Online Members for Member Menu support forum.

Support forum for a new module.

Product available here.


This mod does not require any source code changes however, it is not a
module, so it's install procedure is a bit different than modules. So
please follow the install instructions provided.

This mod is an add-on to the dolphin member menu. Shows a pop up list of members
currently online.

Members shown can be filtered by Gender and age range.

When more than 10 members are online, the member list becomes a scrollable
member list.

Number of online members is shown next to the icon placed in the member
menu rather than the balloons dolphin normally uses.

Tested on dolphin 7.0.2 and 7.0.3.

See the actual product page for screen shots.
23 Oct 2010

can i test it somewhere? i'm very interested.

27 Oct 2010

Demo on my site.

Won't be much of a demo tho. I generally don't have many users online. But you can at least see it work.
27 Oct 2010

Hey Dean,

I went to your site but the member bar is not loading.. I was wanting to test it also so I could see if you could actually go to that person's profile from there as well. Do you have the member bar enabled?

Nothing to see here
28 Oct 2010


Hey Dean,

I went to your site but the member bar is not loading.. I was wanting to test it also so I could see if you could actually go to that person's profile from there as well. Do you have the member bar enabled?

Don't get it. It's enabled, and i just tested it with IE, firefox and chrome, and it loaded on all of them.

Try clearing your browsers cache, maybe something stuck in your browser from your last visit to my site. Kinda like this boonex site. I have to clear my cache everytime they make a change.

Don't know, but it loaded fine for me on 3 different browsers.
28 Oct 2010

Weird, I just tested with IE and Firefox with no luck. I will say that I am using your facebook connect to login though.. Not sure that has anything to do with it. Cleared cache on both and still nothing.

Nothing to see here
28 Oct 2010

Very weird. And i have no idea how to solve something i can't reproduce.

Now tested with 3 browsers on 2 different computers and it shows up fine on all of them
28 Oct 2010

LOL. its ok, so maybe you can just answer my question. If there are members online can you:


- Click their name to take you to their profile?

- Starting chatting with them from there (I dont think so by the screenshots)?

Nothing to see here
28 Oct 2010

Clicking on either the photo or the name link goes to the profile So yes to the first question.

And no on the second question. No chat link.

And um. Do you have a different computer you can check with?
28 Oct 2010

Thanks for the reply.. Payment actually worked too LOL


It works on my laptop. I think it may be because of some blockers I have running on this PC.

Nothing to see here
28 Oct 2010

Blockers? Hmmm. These blockers block javascript?

The mod has quite a bit as well as a javascript timed ajax loader.
28 Oct 2010

Hmm. I added you site to the "safe" list and still do not see the member bar. Funny thing is, my site is displaying mine just fine.. Im puzzled.

Nothing to see here
28 Oct 2010

Ok. Your site has caching turned off i believe.

Mine is on. Let me shut all my sites caching off. Give me a few and could you look again for me.
28 Oct 2010


Ok. Your site has caching turned off i believe.

Mine is on. Let me shut all my sites caching off. Give me a few and could you look again for me.

BINGO - Works for me now :)

Nothing to see here
28 Oct 2010

Figures. This 7.0.3 caching system is more trouble than it's worth in some cases.
28 Oct 2010

Since there may still be an issue with the email system here, I sent a request to you because I purchased the Facebook Inviter but it will not let me download. I have the purchase details if you need..

Nothing to see here
28 Oct 2010

Everything working fine so far for me! Tested with 20 people online.


28 Oct 2010

Hi deano,

I have upgraded from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 and i am getting error on bottom menu bar showing presence and status message icon twice on the left bottom.

Could you please let me know why is that.



26 Nov 2010



Hi deano,

I have upgraded from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 and i am getting error on bottom menu bar showing presence and status message icon twice on the left bottom.

Could you please let me know why is that.



Unable to reproduce.

Try removing per the instructions included with the mod. Run the removal more than once and then verify the it's gone from the menu. If not, then go into the member menu builder in admin and make sure all occurances of it are removed.

Then manually clear the cache folder and try reinstalling.
27 Nov 2010

Hi Deano,

Thanks for your reply,Itried with what you mentioned but no luck,but i found an easy way in admin builders menu builders where you can remove theblocks very easily.


28 Nov 2010

Hey Deano,


any chance you've took a look about the cookie Filter conflict problem? My users still complaint about the filter not working correctly.


19 Dec 2010

Works fine for under 7.0.4

How can I set couple OFF by default ?


29 Dec 2010

The next version will make shutting that off a little easier. But in this version you don't. Instead you just hide it so it's not shown.

Edit the file dbcs_olm.php and at line 175 look for this.

$sCode .= '<tr>';
$sCookieValue = $_COOKIE['dbcs_couple'];
if ($sCookieValue == '') $sCookieValue='ON';
$sChecked = '';

Then change it to this which just adds some CSS to hide it.

$sCode .= '<tr style="display:none;">';
$sCookieValue = $_COOKIE['dbcs_couple'];
if ($sCookieValue == '') $sCookieValue='ON';
$sChecked = '';

And if you don't want it to even display couples, then also change the ON you see there to OFF
29 Dec 2010

thanks ;-)

30 Dec 2010

New version 2.0 released Jan 31, 2010.

Make sure old version is removed before installing this new version. Removal instructions included in the modules zip file.

New version now supports dolphin 7.0.0 and 7.0.1 which older version did not.

New version has the following updates.

Jan 18, 2011 - Converted 1.0 script version to a module.
Jan 19, 2011 - Added option to hide couples from filter options.
Jan 19, 2011 - Added option setting number of members before scroll.
Jan 19, 2011 - Added option for width of member list.
Jan 19, 2011 - Added auto refresh timeout setting.
Jan 19, 2011 - Added ability to set text colors in CSS for each gender.
Jan 19, 2011 - Moved remembering of members filter settings from cookies to database.
Jan 19, 2011 - Fixed location that popup appears when hovering over members photo.
Jan 20, 2011 - Added support for dolphin versions 7.0.0 and 7.0.1
31 Jan 2011

Version 2.0.1 just released to eliminate an incompatibility with Live Line by ESASE

Other than that, there is no difference between 2.0.0 and 2.0.1. SO if your not running that mod, then there is no need to upgrade.
7 Apr 2011

this mod is so more refreshing the homepage to how many members are online..i highly recommend this mod...and Deano is so helpful and patient...great mod and great developer! make it a priority and buy this mod!

8 Apr 2011

How do I remove the "FRIENDS ONLY" option in the member's menu?

3 Sep 2011

Any ideas?

4 Sep 2011

There is no option to hide it in this version, so you will have to edit the code.

Open modules\deano\dbcs_online_members\classes\dbcsOnlineMembersModule.php

Go to about line 277 and look for this block of code.

            // Friends Only Option
            $sCode .= '<tr>';
            $sCookieValue = $aMemberOptions['friends_only'];
            if ($sCookieValue == '') $sCookieValue='OFF';
            $sChecked = '';
            if($sCookieValue == "ON") $sChecked = ' checked="checked"';
            $sCode .= '<td><input type="checkbox" name="friends_only" value="ON"' . $sChecked . '></td>';
            $sCode .= '<td>Friends Only</td>';
            $sCode .= '</tr>';

Hide the option by editing the first line like so.

            // Friends Only Option
            $sCode .= '<tr style="display:none;">';
            $sCookieValue = $aMemberOptions['friends_only'];
            if ($sCookieValue == '') $sCookieValue='OFF';
            $sChecked = '';
            if($sCookieValue == "ON") $sChecked = ' checked="checked"';
            $sCode .= '<td><input type="checkbox" name="friends_only" value="ON"' . $sChecked . '></td>';
            $sCode .= '<td>Friends Only</td>';
            $sCode .= '</tr>';

I will put it in as a option in the next version.
4 Sep 2011

Awesome Deano. Thanks.

5 Sep 2011

Hi Deano,


I think you missed the "Friends Only" in the language file, also I would like to be able to translate the "min age" and the "max age", can you please add it?







13 Sep 2011

Several were missing. They will be added to the next version due out soon.
13 Sep 2011

ok Thanks

13 Sep 2011

hi am having this error


Database error in I Click U Click Myfaceclick


SELECT * FROM `Profiles` WHERE `DateLastNav` > SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MINUTE) AND `Status`='Active' AND (`Couple`=0 OR `Couple`>`ID`) AND (`Sex`='WEWONTMATCHTHIS') AND ((YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(`DateOfBirth`)) - (RIGHT(CURDATE(),5)<RIGHT(`DateOfBirth`,5))) >= 13 AND ((YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(`DateOfBirth`)) - (RIGHT(CURDATE(),5)<RIGHT(`DateOfBirth`,5))) <= 75 AND `ID` IN ()

Mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1

Found error in the file '/home/barani/domains/' at line 194.
Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.

30 Sep 2011

Ok. This is a know issue that is being worked on for the next version. For now the only solution is to turn off the friends only option. There is a bug in that feature.
30 Sep 2011

Help, everything installed correctly and I see "x" members online but it wont pop-up to show who the people actually are, and now none on my other items pop up... like "presence" or "settings"....

22 Oct 2011

I have not heard of this occurring on anyones elses site with this mod. So first thing would be to remove the mod to see if normal function returns.

My guess it is just a problem with the dolphin caching. There have been reports of others who have had problems with the member menu in the forums. Try turning of the JS caching and compression options.
23 Oct 2011

I turned off the JS Cache and compression with no luck... I have a production site that I use just for testing and it installed fine there so I dont think its the module... what else could cause those options to not pop up?

23 Oct 2011

Update: I went through and backtracked some changes I had made to my site (luckily I keep a change log) and determined that I had modified some of the files in the templates/base folder, I replaced that folder with a fresh copy and now everything works.... word to the wise, don't change stuff when you don't know what you are doing, and at the very least keep a log of what you are doing so you can backtrack...


The Mod works GREAT!!!!! Thanks deano92964, well worth the money... Do you do any custom work?

23 Oct 2011

Hello. Just upgraded to version 2.0.3 from 2.0.2 and now I receive a Database Query Error. Any ideas?

DB Query Error.PNG · 10K · 625 views
22 Feb 2012

I would need to see the entire error. Those red boxes are useless.

Start by uninstalling and reinstalling the module. After uninstalling, remove the entire folder for the module from the server and then reupload to insure all the files got replaced.
22 Feb 2012

That is the entire message.

22 Feb 2012

No it's not. It's just the typical dolphin red database error box. It does not show the error.

Dolphin sends error reports to one of the email addresses you provided with dolphin was installed.

You may need to turn on debug mode. There are a number of posts in the forums on how to do that.

open inc/classes/BxDolDb.php

Make sure the 3 defines at the top of the file look like this.

define( 'DB_FULL_VISUAL_PROCESSING', true );
define( 'DB_FULL_DEBUG_MODE', true );
define( 'DB_DO_EMAIL_ERROR_REPORT', true );

If the email error report is set to false then that may explain why your not getting a emailed database error report.

In any case i MUST see the full error or i cannot help via the forums. I would have to have acccess to debug myself.
22 Feb 2012

I just bought and installed the module, all went fine.

Was going to ask if it would be possible to add it to membership levels? Like that some levels can't see it at all or they can see only the number of members but no details or anything like this.

Would this be doable? I know how to add things to the membership level database but don't want to mess around with your code

5 Mar 2012

Not without a custom addition to the module which would require quite a lot of modifications to the code.

My profile here specifically states i do not do custom modules. So i will make a note of your feature request for possible inclusion in the next version.

EDIT: I think i misread your request. I think you want the menu item not to appear at all for certain membership levels rather than filter the results my membership level.

The answer to that is no. That would not be something that can be controlled from within the module. Hiding of menu items is something that has to be done from within dolphin while the menu is being generated.
5 Mar 2012

Hi deano,

well yes kind of, a filter option to show only a certain type of membership could be nice but not necessarily needed (for me). If you add it to your list of "maybe features" it would be ok :)

What I meant I'll try to explain better:

assume we are having two levels of membership, one free, one paid. So a free member could see "x members online" in the member menu bar, a paid one could click it and the popup window opens.

5 Mar 2012

Version 2.0.4 of my Online Members module has been released.

Release notes.

Sep 13, 2012 - Fixed bug causing mysql errors if member has no friends.
Sep 13, 2012 - Put module into its own language category.
Sep 16, 2012 - Updated for compatibility with dolphin 7.1.0
Sep 16, 2012 - Released Version 2.0.4.
16 Sep 2012

Can you make it so when you click the name of the member it just opens chat and can we move it to the right side of the bar not the left?

21 Dec 2012


Can you make it so when you click the name of the member it just opens chat and can we move it to the right side of the bar not the left?

You can already put it on the right side from in the member menu builder. In top extra tab drag dbcs_Members up to where you want it, and in the top tab drag the current one out.

As for the chat link., i will consider adding that as a option in the next version.
21 Dec 2012
21 Dec 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.