Notifications go to spam

Hi, I don't know what I'm doing rong or if this can even be helped, but all of the emails that are sent from my install of dolphin 6.1.6 are sent to the user's spam folder.  I have many users who are not seeing this and are in turn unable to activate their accounts.

Any help?  Thank you

Quote · 4 Oct 2009

noone knows why this is happening?

Quote · 5 Oct 2009

This usually happens if the 'From' email address you use in your dolphin setup, belongs to a different domain than the one from which the email was sent.  The reason for this, is because this is a common spam filter used by email providers like aol and yahoo, because that is the way most spam emails are formatted and sent.  I would recommend using a 'From' email address that belongs to the same domain as your site.  Of course, if it already is the same domain, I haven't a clue why this is happening.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 5 Oct 2009

Thanks for the reply. Thing is, it's definitely using the same domain.  I'm really at a loss for what is happening here.  Maybe there's something I have to do in WHM or cpanel?

Quote · 5 Oct 2009

Oh my god. I just figured it out with houstonlively's help.  I'm so dumb.  There was a typo in my file.  It was sending from the wrong domain.

Thanks again Houston

Quote · 5 Oct 2009

Don't get too excited.... until you know it works.   There may be other reasons as well.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 5 Oct 2009
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