Can someone please tell me some other site to go to find people that will do work for you $. Ive advertised in the jobs here but looks like there is not many people willing too take on jobs. I wont be buying anymore mods there is no point to spending money if you cant get help on your site, so i guess everyone loses..if people cant get help.
Thank you
I've tested what you posted in the jobs section on 4 different browses and both issues work fine for me...
Are you still have the same issues ? - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
If you post a job on Saturday, you will not normally get a lot of responses by Sunday morning as many programmers tend to spend time on the weekend with family etc. and are not very focused on seeking out jobs. Regarding your site issues, I have sent you a PM. Paypal email is - |
Thank you Jay and Modzzz. The members thing is working after not for several days even the members complained. That when tested just now seems to be working again. The mail is still not working and members are still concerned and dont log in or come back.
Thank you appreciate the response
Well at this point i would say its down to the server or hosting provider... If no code has changed since i was in there then, there is no reason for it not to work other then hosting or server issues. - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
I wont be buying anymore mods there is no point to spending money if you cant get help on your site, so i guess everyone loses..if people cant get help.
You know, I can understand being frustrated when things are not fixed as quickly as you would like, however to come here and make COMPLETELY bogus statements, makes others want to help you even less.
You imply in this message that there is no point spending money in the store because others are not helping you get your site working..... only.... that's insulting to everyone who has taken the time out to help you.
You have thanked me over and over for helping you while I am active. I can show you post after post if you can't remember. So to come here and post a topic ignoring all help you have received from myself and others and instead whining no one helps you, is a bit frustrating.
So if you want to go hire someone to work on your site for you, I say, go for it and don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way, but I have no intent to continue to help someone that doesn't feel they are being helped in the first place.
To answer your question and Elance has more professional people than Freelancer but if you need it done cheap go to Freelancer. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |