Im trying to figure out how to add/hide events from the timeline & outline.
in timeline admin section I see where the list of events are located, but I can't figure out how to edit those.
I can't type in the boxes. Is this handled in another location or do i need to remove/reinstall timeline?
in timeline / outline section (admin) you select the module events you don't want to show. you can have multiple selection and when you are done click save. |
Thanks for replying.
My list only has a few items blocked. see image.
I would like to Hide Avatar changes from outline. I see that listed in the timeline section but not in outline.
How would I rebuild the lists which then allows me to select what to hide?
How do you re-show something you've hidden in the list? the selection cannot be removed, no matter what I tried. I ended up uninstalling and re-installing the timeline module... |
mika did uninstall/reinstall timeline work for you. im thinking thats the only way.
Did you lose anythin in doing that?
it took me a minute to get that situated - when hiding things in that box, and wanting to unhide, when clicking to hide, it highlights the lines, so - to unhide, you have to ctrl+click the line to unhighlight it. just clicking it wont unhighlight it. At least that what happened with mine. |
last comment is correct to unhide.
I have multiple outlines on my website so i had to rewrite the outline code to hide or unhide events
I have outline only for photos so i filter the rest out!
same i did for video etc...
I just removed & reinstalled timeline but I still do not show all of the options in the list boxes as shown ion solusoft's screenshot.
Any idea how to load that list up.
In following the instructions givin in this thread it appears that all of the items are listed. Some are highlighted & some are not. Thats what determines what shows & hides. But mine does not have the list in the box. See my screen shot. It looks exactly the same even after reinstall timeline
i am not sure but you could do it in the database. Have a look at this: bx_wall_handlers
there you can see if it shows on timeline or outline...
before you make any changes... backup the files or table. And Always document your changes so you can undo what you have done!!
the list only populates options based on the modules that have been installed.
Example - if you do not have the Blogs module installed, you wont see any Blogs options in your Timeline show/hide fields
Edit: based on that - I guess the first question that we should have asked was - Do you have the modules installed in which you are trying to show items from in the timeline?
So, if you are looking for options for the Events - Do you have the Events module installed? |
so - to unhide, you have to ctrl+click the line to unhighlight it. just clicking it wont unhighlight it. At least that what happened with mine.
Didn't think of that, that's great! thanks for the tip :)
mika did uninstall/reinstall timeline work for you. im thinking thats the only way.
Did you lose anythin in doing that?
It worked in the sense that what was hidden before was un-hidden again. I didn't have problems with options not showing in the list in the first place...
You probably learned that by now, but re-install resets all of the module's settings, so just be sure to save a screenshot of your current settings before you uninstall. You also have to re-position the outline/timeline in the various pages, with the page builder.
Really all Im looking to do is remove the avatar changes from the outline. I do have avatar installed. It shows up on the timeline list, but not on the outline list.
I do not have events module install. What does that module do?
The outline checks the spy_wall event changes. if you hide the avatar from the timeline then it's get's blocked in the outline i think. just try it and see what happens... Unless you want the avatar changes in your timeline!
Events gives your members the change to insert events like Calendar events: Dolphin seminar in Sydney from 12 apr 2013 till 13 apr 2013. bla bla bla bla...
Really all Im looking to do is remove the avatar changes from the outline. I do have avatar installed. It shows up on the timeline list, but not on the outline list.
I do not have events module install. What does that module do?
Thank you " ProfessorSr " for the tip to resolve it. |