Page Title

I set up to let's say .......$site['title']             = 'XYZ';


Google finds my when submitting XYZ on page (lets say page 5)


On Google search result page 1-4 there is a lot of XYZ with <title>Bla. Bla. Bla. XYZ</title>


If I could change the files -


ads <title>Classifieds Advertisements field</title> to <title>Classifieds Advertisements field XYZ</title>




articles <title>XYZ Articles</title> to <title>Articles XYZ</title>




blogs <title>Blogs</title> to <title>Blogs XYZ</title>




boards <title>XYZ Member Login</title> to <title>1 XYZ Member Login</title>




orca <title>Orca :: Interactive Forum Script</title> to <title>XYZ Forum</title>


I would get better search status and i could also choose more easily where the site should appear at Google search.


I can't find where those files are. They might be in some sort of array whom is hidden.


Is there any way to perform this <title>change</title>?

Quote · 25 Aug 2008

Admin > settings > Languages Settings > Search for strings > look for: _H

Then in the search results, look under the category column for Page titles.

There should be two listings for each Page title:

The _H is the title that shows in the information bar at the top of the browser
The _H1 is the title that shows under the navigation bar

If you want to show the site title (XYZ your example) in either one, add {0} to the string
{0} Articles  = XYZ Articles
Articles {0}  = Articles XYZ

You can use HTML directly in the strings if you don't want to bother with the CSS  ..... 

Quote · 26 Aug 2008

How to find file - blogs <title>Blogs</title> and change it to <title>Blogs XYZ</title> ?


That can't be done with the same search option.

Quote · 27 Aug 2008

Same way Sweety  ..... 

Admin > settings > Languages Settings > Search for strings > look for: blog (or any others)

Then in the search results, look under the category column for Page titles.

Quote · 27 Aug 2008

I might be blind. But when searching for the string '_H' the result does no show Blogs page title.

The code <title>Blogs</title> is in blogs.

Quote · 27 Aug 2008

Check again for blog instead of _H  (or any others)

Quote · 27 Aug 2008

This is a great suggestion. But I cannot find the _H for Orca. I want to be able to get rid of the browser title :: Orca Forum and replace it with something more meaningfull for SEO.


When i did the search I could not find the ones for Orca



Quote · 8 Nov 2008

Orca have it's own language file

it is located in /orca/xml/langs/en.php

After editing - you will need to recompile language file in admin area of Orca



Quote · 10 Nov 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.