Placeholder in forms

How would I go about putting placeholders in the join form? I found a post that shows how to add it the login form  but I don't know where to locate the codes for the join form.

Quote · 18 Mar 2015


How would I go about putting placeholders in the join form? I found a post that shows how to add it the login form  but I don't know where to locate the codes for the join form.

Join form the same as the other profile related forms is automatically generated using fields builder. So, you need to modify the code which is used in the process. Try to edit inc/classes/BxDolProfileFields.php file and find getFormJoin function in it. Then you need to find the following code in the function

$aInputs[] = $this->convertJoinField2Input($aItem, $aInputParams, 0);

and replace it with this one 

//--- AQB Soft: Placeholders in Join Form ---//
$aInput = $this->convertJoinField2Input($aItem, $aInputParams, 0);
$aPlaceholder = array('placeholder' => $aInput['caption']);
$aInput['attrs'] = $aPlaceholder;
$aInput['attrs'] = array_merge($aInput['attrs'], $aPlaceholder);
$aInputs[] = $aInput;
//--- AQB Soft: Placeholders in Join Form ---//

It will use field's caption as placeholder.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 18 Mar 2015

Thanks AntonLV. That worked with the exception of the Confirm Password. It's still blank.

Quote · 18 Mar 2015

Ok. Got it

Had to find this: $aInputs[] = $this->convertJoinField2Input($aItem_confirm, $aInputParams, 0);


Change To: $aInput = $this->convertJoinField2Input($aItem_confirm, $aInputParams, 0);

$aPlaceholder = array('placeholder' => $aInput['caption']);


$aInput['attrs'] = $aPlaceholder;


$aInput['attrs'] = array_merge($aInput['attrs'], $aPlaceholder);

$aInputs[] = $aInput;

//--- AQB Soft: Placeholders in Join Form ---//


Thanks you again for the help.

Quote · 19 Mar 2015


Ok. Got it
Had to find this: $aInputs[] = $this->convertJoinField2Input($aItem_confirm, $aInputParams, 0);
Change To: $aInput = $this->convertJoinField2Input($aItem_confirm, $aInputParams, 0);
$aPlaceholder = array('placeholder' => $aInput['caption']);
$aInput['attrs'] = $aPlaceholder;
$aInput['attrs'] = array_merge($aInput['attrs'], $aPlaceholder);
$aInputs[] = $aInput;
//--- AQB Soft: Placeholders in Join Form ---//
Thanks you again for the help.

Ah! I didn't notice that field because it's on the next step in my dev Join form. It's great that you've found a solution!

You are welcome! :)

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 19 Mar 2015
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