Seeking a little help with a new system... After uploading two Profile Photos without a problem, and then installing the Purchase License, New Photos are not showing in Photo Albums or for new members, etc., nor upload into the Profile photo's. They did prior to upgrading to the paid version.
AuthorsBag.com Admin photo Album (Album: One At The Top) shows on the Outline and in several other snapshot areas, but not in the Photo Albums and Omenicus shows the uploaded photos, but no longer appearing in the albums or Profile Photos.
Thank you
Ms. Robyn
Authors Bag Portal is a Crowd Sourcing Collaboration (CSC) |
My guess is the privacy set; are you using the Public privacy group on your site? Geeks, making the world a better place |
It is not a license issue, the license just turns off the attribution on the site. Geeks, making the world a better place |
The photos are showing to me as a guest to your site so that leads me to believe it might be the Public privacy group bug. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Thank you for trying to assist. It doesn't seem to have any real support for this product.
But I can't see the 3 missing photos even as Admin. I can see them in the Timeline or Outline but not in the actual photo albums or Profile Photo of Omenicus, which is the Non-Admin member test area.
I looked in the Privacy Group Settings and don't know what could possibly interfere with the photos showing up in the Albums or Profiles on Non-Admins. Al Kadir and Admin are both admins. Can't figure out why members cannot?
Thank you again for taking time to help. I really don't know where to go from here.
Ms. Robyn
Authors Bag Portal is a Crowd Sourcing Collaboration (CSC) |
Send me a PM giving me an admin access to the site and I will take a look at the settings. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Notice to anyone else coming into the thread. I checked the site and there are issues with it, my opinion is a reinstallation is probably in order. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Hi Geek Girl,
Yes, I think that reinstall is best to do now. Sooner then when I start repopulating it.
Thank you again.
Authors Bag Portal is a Crowd Sourcing Collaboration (CSC) |
Hi Geek Girl,
Yes, I think that reinstall is best to do now. Sooner then when I start repopulating it.
Thank you again.
For Dolphin, don't do the one click install things; best is to upload the files to the server and do a manual install. If you think you need help with this, let me know.
Geeks, making the world a better place |