People sorting

I was wondering if on the people page, where users are listed, if it is possible to add a sort field to sort the users in alphabetical order, and if so how to do it if it is possible.


Thank you and sorry if this has been asked before.

Quote · 21 Nov 2016

You need to edit templates/base/scripts/BxBaseBrowse.php file.

Add the following near ~701 line:

                case 'activity' :
                    $sSortParam = ' `Profiles`.`DateLastNav` DESC';
                case 'alphabetically':
                    $sSortParam = ' `Profiles`.`NickName` ASC'; // OR `Profiles`.`FirstName` ASC

Then add the following near ~804 line:

            'activity' => _t('_Latest activity'),
            'date_reg' => _t('_FieldCaption_DateReg_View'),
            'alphabetically' => _t('Alphabetically'),



Rules →
Quote · 27 Nov 2016

aha, this is good to know, but what about if wanna sort by sex (online females first) and order search results randomly after every page refresh? 


You need to edit templates/base/scripts/BxBaseBrowse.php file.

Add the following near ~701 line:

                case 'activity' :
                    $sSortParam = ' `Profiles`.`DateLastNav` DESC';
                case 'alphabetically':
                    $sSortParam = ' `Profiles`.`NickName` ASC'; // OR `Profiles`.`FirstName` ASC

Then add the following near ~804 line:

            'activity' => _t('_Latest activity'),
            'date_reg' => _t('_FieldCaption_DateReg_View'),
            'alphabetically' => _t('Alphabetically'),




Quote · 5 Feb 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.