Please help solve this annoying, problem

can some one please talk a look at my cronjob to see if set up properly? just cant get rid of the video playback error " file not found" when i try to play the video.

/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/djkk1/public_html/

is what i got and trust me, this is not working....please going crazy!

Quote · 29 Dec 2009

Try removing the "local" and see if it works.   just use

/usr/bin/php -q /home/your server/public_html/D7/periodic/cron.php


When i say your server should be something like /usr/bin/php -q /home/dog2829/public_html/D7/


If your not sure what that is and you are using cPanel you can find it there. It is normaly issued when you signup for hosting.

Quote · 29 Dec 2009
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