Is there anyway to do a fresh install of 6.1.5 and keep your database intact? I have had so many problems with this upgrade that it is driving me nuts! Now, my 6.1.4 is broken and will not wing correctly and is causing all types of Database errors... Please see my first post of all my errors here Please HELP!!!!!! |
Go into Language Settings and remove all the Language files but your Default.
Check Dolphin TRAC for instructions on how to preserve your Database. Look at the "Transfering DataBase" which tells you how to export a sql :)
Yeah, a tough lesson, if you didn't do a database backup backup before the upgrade, you are more or less screwed. I hope sombRIA's language key instructions work, or that you have a backup file someplace. I've made this mistake before and it is no fun. I'm not sure if this is all that clear in the upgrade instructions, but everyone should do a structure and content backup to your own computer before any Dolphin upgrade. |
This is how I did my upgrade:
First of all, I have my site in a sub directory. A bit odd, but it serves a purpose for me.
- created a new subdirectory and expanded 6.1.4
- Created a new database
- installed 6.1.4
- injected all of the data to the new database
- expanded the 6.1.5 update over my new install
- run the 6.1.5 database update
- Make sure the site runs as it should
- edit the various config files to reflect the path of the site
- Rename the old directory
- rename the new directory as the old
- copied over all of the Profile images
- Copied over all of my custom images
- Applied my mods (fortunately, I only have seven at the moment, however I have done other customizations that I had to re-apply by hand
This worked for me. All of my users had to clear their browser cache for the Chat and IM applications to work properly. If your site has a ton of mods, then this is probably not the best solution for you. Just thought I would offer my .02
What do you mean by "expanded" in steps 1 and 4? |
What do you mean by "expanded" in steps 1 and 4?
I would guess that they meant in terms of standard uncompression of an archive as un unzipping, untarring etc...:)
ahhh - of course. So it seems tbombaci's procedure leaves one install fully intact before switching to the upgrade - not a bad idea. |
Another question about this - because I actually like this procedure- it seems like a safe way to do it. Shouldn't you restore your existing data into the new 6.1.4 installation - right after step 3? I tried to restore a 6.1.4 database into a 6.1.5 installation, and really made a mess of things. |
gssmith, you might be right about 6.1.5. In case anyone hasn't seen it, Boonex has already announced on their blog that there will be "a patch" called 6.1.6 scheduled for about a week from now. This could make a configuration control mess. If I were you, I would hold off on any upgrades at all untill that is released, and in fact, I don't even think I would do a fresh install of 6.1.5 - unless you are just experimenting with the software or want to help them test it. |
You are correct. I have the order of events mixed up. I have added a few more steps and re-ordered the sequence. This is not gospel by any means but a summary of what I did for my upgrade. I suppose I could detail my steps if anyone is interested.