Page Builder : Column 1 is 100% and cannot change

Dolphin 7.2.1

Admin > Builders > Page Builder


I am looking at a modzzz module and I see 3 columns.

Column 1 (100%)

Column 3 (50%)
Column 4 (50%)


NOTE: I don't see Column 2.


I only want 2 columns side by side.

So I moved all blocks in Column 4 to Column 3 and then deleted Column 4.


Amazingly now I see 2 columns.

Column 1 (100%)

Column 1 (100%)


NOTE: Both are called Column 1 and are 100%.


What I wanted was this.

Column 1 (70%)

Column 2 (30%)

I can drag the slider the change the width of Column 2, but Column 1 stays at 100%
How do I change/reduce the width of Column 1 from 100% to 70%?
Block-100-Issue.jpg · 73.3K · 174 views
Quote · 4 Nov 2015

So what I have discovered on my own site is that the default 100% column 1 is always there and isn't resizable.  This however is no big deal.  All you have to do is create two of your own columns.  So in total you will have 3.  The one that you can not resize and the two that you create.  All you have to do is remove everything from the column 1 that you can not resize and will will not appear.  Then just drag you column width slider until you have your other two columns the way you need.

Quote · 4 Nov 2015

That did the trick...

Thanks 'myhuntprofile'.

Quote · 9 Nov 2015
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