One thing that Dolpin lacks and very much needs, and the majority of site owners/creators don't know how to do is the disclaimers. We spend a lot of time paying attention to the TOS and relying on it to cover our behinds when it comes to the type of media we allow members to upload and this is not always the safest route to go.
In the process of helping to do the Kids site, I'm running into issues where I'm not happy with relying on the TOS to cover me or anyone else, and I do not like the way it's been scrolled into. For this reason, I looked into how to get it directly on the upload pages and make it happen safely for the members. This is where most get lost but it's not realy hard to do at.
First, open the corresponding page in your browser and look at the url uptop. For instance, if your going to allow them to upload Video then you need to click Upload Video in your browser and it will take you to:
So log into your site and you will not this code not far down in the uploadShareVideo.php file:
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'ray/modules/movie/inc/' );
$_page['name_index'] = 82;
$_page['css_name'] = 'viewVideo.css';
The part is dark blue is extremely important, it tells you that the page will call templates/tmpl_uni/page_82.html in the process of building the page. This is going to get you out of writing php and make your life much easier. Except, Dolphin doesn't come with a templates/tmpl_uni/page_82.html So what do we do here? How about if we go ahead and create one, seems reasonable doesn't it?
Okay, to build a page_##.html for Dolphin it has to have 3 parts to it. It can have more, but at least the 3 parts. Here they are:
__include _header.html__
__include _footer.html__
So how does that make an html file? Trust me, it does. So how do we get our disclaimer in here to help protect our buts and remove the ability of any member who can read to claim they never saw this? Simple.
Insert the following line directly above __page_main_code__
<div>j<h3>You may upload Videos of your choice.</h3></div>
That will make the line large enough that everyone can see it, place it directly below your menu and directly above the area where they have to type in their information. Place a short but direct disclaimer advising them what they can not upload.
Now, save the file as page_82.html (remember, check the .php page for this information like I showed you, it is dependent upon the page your browser is calling.)
Next, just upload this page to your server at templates/tmpl_uni/ and then bring up the page on your server. You've just added the text you need to your sites Video Upload page and covered yourself as a site owner in regards to some attorney down the road claiming the client never saw it. In addition, the date you upload/last edit will remain forever on your server and if they're media went up after the date you last load/edited this page then they're claim is gone.
Now, I can't do much for the blind/deaf/mute/quadraplegic, but I'm also sure we don't have many of them on most of our sites. (I know, it's a bad joke.... Forgive me....)