When I try to buy something from the store on my site it happen this. Successfully add purchases in my card , then go into cart section and pres "checkout" button, then sign in in paypal form and successfully perform a transaction. After that pres the "Return to merchant" button and here is the error in my database.
Database query error
INSERT INTO `bx_store_customer` SET `file_id` = '4', `client_id` = '2', `order_id` = 'JP491S1ZC46XLUF6', `count` = '1', `date` = '1256593219'
INSERT INTO `bx_store_customer` SET `file_id` = '4', `client_id` = '2', `order_id` = 'JP491S1ZC46XLUF6', `count` = '1', `date` = '1256593219'
Mysql error:
Table 'XXXXXX_mfdatabase.bx_store_customer' doesn't exist
Table 'XXXXXX_mfdatabase.bx_store_customer' doesn't exist