PKForum Support (DolphinHelp) - part 3

12 Jul 2014

Here's what I need ....

I think a terrific upgrade to pkforum would be to add the tinymce image manager into the default setup and include the advimagescale mod with it. It would give you a complete third party image management system for the forums that would work very well.... ... Hosted by!
12 Jul 2014

hey there,  I have the mod installed and everything is working beautifully.


I know you have ShareThis integrated but I'm going with AddThis for a couple of reasons.


Any chance AddThis can be added to this?  (If its really work, I'd pay for a custom integration)

yes, I searched before asking....
26 Jul 2014

 @FFP Mult

Prashank and I discussed your request today.  At this time we do not like the idea of adding alternative options (in general)... especially when we have other higher-priority tasks pending... like making PKForum work with the D7.0.9 version.  Prashank says it should be easy for a third-party PHP programmer to see how ShareThis was coded into PKForum and switch it to AddThis.  Best to test it on a dev site just to be sure it works.  

Paul :-)
30 Jul 2014


Your suggestion "add the tinymce image manager... include the advimagescale" is being *considered* for a future update... meaning no final decision has been made whether/when to add that new feature.  At this point in time we have some higher priority tasks pending for the next PKForum update.

30 Jul 2014


Any progress on an update for this?

Bill... Prashank solved the ShareThis issue by removing the author meta tag.  An update will be posted soon so you can start using ShareThis without the "BY JAVASCRIPT:VOID(0)" issue. ... Hosted by!
1 Aug 2014


There will be an update released in a few days... a week at the most. I'll be testing the update package tomorrow and adding a readme file with installation details.

1 Aug 2014



There will be an update released in a few days... a week at the most. I'll be testing the update package tomorrow and adding a readme file with installation details.


 @SkyForum That^

so much to do....
1 Aug 2014

PKForum version 1.1.0 has been released with some minor tweaks to the code to improve migration processing, a fix for the ShareThis feature, and a **NEW** feature that allows admins to force URL links within posts to open in a new browser tab when they've been clicked.  Here is the version update procedure steps for current PKForum license owners:
1) As a precaution, please backup your site's database and the "modules/dh" folder.
2) Log into your DolphinHelp License Account at "".
3) On the "My Products" page, click the Updates download link to see the available version updates.
4) Download the package that pertains to your current version, for example "PKForum_1.0.0_1.1.0" is the update from V1.0 to v1.1.
5) Unzip the downloaded compressed file into a new directory (which can be deleted after the update is completed) and read the Readme.txt file for further instructions.
2 Aug 2014

great work :-) is it possible to integrate pkforum into EVOwall? Greetings from Switzerland

14 Aug 2014


great work :-) is it possible to integrate pkforum into EVOwall? Greetings from Switzerland

 Its on our To Do list.
14 Aug 2014

I know this update won;t be available for a while but thought I'd ask. Can pkforum be installed in Dolphin U? ... Hosted by!
9 Sep 2014


I know this update won;t be available for a while but thought I'd ask. Can pkforum be installed in Dolphin U?

 hmmm....thats a tough one, let me think...

Ofc NO! 

so much to do....
9 Sep 2014

 I suspect very few, if any, of the current D7 modules can be quickly converted to work on DU.
9 Sep 2014

hello, searching for the language key "Quote from: xxxxx" to translate the forum in to german? nothing found in your language files :-/

Quote from forum.jpg · 58.9K · 415 views
10 Sep 2014

Small problem with my forum, in admin, I can move one forum / category to be above the other using the drag n drop feature, but this is not reflected on front end. 

Clearing cache of course but no effect.

In fact, in admin, when I re-arrange forums then refresh page, they go back to the original position which seams to be first created at the top and fixed there.


any suggestions?

13 Sep 2014

 Try turning off js cache and send me the admin login if that doesn't fix it.

Small problem with my forum, in admin, I can move one forum / category to be above the other using the drag n drop feature, but this is not reflected on front end. 

Clearing cache of course but no effect.

In fact, in admin, when I re-arrange forums then refresh page, they go back to the original position which seams to be first created at the top and fixed there.


any suggestions?


so much to do....
13 Sep 2014

tried that but no change. 

Will send admin details for you to take a look.


One other thing, is there a way to set an individual forum so that only admin can create a topic?

13 Sep 2014

I have successfully installed the PKForum, but I seem to have an slight issue. I do not see the cool little Picture Icon in the Editor where I can upload an image from my PC. Everything else is there too.


EDIT: Nevermind.. there is an option to enable it in the settings. Sorry

Nothing to see here
11 Oct 2014


I have successfully installed the PKForum, but I seem to have an slight issue. I do not see the cool little Picture Icon in the Editor where I can upload an image from my PC. Everything else is there too.


EDIT: Nevermind.. there is an option to enable it in the settings. Sorry

 Cool, let us know if you have any other question.
11 Oct 2014

Got a question.

If I'm reading a thread and want to add a new topic in that particular forum, I notice that I have to click "add topic" and then scroll down the dropdown menu to find that forum.

Is there a way in a future version for me to "add a topic in this forum" where clicking that button or link preselects the current forum they are in? In this way I can just enter a title & text.

Several of my members have emailed me and asked for this feature.


15 Oct 2014

Launch3 you have a great point, that needs to be fixed ASAP..

15 Oct 2014

 We've added the following feature request to our development list for the next PKForum update. --- Paul

Is there a way in a future version for me to "add a topic in this forum" where clicking that button or link preselects the current forum they are in? In this way I can just enter a title & text.
17 Oct 2014

Thanks epaulo!

The only other suggestion I have is for a home page block. Can a block be created for "Latest Forums"?

Right now on our airline forum, there are a growing number of ebola threads completely filling up the "latest forum topics" block. Members aren't seeing all the other recent threads and topics from other forums.

Having the latest forums listed (example: 10 forums with the most recent posts/topics) would be awesome.

17 Oct 2014

Sure, for our next update, we'll consider adding an option for a site homepage block that lists recently-active forums.

Paul :-)
17 Oct 2014

Question regarding PKforum and other modules.

Many other modules have there own forum link built in (3rd party modules mostly) - normally when installing, a line has to be added to htaccess to include the forum link.

I would like to know if this is something that can be included in PK?

Otherwise at the moment, to use the forum feature in other modules, we have to have both Orca and PK installed.


Would this be something that would need to be changed just in PK, or is this forum into module inclusion something that is done within individual modules?



7 Nov 2014

having looked at this, there is an 'integration' folder in Boonex - Forums, 

I guess we would need this also included in PK module.


Would be great if this was on next update, as it would then mean we can completely replace Orca with PK when using other modules forums...

7 Nov 2014

I have a request for a future feature:


Is it possible to incorporate Roles the more a person posts? For example (I'm just making up names):


1-50 posts = Newbie

51-200 posts = Contributor

201-500 posts = KingContributor

501-1500 = SuperContributor

etc, etc..

Nothing to see here
11 Nov 2014

Dolphinhelp don't answer for 5 days. I wrote my problem at my site with PKForum, they asked some details. I answered  and they are silent now. 

12 Nov 2014


I have a request for a future feature:

Is it possible to incorporate Roles the more a person posts? For example (I'm just making up names):

1-50 posts = Newbie

51-200 posts = Contributor

201-500 posts = KingContributor

501-1500 = SuperContributor

etc, etc..

 Will be added in next major update.
12 Nov 2014


Dolphinhelp don't answer for 5 days. I wrote my problem at my site with PKForum, they asked some details. I answered  and they are silent now. 

12 Nov 2014


i wrote this message on 8 september but if I am not mistaken this isn't fix yet, son here a copy/paste:

after your message at boonex, I send you a list of "words" that it is not yet possible to translate thrue "language key":
1. Home: URL:
- The "SUBMIT" button for search
- the words "topics" and "post" where it show the number of topics and post
2. In the search form: URL:
- "Search Type"
- Post and topics (as choice for _dh_pkforum_search_display_as)
- Search" Button
Thank you in advance.
13 Nov 2014

 we know, and it will be released in an update.


i wrote this message on 8 september but if I am not mistaken this isn't fix yet, son here a copy/paste:

after your message at boonex, I send you a list of "words" that it is not yet possible to translate thrue "language key":
1. Home: URL:
- The "SUBMIT" button for search
- the words "topics" and "post" where it show the number of topics and post
2. In the search form: URL:
- "Search Type"
- Post and topics (as choice for _dh_pkforum_search_display_as)
- Search" Button
Thank you in advance.
14 Nov 2014

Hey there, is PKForum applies to the Group Forums as well? or just the site forum? I want to be able to moderate some of the forums within the group (but not all groups) in my site but just not sure if PKForum will give me that option. Thanks in advance! 

22 Dec 2014

Regarding... "Hey there, is PKForum applies to the Group Forums as well? or just the site forum? I want to be able to moderate some of the forums within the group (but not all groups) in my site but just not sure if PKForum will give me that option. Thanks in advance!"

No, does not apply to Group Forums in the current version... only the site forum. --- Paul
23 Dec 2014

 Is there any possibility it would be implemented to the future version?

Regarding... "Hey there, is PKForum applies to the Group Forums as well? or just the site forum? I want to be able to moderate some of the forums within the group (but not all groups) in my site but just not sure if PKForum will give me that option. Thanks in advance!"

No, does not apply to Group Forums in the current version... only the site forum. --- Paul


23 Dec 2014

 Yes... that's in our plans for early 2015 :-)

 Is there any possibility it would be implemented to the future version?

Regarding... "Hey there, is PKForum applies to the Group Forums as well? or just the site forum? I want to be able to moderate some of the forums within the group (but not all groups) in my site but just not sure if PKForum will give me that option. Thanks in advance!"

No, does not apply to Group Forums in the current version... only the site forum. --- Paul
24 Dec 2014

We will be re-doing the activation server, Its unlikely but it could go down for few hours. if you can't access your admin pkforum settings (very slim chance), just wait for few hours. Just thought I will let you know ;)
26 Jan 2015

Tried to activate PKForum rec message that "something is not working please refresh and start again"

I tried both email and PPal trans# separately, The site is a test site with .htaccess limited to my IP. I even tried removing the restriction. The site is in a subdirectory path is showing correctly in activation.

I was going to use the PKForum as a standalone so BxForum is not installed. I would like to integrate with the Groups Mod when available.

Will try reactivation tomorrow.

Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from
2 Feb 2015


Tried to activate PKForum rec message that "something is not working please refresh and start again"

I tried both email and PPal trans# separately, The site is a test site with .htaccess limited to my IP. I even tried removing the restriction. The site is in a subdirectory path is showing correctly in activation.

I was going to use the PKForum as a standalone so BxForum is not installed. I would like to integrate with the Groups Mod when available.

Will try reactivation tomorrow.

 Its fixed, you can activate now :)
4 Feb 2015

TY all is good easy process.

Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from
23 Feb 2015

Not much activity going on with this forum so I figured I would throw something at ya..


Let me set the scene here:

You have a forum category called "General Discussion"

Under that, you have a sub-category called 'Funny Stuff'


A member is reading a topic under funny stuff.. Clicks the 'Add Topic' button to add a new post in that category.. Is there a way to have forum already set to 'Funny Stuff' instead of instead of having to scroll through everything and pick 'Funny Stuff' from the list?

Nothing to see here
23 Mar 2015

Just wanted to let everybody know that my TinyMCE4 integration is now supporting PKForum too. Everyone that uses PKForum is now able to use TinyMCE4 with this really nice forum script! My integration comes with a full blown filemanager and is the most effective and cheapest integration of TinyMCE 4 for Dolphin Osho!

You can get the TinyMCE4 integration here: - your resource for Dolphin Pro
23 Mar 2015


Feature Request:

A member is reading a topic under funny stuff.. Clicks the 'Add Topic' button to add a new post in that category.. Is there a way to have forum already set to 'Funny Stuff' instead of instead of having to scroll through everything and pick 'Funny Stuff' from the list?

@Zarcon, I just confirmed with Prashank that your feature request is on the list of new features that will be included in the next update :-)
25 Mar 2015

Thanks!! Any ideas as to when the next update will be? I know there are quite a few enhancements that have been requested.

Nothing to see here
26 Mar 2015

Of course, it would be good to have forum visible for Googlebots, when your forum is closed for public.

Very important as about SEO.

26 Mar 2015


Thanks!! Any ideas as to when the next update will be? I know there are quite a few enhancements that have been requested.

 @Zarcon, I'll let Prashank answer your question since he's the lead developer :-)
26 Mar 2015


Of course, it would be good to have forum visible for Googlebots, when your forum is closed for public.

Very important as about SEO.

 @accept, just to be sure that I understand what you're suggesting... do you want Google to be able to catalog information posted in private forums?  That doesn't seem right to me.  I imagine one of the main reasons for making a forum 'private' is to keep the post content hidden from the public.  It sounds like you want a "semi-private" option in which Google would (somehow) be allowed to catalog semi-private post info for their search engine... but site visitors would need to create a site account in order to view the info.  Does Google allow for such a situation?  I can't imagine they would... unless they made money by allowing it.  And does any forum module/package have a "semi-private" option? 

Or maybe I totally misunderstood your comment and need further explanation ;-)
26 Mar 2015

You have understood me veryVery well. This is very wide, popular SEO technique: I give an access for Googlebots  to topics and some texts in posts ( about 100-140 letters), but I do not give an access to users even, names.

That is why such situation is much friendly for SEO.

26 Mar 2015



Thanks!! Any ideas as to when the next update will be? I know there are quite a few enhancements that have been requested.

 @Zarcon, I'll let Prashank answer your question since he's the lead developer :-) month maybe

so much to do....
27 Mar 2015
27 Mar 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.