Outline posts, not stay forever.

Hello all!

Why the Outline posts will not stay all the time?
It can be removed after a time, I think after 24 hours.
Is it possible to modify it so that it has about the Outline view is all the time?
Or is it a bug?

Best regards .

Quote · 18 Dec 2012

Hello !!! ^^

nobody has an idea? :(

Quote · 19 Dec 2012

I am not sure I understand the question.  Try to expand on the issue; posting an expanded description of what is wrong.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 19 Dec 2012

hi, thx for your reply.
When, for example, a member post a video, it appears in the outline of the homepage. But the publication of the video disappears after 24 hours of the outline.
I want that post appearing in the outline does not disappear after 24 hours, but they remain visible all the time.
Your understand? : p

Quote · 19 Dec 2012

Either I don't understand, or your request is not how things work.  The outline is a temporary report of new content being posted.  As new content is posted, old content will move off.  Unless I don't understand how the outline works.  If the content stays forever, after a few years your outline box will be huge or if you redo it and have scroll bars, the scrolling would take forever.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 19 Dec 2012

The outline is set to display "current" activity.

It is not a bug, that is why the "load more" button is there.

I'm not sure on the exact time the post remain, but they will get removed after a few days.

On a testing site, if no activity for week or so, the timeline is empty.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 19 Dec 2012

Hi, thx newton27 and geek_guirl for your reply.

I understand, but this happens every 24 hours, I alreday checked.
And when there is not more activiter for 24 hours, the block "outline" no longer appears on the homepage.
We can not even have access to the button "see more".

Quote · 19 Dec 2012


I understand, but this happens every 24 hours, I alreday checked.

 I may be wrong here on this.. I just looked at one of my testing sites.

timeline-2weeks.png · 43K · 479 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 19 Dec 2012

yes newton27,

Here, it works on your site. On my site, it does not work. After 24 hours, it disappears. On your site, have some post 12 days, and they are still present.
I don't know why in my site after one day , he disappears. : (

Quote · 19 Dec 2012


yes newton27,

Here, it works on your site. On my site, it does not work. After 24 hours, it disappears. On your site, have some post 12 days, and they are still present.
I don't know why in my site after one day , he disappears. : (

 Not sure if it's because I keep the demo updated with the current fixes and releases.

I pull from the SVN source and replace edited files, so maybe something was changed.

Is this a patch/upgrade or clean install of B2?

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 19 Dec 2012

yes it's instalation 7.1 b2

Quote · 19 Dec 2012

I am not going to be much use here, I am not up to date with my installation.  Hopefully those who are on 7.1 B2 will chime in.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 20 Dec 2012

Thank you anyway Geek_Guirl. I hope someone will find why I have this problem.

Quote · 20 Dec 2012

Hello all , nobody can help me?

Quote · 22 Dec 2012


Hello all , nobody can help me?

 I suggest you wait on the release of Beta 3 update..

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 22 Dec 2012


Hello all , nobody can help me?

 Did you resolve this, my outline has five weeks of stuff on it..

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 26 Dec 2012

i have the same problem that after some time events disappear on outline block.

i set it that 2 events should show, but sometimes only one shows.

if i go to admin panel and set f.e. 8 events shown on homepage block,

then i see the second insert again.

so i think the count doesn´t work correct or other activity is also count

ue30 Mods - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ue30
Quote · 8 Feb 2013

Me Too the block goes away very disappointing...

It is as if the outline has a mind of it's own with just a few posts if there are numerous it appears to stay?


Quote · 12 Feb 2013

I found this on BxWallDb around line 145:

    function getEvents($aParams)
        global $sHomeUrl;
        $sWhereClause = $sOrderClause = $sLimitClause = "";

        if(isset($aParams['timeline']) && strpos($aParams['timeline'], BX_WALL_DIVIDER_TIMELINE) !== false) {
            list($iTLStart, $iTLEnd) = explode(BX_WALL_DIVIDER_TIMELINE, $aParams['timeline']);

            $iNowMorning = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
            $iNowEvening = mktime(23, 59, 59, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
            $sWhereClause .= "AND `date`>='" . ($iNowMorning - 86400 * $iTLEnd) . "' AND `date`<='" . ($iNowEvening - 86400 * $iTLStart) . "'";

Could this be where to change the timeframe? I am just trying to help out and could totally be wrong.

Quote · 12 Feb 2013

I could be wrong as well but it appears that you have to get past the load more button for the stuff to stay?  If not it goes away?  Is that what the code says?

Quote · 12 Feb 2013

scratch that one - check out around line 194 on BxWallDb:

                $aHidden = $this->_oConfig->getHandlersHidden(BX_WALL_VIEW_OUTLINE);

                $sWhereClause = "AND `th`.`outline`='1' AND `th`.`id` NOT IN ('" . implode("','", $aHidden) . "') ";
                $sWhereClause .= isset($aParams['filter']) ? $this->_getFilterAddon($aParams['owner_id'], $aParams['filter']) : '';
                $sOrderClause = isset($aParams['order']) ? "ORDER BY `te`.`date` " . strtoupper($aParams['order']) : "";
                $sLimitClause = isset($aParams['count']) ? "LIMIT " . $aParams['start'] . ", " . $aParams['count'] : "";

        $sSql = "SELECT
                `te`.`id` AS `id`,
                `te`.`owner_id` AS `owner_id`,
                `te`.`object_id` AS `object_id`,
                `te`.`type` AS `type`,
                `te`.`action` AS `action`,
                `te`.`content` AS `content`,
                `te`.`title` AS `title`,
                `te`.`description` AS `description`,
                `te`.`date` AS `date`,
                DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(`te`.`date`), '" . $this->_oConfig->getDividerDateFormat() . "') AS `print_date`,
                DAYOFYEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(`te`.`date`)) AS `days`,
                DAYOFYEAR(NOW()) AS `today`,
                (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - `te`.`date`) AS `ago`,
                ROUND((UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - `te`.`date`)/86400) AS `ago_days`
            FROM `" . $this->_sPrefix . "events` AS `te`
            LEFT JOIN `" . $this->_sPrefix . "handlers` AS `th` ON `te`.`type`=`th`.`alert_unit` AND `te`.`action`=`th`.`alert_action`
            WHERE 1 " . $sWhereClause . " " . $sOrderClause . " " . $sLimitClause;

Quote · 12 Feb 2013
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