Please help:how to change "Site Title"

I've installed Dolpion successfully.But now I want to change the "Site Title" which I was asked to put during installation.Because i find it better to put a Site Name,not a short description on "Site Title".

Could anyone please kindly tell me where to change it?I've search the forum but bo result...


Quote · 30 May 2008

inc / row 23

Quote · 30 May 2008

Thanks LHAdmin for your quick response.I tried to change that but it resulted blank home page .This time it's changed.

Thanks a lot :)

Quote · 30 May 2008

Where is this file you speak of. I cant find it anywhere

Quote · 26 Jun 2008


$site['ver']               = '6.1';
$site['build']             = '2';
$site['title']             = 'Your site title';
$site['url']               = "";

Change the title to whatever you want.

You can also change your email addresses in this file to lower down.

If you do not have then dolphin isn't installed fully. - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 27 Jun 2008

Awesome I found it, i just missed it the first time haha, stupid me..


Quote · 27 Jun 2008

Just for the record, IMHO, this should be a value set somewhere in the settings section- like every other open source program.  I've flagged this thread, but Boonex should consider adding this small feature in the next version.


Quote · 27 Jun 2008

I agree. It definately should and would make things alot easier for most. Same with changing the email in this same file. It should also be available in admin panel somewhere. It would save a lot of time, make things much eaier for most users, and it would actually help reduce the number of times this gets asked. If some people hired someone to install dolphin for them, there is the possibility that they would have no idea how to do this or what we are even referring to here. They even might be affraid to attempt it, unless it was available in the admin panel. - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 27 Jun 2008

Where is this file?  I've looked but can't see it there.

These are the only files I have in that folder:


Plus some folders and more files, but as you can see, the letter H has no files.


Quote · 12 Jan 2009


Just for the record, IMHO, this should be a value set somewhere in the settings section- like every other open source program.  I've flagged this thread, but Boonex should consider adding this small feature in the next version.




You want admin functions in Dolphin?   Have you taken leave of your senses???

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 12 Jan 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.