Had a little nightmare that got fixed here on a Centos system that has a Plesk parallels panel 9 CP.
To fix you need root access and must get the master register globals set to off. I couldn't believe it. Please make sure your crons are running by adding a little trick in periodic/cron.php
foreach ($aJobs as $aRow)
if (checkCronJob($aRow['time']))
mail('darrenpowless@gmail.com', 'TEst Cron', 'test cron man lets see' );//make sure you change your email to yours
anyways. I would always get mails saying /ffmpeg.exe file not found so I went and made sure they were 777 and all folders were chmod correctly and as soon as I changed master register globals to off everything worked. I have Putty and root access so I go in and then do:
cd ..
cd etc
vi php.ini
push the down error...reading all the way so you know where register_globals = On is and edit to say Off
then push the esc key and type :wq to save and close....i coulda restarted there but thats more space in this post....just go to plesk panel////Home/services management/ then restart webserver.
i hope this helps someone cause it took a while to get it.