMPSLoader - Connector info: org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector/2.1
[INFO] [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8443
[INFO] [main] org.red5.server.net.rtmps.TomcatRTMPSLoader - Starting RTMPS engine
[INFO] [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8443
Bootstrap complete
Here are my configurations I made in RMS-3.5.2:
red5.sh: JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-;
run_daemon.sh: RAY_SERVER_PATH=/opt/RMS_3.5.2;
For each Ray-application in red5-web.properties:
webapp.virtualHosts= (also tried *,, localhost)
I run both, Dolphin 6.1.6 and RMA-v.3.5.2, on a local test machine with internet connection. My OS is Debian Lenny. My browsers are Iceweasel (-> Firefox) and Epiphany (Gecko-version). My Adobe Version is 9.
When I go as Admin to Plugins -> Ray Settings -> etc. and enter as my IP: or my host: localhost and try the chat, I get the "connecting problem". Ports 5080 and 1935 are set and work properly. When I don`t mark to use the "RMS function" and login as a user, the drawing board works properly. One time I got the IM working too with the MyVideo box and webcam, but not in the chat.
Now there is no more MyVideo box in chat and IM, but the board is still working. If the board works, does RMS work?????
When I try to configure the chat with "Settings -> Advanced" I get the Adobe settings. The webcam is recognized and as soon as I click on the standard webcam icon, it disappears and my webcam shows up correctly. I get the signal (light) from my webcam that it is working. I see everything where I point my webcam to. When I save it and close the Adobe settings the signal from the webcam disappears again. Do I open the Adobe settings dialogue again, I only see the standard webcam icon once again. But I never see the MyVideo box ... -;(
Is it possible that it is a problem with the browser and Adobe Flash Player?
Thanks a lot in advance
And more ..
This is my "netstat -anlp" output:
Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0 ::ffff:xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1935 :::* LISTEN 262/java tcp 0 0 :::9999 :::* LISTEN 262/java tcp 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN 540/httpd tcp 0 0 :::2930 :::* LISTEN 2922/coldfusion8 tcp 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN 610/sshd tcp 0 0 :::8088 :::* LISTEN 262/java tcp 0 0 :::5080 :::* LISTEN 2262/java tcp 0 0 :::3000 :::* LISTEN 3055/ntop tcp 0 0 :::51800 :::* LISTEN 2922/coldfusion8 tcp 0 0 :::2522 :::* LISTEN 2922/coldfusion8 tcp 0 0 :::443 :::* LISTEN 40/httpd tcp 0 0 :::8443 :::* LISTEN 40/httpd tcp 0 0 :::8444 :::* LISTEN 262/java tcp 0 0 :::7999 :::* LISTEN 922/coldfusion8 tcp 0 0 ::ffff:xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:80 ::ffff: ESTABLISHED 540/httpd
Great! I did it. Strange, but the last thing I've done was to copy the whole ray directory from Dolphin 6.1.6 distributive. Now a/v chat and Videorecorder are working. Thanks a lot to everybody for assistance and help. |
Great! I did it. Strange, but the last thing I've done was to copy the whole ray directory from Dolphin 6.1.6 distributive. Now a/v chat and Videorecorder are working. Thanks a lot to everybody for assistance and help.
Hi rimboonex, congrats that you finally succeeded.
Do you use Plesk as a Server-Admin-Software? Plesk uses as far as I know usually port 8443 to login to its admin interface. On my production system I removed Plesk. So port 8443 is free...
I try at a local machine at for testing purposes. Which version of Dolphin do you use? You said you copied the whole ray directory of the 6.1.6 distributive... Where did you copy it to? Maybe this helps me too. Still no MyVideo box here ;-(
Thanks in advance 