Pets Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the Support forum for the Pets mod.

Paypal email is -
18 Dec 2010

Version 1.0.4 released. (See patches/version_1.0.4 folder in zip file)

Apply patch if your mod version is less than 1.0.4

This patch adds the following functionality :

1) Adds forum section

2) Adds Embed Video feature

Paypal email is -
18 Dec 2010

Version 1.0.5 released.

Fixes problem with featuring/deleting entries.

Clients can download the mod and check the patches/version_1.0.5 folder for instructions

Paypal email is -
3 Jan 2011

Version 2.0.0 released.

Adds missing admin interface to manage Categories

Clients can download the mod and check the patches/version_2.0.0 folder for instructions

Paypal email is -
25 Jan 2011

IS there a way to search for pets up for adoption according to zip code?  For example, to look for pets up for adoption within 50 miles of zip code 91354.   Thanks

20 Feb 2011

There is no zip code search built in the mod.

IS there a way to search for pets up for adoption according to zip code?  For example, to look for pets up for adoption within 50 miles of zip code 91354.   Thanks


Paypal email is -
20 Feb 2011

Patch 2.0.1 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.1 folder in zip file)

Fixes warning messages shown when viewing Pets Categories page

Paypal email is -
25 Feb 2011

Patch 2.0.2 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.2 folder in zip file)

Adds My Pets block to Member Account page.

Adds missing subscription email template for Pets.

Paypal email is -
17 Jul 2011

Version 2.0.3 released. (See patches/version_2.0.3 folder in zip file)

Fixes issue with dates (date of birth and lost date). The date selector has been replaced with drop down boxes to select day,month and year.

Paypal email is -
24 Jul 2011

Patch 2.0.4 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.4 folder in zip file)

The search functionality is enhanced.

Paypal email is -
12 Aug 2011

Patch 2.0.5 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.5 folder in zip file)

Updated for Dolphin 7.0.7 compatibility

Paypal email is -
24 Aug 2011

Patch 2.0.6 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.6 folder in zip file)

Adds the ability to embed multiple Youtube Videos. 

Paypal email is -
12 Dec 2011

how can I reduce the picture size on view pet profile ?


also how can I add 'Pet Profile' before the page title ?


thanks in advance -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
8 Mar 2012

    To modify the Page title :

    In  modules\modzzz\pets\classes\BxPetsModule.php

    Find :

    function actionView ($sUri) {

        parent::_actionView ($sUri, _t('_modzzz_pets_msg_pending_approval'));


    Replace with :


     function actionView ($sUri) {

        $this->_actionView ($sUri, _t('_modzzz_pets_msg_pending_approval'));



    function _actionView ($sUri, $sMsgPendingApproval) {


        if (!($aDataEntry = $this->_preProductTabs($sUri)))





        bx_import ('PageView', $this->_aModule);

        $sClass = $this->_aModule['class_prefix'] . 'PageView';

        $oPage = new $sClass ($this, $aDataEntry);


        if ($aDataEntry[$this->_oDb->_sFieldStatus] == 'pending') {

            $aVars = array ('msg' => $sMsgPendingApproval); // this product is pending approval, please wait until it will be activated

            echo $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName ('pending_approval_plank', $aVars);



        echo $oPage->getCode();


        bx_import('Cmts', $this->_aModule);

        $sClass = $this->_aModule['class_prefix'] . 'Cmts';

        $oCmts = new $sClass ($this->_sPrefix, 0);


        $this->_oTemplate->setPageDescription (substr(strip_tags($aDataEntry[$this->_oDb->_sFieldDescription]), 0, 255));

        $this->_oTemplate->addPageKeywords ($aDataEntry[$this->_oDb->_sFieldTags]);


        $this->_oTemplate->addCss ('view.css');

        $this->_oTemplate->addCss ('main.css');

        $this->_oTemplate->addCss ('entry_view.css');

        $this->_oTemplate->addCss ('unit_fan.css');

        $this->_oTemplate->pageCode('Pet Profile - '.$aDataEntry[$this->_oDb->_sFieldTitle], false, false);


        bx_import ('BxDolViews');

        new BxDolViews($this->_sPrefix, $aDataEntry[$this->_oDb->_sFieldId]);



    For Photo size modification you will have to get that done as a custom job.


how can I reduce the picture size on view pet profile ?


also how can I add 'Pet Profile' before the page title ?


thanks in advance


Paypal email is -
17 Mar 2012

How do I install this? Sorry if I seem stupid I have only ever used wordpress before and I couldn't find any install info for Pets

20 Mar 2012

I sent you a PM. The mod has a readme.txt file with full installation instructions. I can also install it for Free if you need me to.

How do I install this? Sorry if I seem stupid I have only ever used wordpress before and I couldn't find any install info for Pets


Paypal email is -
20 Mar 2012
Hello, Modzzz Thanks this mod, it works nice. I have two questions, the first is the most important feature for me: - I want to add the "pet search" block to the homepage, there is there a way to do this simply? - A nice feature would also be able to have a block "top rated pet female" "top rated pet male" on the homepage and on the home pet too. Thanks, Have a good day. S.C
4 Apr 2012

 I have sent you a PM with quote for the customization.

Hello, Modzzz Thanks this mod, it works nice. I have two questions, the first is the most important feature for me: - I want to add the "pet search" block to the homepage, there is there a way to do this simply? - A nice feature would also be able to have a block "top rated pet female" "top rated pet male" on the homepage and on the home pet too. Thanks, Have a good day. S.C


Paypal email is -
11 Apr 2012

Is it possible??

- if an user does not upload a pets foto to copy the default pic from the petsmodule into the photoalbum on the pets page in order to show a default image to the users??


Maybe, are some updates available?

Thank You

17 May 2012

Modzzz do you reiceve my emails???!

29 Jun 2012

In regards to the "Subscribe" action button on the view pet page.

When you subscribe to a pet.... what does this actually do?

20 Sep 2012

The subscribed member will be notified when :

a) A comment is posted

b) The item is rated

c) The item is updated

In regards to the "Subscribe" action button on the view pet page.

When you subscribe to a pet.... what does this actually do?


Paypal email is -
21 Sep 2012

No patch since December 2011? Smile

This mod is going to be integrated with EVO Wall, right?

7 Oct 2012

What functionality of the mod are you awaiting a patch for ?

I have just been informed that it has been integrated in EVO Wall.

No patch since December 2011? Smile

This mod is going to be integrated with EVO Wall, right?


Paypal email is -
7 Oct 2012

Lol, it just seemed like a long time without any errors or bugs... Smile

By the way, something like pet competition - would it be possible to get it inside the mod? Smile

8 Oct 2012

There are plans to develop Pets as a full-scale site (meaning the entire dolphin site will have Pets as theme). That product will have a Competition feature, however there are no plans to include a contest feature in this add-on mod.

Lol, it just seemed like a long time without any errors or bugs... Smile

By the way, something like pet competition - would it be possible to get it inside the mod? Smile


Paypal email is -
9 Oct 2012

When would be this babie come to the life? Smile


There are plans to develop Pets as a full-scale site (meaning the entire dolphin site will have Pets as theme). That product will have a Competition feature, however there are no plans to include a contest feature in this add-on mod.

Lol, it just seemed like a long time without any errors or bugs... Smile

By the way, something like pet competition - would it be possible to get it inside the mod? Smile



10 Oct 2012

I cannot pinpoint a time at this moment. This is one of several mods planned for this kind of extension. Business Directory module will be the first one targeted.

When would be this babie come to the life? Smile


There are plans to develop Pets as a full-scale site (meaning the entire dolphin site will have Pets as theme). That product will have a Competition feature, however there are no plans to include a contest feature in this add-on mod.

Lol, it just seemed like a long time without any errors or bugs... Smile

By the way, something like pet competition - would it be possible to get it inside the mod? Smile




Paypal email is -
10 Oct 2012

IlBelloDelWEB has reported that this module is now compatible with his EVO Wall - Advanced News Feed module.

Paypal email is -
1 Nov 2012

Patch 2.0.7 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.7 folder in zip file)

Fixes issue with loading of breeds when permalinks is turned off.

Paypal email is -
24 Nov 2012

This mod is now updated for Dolphin 7.1

Paypal email is -
24 Nov 2012

Hi! I get error reports from my users when they try to edit the pet profile:

Fatal error: Call to a member function youtubeId() on a non-object in /home/mydir/public_html/modules/modzzz/pets/classes/BxPetsFormAdd.php on line 806

The error disappears when the youtube video is removed from the pet profile. is this fixed in V2.0.7?

I'm using the 2.0.6 version at the moment

11 Jan 2013

 Upgrade to the latest version of the mod.

Hi! I get error reports from my users when they try to edit the pet profile:

Fatal error: Call to a member function youtubeId() on a non-object in /home/mydir/public_html/modules/modzzz/pets/classes/BxPetsFormAdd.php on line 806

The error disappears when the youtube video is removed from the pet profile. is this fixed in V2.0.7?

I'm using the 2.0.6 version at the moment


Paypal email is -
11 Jan 2013

Broken link when clicking on pet image is fixed (plus a few other minor things)

Download the mod again and re-upload all files then clear cache.

Paypal email is -
12 Jul 2013

 any news of this?

There are plans to develop Pets as a full-scale site (meaning the entire dolphin site will have Pets as theme). That product will have a Competition feature, however there are no plans to include a contest feature in this add-on mod.


1. can Pets module be integrated on World Map?

2. it's necessary that we can searching for adoptable pets according to zip code (within the distance)

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
9 Aug 2013

Pets Site (full scale) is not done yet.

Integration with world maps is now available.

 any news of this?

There are plans to develop Pets as a full-scale site (meaning the entire dolphin site will have Pets as theme). That product will have a Competition feature, however there are no plans to include a contest feature in this add-on mod.


1. can Pets module be integrated on World Map?

2. it's necessary that we can searching for adoptable pets according to zip code (within the distance)


Paypal email is -
17 Aug 2013

Patch 2.0.8 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.8 folder in zip file)

Added Location (with Map View) to Pets.

Paypal email is -
17 Aug 2013

How can I change the Outline icon (see the attachment) and put something like a paw?

EasyCapture1.jpg · 20.5K · 467 views
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
18 Aug 2013

 For the icons that are displayed in the timeline, Dolphin uses the font awesome icon set found at . You will have to chose from one of those available icons. Presently Dolphin uses version 3.0 so any icons added after that will not work.

See code change below needed to update the Icon displayed for the Pets module :

In modules/modzzz/pets/classes/BxPetsModule.php

Find the line :

    return parent::_serviceGetWallPostOutline($aEvent, 'off', $aParams);

In the line above, replace 'off' with whatever icon name you desire.

How can I change the Outline icon (see the attachment) and put something like a paw?


Paypal email is -
20 Aug 2013

Thanks modzzz! What about the other icons? Like on submenus ecc, where can we change that?

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
20 Aug 2013

If you want to replace the icon throughout the mod, it's best to get that done before install.There are several references to the icon stored in both files and various tables in the database.

Thanks modzzz! What about the other icons? Like on submenus ecc, where can we change that?


Paypal email is -
20 Aug 2013

now I see that there isn't an icon in font-awesome that can represent a pet, so I must persuade them to insert a paw icon. When I convince them, you modzzz can update your module with the new! ;)

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
20 Aug 2013


now I see that there isn't an icon in font-awesome that can represent a pet, so I must persuade them to insert a paw icon. When I convince them, you modzzz can update your module with the new! ;)


Paypal email is -
20 Aug 2013

I hope soon thei implement the icon, but need your help, if someone sign up to Github and make a +1 like this md says we have a chance. I paste you his message:

Ciao @shiverstudio, sorry for the late reply but as you can see this is a long one :)

The proper request for icon-pet is #957, please +1 that one, I did the same

If we sort icons by number of requests, we have (this priority list)[]

Unfortunately there are ~36 new icons that Dave needs to create for pairing with Glyphicons.

FA releases are focused on few topics, e.g: 3.0.0 was focused on pixel perfection at 14px, 3.2.0 was focused brands and currencies. I suppose (but I'm not 100% sure, I don't know exactly Dave's plans) that 4.0.0 will be focused on BS 3.0, performance + adding icons assigned to the (4.0.0 milestone)[]

So... I don't know if and when this icon will be implemented

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
23 Aug 2013

Improvements have been made to the Categories => Breed functionality. Re-upload files and clear cache.

Paypal email is -
28 Oct 2013

Hello Modzzz,

My pet profiles module stopped working.  I upgrade and ran the sqlupgrade script.  It executed witout error.  However, I now get a database querry error when viewing any profile.

dophin 7.1.4 and your latest mod.

19 Nov 2013

You most likely did not apply one of the patches. You would have received details of the error in your bug report email. Forward that error message to my support email.

Hello Modzzz,

My pet profiles module stopped working.  I upgrade and ran the sqlupgrade script.  It executed witout error.  However, I now get a database querry error when viewing any profile.

dophin 7.1.4 and your latest mod.


Paypal email is -
19 Nov 2013

Very nice module, but pets also have its life and plenty of activities to share. Can you please into this module also implement news feature, such as in your Pages module or Premium Groups?

6 Jan 2014

 Your suggestion has been noted.

Very nice module, but pets also have its life and plenty of activities to share. Can you please into this module also implement news feature, such as in your Pages module or Premium Groups?


Paypal email is -
6 Jan 2014

Love this mod :)

My daughter just added her first pet and she was super annoyed.  We don't need the sections "Where I live," "Lost Notice (for lost pets)," or "Vet Clinic" (in the pet info section).

How do I remove these?

I also have concerns about privacy... why would you want to tell anyone where the pet lives, including a street view?  I know this is optional, I just don't see why it's even included.


25 Mar 2014
6 Apr 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.