Photo Gallery on Index Ratings issue.

Hello everyone,


      I was wondering if anyone knew a way I could edit the way the PHOTO GALLERY images show on my index. All I would like to do is remove the stars ratings from the PHOTO GALLERY images on my INDEX only.


I do not wish to remove ratings from the PHOTO GALLERY images all together.


I tried editing in certain areas but could not seem to much more than edit the size of the table in the .css. I tried removing the entire .css call for that function and it was still there but without the .css code I removed it showed up still but all distorted.


The site itself works fine, but since I show so many PHOTO GALLERY images on my Index I need them removed if possible.


Any insight would be appreciated,




Quote · 30 Oct 2008

I don't have any sites with this on the index page at the moment. I am guessing you mean the leaders stars on the index page. You just want to hide or remove the stars from displaying on the homepage for leaders?

I would have a look at this file:

Probably a good start would be to look for this area of that file:
* Top Rated Profiles block (Leaders)
function getBlockCode_Leaders() {
global $site;
global $max_voting_mark;
global $index_progressbar_w;
global $getBlockCode_TopRated_db_num;
global $max_thumb_height;
global $max_thumb_width;
global $oTemplConfig;

// most rated profiles

// $rate_max = get_max_votes_profile();

$oVoting = new BxTemplVotingView ('profile', 0, 0);

More code here....

I haven't messed with leaders in a while, but maybe this will get you started.

Good Luck!!
gameutopia - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 30 Oct 2008

Great! I will check this out and reply in a few!


TY in advance!

Quote · 30 Oct 2008



   I edited the file you stated. It seemed to remove the fuctionality of the process, so I am close but the grey stars remain. I went into the index.css and removed the div also and that didn't seem to remove the grey non fuctional stars.


Any ideas on how i can get the stars out after I remove the functionality?



Quote · 30 Oct 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.