Ok. I think I like it that way. I've decided I don't want them to create new albums from that page.
I want to rename the button from 'Upload' to 'Quick Upload'
I then want to remove the 'create new album' choice from the bottom of the list altogether. How would I do that?
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
I have to go back though my code. I already know i missed the code that is in the ticket which i did not include in my writeup. I must have also missed something else.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
First try changing all of the 9999999999 to just 99999
Some servers may not be able to handle numbers as large as what i first used.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
I found an easy fix. Just changed _sys_album_create_new language key. By removing the text 'Create New Album" and leaving it blank, it just looks like an empty line in the drop down.
Problem solved. I don't really want them creating a new album there anyway
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
First try changing all of the 9999999999 to just 99999
Some servers may not be able to handle numbers as large as what i first used.
I'll go ahead and change this as well just for shi_s and giggles...
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
I made the 99999999 change, still same result. That's ok though. I don;t want them to create a new album.
Although it might be a good idea to make the proper code changes to achieve that instead of relying on something that's broke to remain broke... lol
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Ok. I did miss a couple of items, so here it is again including what i missed.
Edit inc/classes/BxDolFilesModule
Look for this section starting at about line 813
function actionUpload($sAction = '') { $sOwnerNick = getUsername($this->_iProfileId); $sOwnerAlbum = str_replace('{nickname}', $sOwnerNick, $this->_oConfig->getGlParam('profile_album_name')); if (!empty($sAction)) { $aRes = array('status' => 'Fail', 'error_msg' => _t('_sys_txt_sbs_error_occured')); $iAlbumId = (int)$_GET['album']; if (!$iAlbumId) {
Change line 820 from this
if (!$iAlbumId) {
to this
if ($iAlbumId == 99999) { // Deano. Changed from !$iAlbumId to $iAlbumId == 99999
Now go down to about line 858. Look for this code.
$aAlbumsList = $this->oAlbums->getAlbumList($aAlbumParams);
Change it to this.
$aAlbumsList = $this->oAlbums->getAlbumList($aAlbumParams, 1, $iAlbumsCount); // Deano Add , 1, $iAlbumsCount
Now go down a few lines to about line 873 and look for this.
$sCode = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->transBox($sCode, TRUE);
Insert this directly above that line.
// Deano Mod Start $sScript = " <script> var oTitle = $('tr:has(input[name=title]):last'); var oPrivacy = $('tr:has(select[name=AllowAlbumView]):last'); oTitle.hide(); oPrivacy.hide(); </script> "; $sCode = $sCode . $sScript; // Deano Mod End
Now look for this at about line 1173
function getInstanceUploadFormArray($aAlbums, $aPrivFieldView, $sAlbumsCaption = false, $sAlbumTitleCaption = false, $sCreateNewAlbumCaption = false) { $aAlbums[0] = $sCreateNewAlbumCaption ? $sCreateNewAlbumCaption : _t('_sys_album_create_new');
Change this line
$aAlbums[0] = $sCreateNewAlbumCaption ? $sCreateNewAlbumCaption : _t('_sys_album_create_new');
To this.
// Deano Mod Start - Change 0 to 99999 $aAlbums[99999] = $sCreateNewAlbumCaption ? $sCreateNewAlbumCaption : _t('_sys_album_create_new'); // Deano Mod End
Then a few lines down at about line 1204 look for this.
'value' => $this->getInstanceUploadAlbumTempName($aAlbums),
And change to this.
'value' => '',
Thats it for inc/classes/BxDolFilesModule save it.
Now open inc/js/albums.js
Look for this at about line 5
if (iValue != 0) {
Change to this.
if (iValue != 99999) {
Look for this at about line 22
function submit_quick_upload_form(sUrl, sFields) {
Add this directly under it.
// Deano. Code Start aFields = sFields.split("&"); if(aFields[0] == 'album=99999' && aFields[1] == 'title=') { alert('Error! form field cannot be empty.'); return false; } // Deano. Code End
And that should do it. https://www.deanbassett.com |
Perfect perfect perfect! Well done my friend..... Thanks.... http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Deano, I applied your new fix on my site.
However, there still an issue with it:
When I choose Upload > Add a new folder > Key-in folder name > Continue, I'm redirected to "[myname]'s files" folder and not to the newly created folder.
Did I miss something?