Please hel #checkAction() fatal error. Unknown ac

Hi all,


I've been reading the forum for error "checkAction() fatal error. Unknown action ID: 0" however can't figure it out what is wrong.


Basically I renamed module group and all instances of "GROUPS" to festivals and now I got that error when visiting the Festivals module and also when trying to visit /member.php


Is this related to an action?


My BxFestvalsModule.php is in and member.php here



Thank you





Quote · 9 Mar 2016

It depends on how you renamed.groups.  It is possible that you did not do it properly so now the action for groups can not be found; thus the error message.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 9 Mar 2016

Indeed, slowly I am getting there I think.


In reality the renaming of the module was done by a "developer" I found here in the jobs section, and all he did was to rename every single instance inside the directory groups and on the database.

But now that I think, he did not run-ed the installation of the module so something is missing.


moving forward; Now I can visit the new module (/m/festivals/)


And when I get into a page within festivals (/m/festivals/view/pagename), I get


"Fatal error: Call to undefined method BxFestivalsDb::isFestivalAdmin() in /home/musicon/public_html/dev/modules/boonex/festivals/classes/BxFestivalsModule.php on line 832


and that line says:


"return $this->_oDb->isFestivalAdmin ($aDataEntry['id'], $iProfileId) && isProfileActive($iProfileId);"


Which makes me think that the script does not know about the existence of this new module Festivals and therefore cannot decide whether the visitor can see it or manage or neither.


I'm stuck


Any tip where I should search in?


Appreciate the help

Quote · 9 Mar 2016

there are some instances of group you cant change:


in sgl file - default_group (so look for default_festival and change back to default_group)

in Classes files - look for getFestivalChooser and change all instances back to getGroupChooser
Quote · 9 Mar 2016

ok, rolled back in the sql file.


But there is no instance of getFestivalChooser


I guess now I would have to re-install the module, correct?
And that represents lose the current pages also? 

Quote · 9 Mar 2016

Make sure you do have a bunch of getGroupChooser instances. If you look at the sql where you need to change default_festival to default_group, i am guessing you can make this change only in the database and get things working. But there may be one more variable you might need to check and change, but i have to see when i get home from work.
Quote · 9 Mar 2016

I now have the following files with getGroupChooser:




Also, I reinstalled the festival modules, all went good, then imported the old database to have the festivals pages; they show on festivals/home, but once trying to visit a page I get:



Fatal error: Call to undefined method BxFestivalsDb::isFestivalAdmin() in /home/musicon/public_html/dev/modules/boonex/festivals/classes/BxFestivalsModule.php on line 832



line 832:     return $this->_oDb->isFestivalAdmin ($aDataEntry['id'], $iProfileId) && isProfileActive($iProfileId);



What exactly do I need to change in the database?


Thank you very much

screen.png · 291.9K · 311 views
Quote · 10 Mar 2016

you may want to try deleting database tables for Festivals and reuploading and installing the Festivals module - then add a new festival as normal - dont import from your old database. Make sure that works properly first. If all that works well - then it is something in your old database table that is not correct and you will probably just have to end up adding them all over again to make sure they are good to go.
Quote · 10 Mar 2016

Thank you very much for the help 


After playing around finally the thing works:

- Removed all instances of festivals or groups from the DB

- Renamed some instances back to BxGroups_ (based on messages showing with debug enabled)

- Re-installed the new module Festivals


what still went wrong:

- Cannot import old festivals tables as it claims something related to permissions to see the festivals


Will add one by one; have like 20ish.



Again, appreciate your help.


Quote · 12 Mar 2016

here is a module i created (duplicate of the Groups module) which works flawlessly. You can check this one out and make sure your files are the same - or you can just replace all instances of Vehicles with whatever you want for a new module. This is for 7.3

modules.rar · 54.9K · 220 downloads
Quote · 12 Mar 2016

Renaming modules can be tricky; you have to understand how modules work and know how to make changes.  Case can be important in php.  If you need help with renaming a Boonex module in the future, drop me a PM.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 12 Mar 2016


here is a module i created (duplicate of the Groups module) which works flawlessly. You can check this one out and make sure your files are the same - or you can just replace all instances of Vehicles with whatever you want for a new module. This is for 7.3


Quote · 28 Mar 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.