Is there anyone here who would be willing to give me a general idea of what would be required to bypass or disable the photo resizing in the data migration? I don't really want our photos resized, and our members don't either. :)
Anyone at all?
Is there anyone here who would be willing to give me a general idea of what would be required to bypass or disable the photo resizing in the data migration? I don't really want our photos resized, and our members don't either. :) Anyone at all? |
Well, would this possibly be an issue of "it's too involved for anyone to want to help out"? If so, I understand... or is it just that no one knows the script very well yet themselves? |
I enjoy this forum experience. 4/9 with one rash assumption... seriously- no hard feelings here, but it does make me appreciate our PHPmotion guys. :) |
Which images you mean? Photos of profiles of shared photos? anyway check modules\boonex\data_migration\classes\ here are classes: BxDataMigrationProfilePhotos.php BxDataMigrationSharedPhotos.php these classes migrate photos for D7 and perform necessary resizings all easy ! |
Hey Andrey, a very, very sincere thanks for your reply. I'd really like to keep all photos, shared and profile, at the original resolution and quality... no resizing whatsoever. I guess I'll dig into those classes again and see what I can make of it. Thanks again very much for replying! |