Hi All
I have a problem with the pages in Groups/Orca - In the following group http://clubbeyourself.com/groups/orca/forum/Gay-and-Out-Celebrities-and-Public-Figures-0.htm
I have 3 pages of topics (59 topics in total) thus far. When clicking on the page numbers down the bottom, it brings up the message Loading forum topics, but does not load but the URL address becomes http://clubbeyourself.com/groups/orca/forum/Gay-and-Out-Celebrities-and-Public-Figures-0.htm#forum/Gay-and-Out-Celebrities-and-Public-Figures-@start.htm
Can anyone help with this, Please?
addit to this post: Also the Forums Spy (a real-time view of activity) section of these pages is not working either.
clubbeyourself |
clubbeyourself |
Thanks Sammie, A few of us are looking further into this.
clubbeyourself |
Try to get latests Orca from 6.1.4
Before yes, we had such trouble, but it was fixed. And in 6.1.4 normal version, recheck here:
Hi everyone, I still have not solved this one, Has anyone any fresh ideas? Oh and am running latest orca from dolphin 6.1.4
Andrey I was not sure what you meant by, the recheck here... I went there and am not sure what I should see
clubbeyourself |
I`m just offer to get orca from fresh 6.1.4 and recompile it (just for test) |
I am bringing this topic to the top again as I have tested this problem on an upgraded skite from 6.1.3 to 6.1.4 and a fresh install of 6.1.4 but this issue still presents itself. the site with fresh install is http://thebestofonline.com/dolphin testing username: tester / password: tester Log in and have a look and see if anyone has a solution for this.
clubbeyourself |
Has anyone else come across this problem. I can't be the only one, considering it has happened on testing sites as well as my active site. Seems to be a deeper problem, I am curious if anyone else has this problem also.
clubbeyourself |
Hi everyone, Ok maybe no-one has a fix for this at the moment, BUT, does anyone else have this same problem, as I have said I have tested this issue on a fresh new install of dolphin and it exists as well as tested on upgraded versions, So now I am curious if anyone else is experiencing this problem. the site with fresh install is http://thebestofonline.com/dolphin testing username: tester / password: tester
clubbeyourself |
works fine here....http://darrenpowless.com/aaa/orca/#forum/test-paginatin-0.htm
fcompare forum.php
$p = ''; $num = $fdb->getTopicsNum($forum_id); for ($i = 0 ; $i < $num ; $i += $gConf['topics_per_page']) $p .= '<p c="' . (($start >= $i && $start < ($i + $gConf['topics_per_page'])) ? 1 : 0 ). '" start="' . $i . '">' . ($i/$gConf['topics_per_page'] + 1) . '</p>';
if ($wp) { $li = $this->_getLoginInfo ($user); return $this->addHeaderFooter ($li, "<topics><pages>$p</pages>{$x2}{$x1}{$t}</topics>"); } else { $cu = $this->getUrlsXml (); return "<root>$cu<topics><pages>$p</pages>{$x2}{$x1}{$t}</topics></root>"; } }
I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com |
Thanks for your input MrPowless, if possible can you provide me with the full path for the file I should be comparing, sorry but I am not very good at all this, just learning at the moment. Thanks clubbeyourself |
Also, the problem is not with Orca (forums) it is with groups/orca (group forums)... clubbeyourself |
they both work overwrite and be done with it lol I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com |
invite me over! somethings ami
what I would like to know is why these posts keep chopping off part of my sentences!
oh also I overwrite with the same WORKING orca folder......then work out the kinks
save config.php
theres a dot or two u'll need
I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com |
Thanks MrPowless for your input on this, Much appreciated. clubbeyourself |