Please create separate sub-sections under Dolphin 7 like 'Security', 'Migration', 'Installation', 'Templates' etc. This was brought up before by a fellow member (Not sure the right name of the member probably houstonlively, mydatery or Zarcon) and was discussed in detail but no action was taken.
One section for everything is becoming a mess even for searching old topics.
Moreover, create STICKY posts. For example, every day 3-4 new threads come up asking the same question 'possible security attack'. If there's was a STICKY thread under the 'Security' sub-section, it would get a lot easier for new users to find resolutions for their issues.
Let's be smart and organize things better.
Thank You
Please create separate sub-sections under Dolphin 7 like 'Security', 'Migration', 'Installation', 'Templates' etc. This was brought up before by a fellow member (Not sure the right name of the member probably houstonlively, mydatery or Zarcon) and was discussed in detail but no action was taken.
One section for everything is becoming a mess even for searching old topics.
Moreover, create STICKY posts. For example, every day 3-4 new threads come up asking the same question 'possible security attack'. If there's was a STICKY thread under the 'Security' sub-section, it would get a lot easier for new users to find resolutions for their issues.
Let's be smart and organize things better.
Thank You
i suggested that long ago, guess what it was ignored.
there needs to be a better forum structure because this is getting crazy. i was looking for the post about the mass mails and have looked through a page and a half of posts on D7, and its 'hello' buried.
also need moderation so double posts and questions posted that have already been answered can be appropriately relocated.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
There needs to be a mod created for the VBulletin or other well developed forum code created for Dolphin as Orca would have to be trashed and completely rewritten to add in all the features it lacks. ... Hosted by! |
Please create separate sub-sections under Dolphin 7 like 'Security', 'Migration', 'Installation', 'Templates' etc. This was brought up before by a fellow member (Not sure the right name of the member probably houstonlively, mydatery or Zarcon) and was discussed in detail but no action was taken.
One section for everything is becoming a mess even for searching old topics.
Moreover, create STICKY posts. For example, every day 3-4 new threads come up asking the same question 'possible security attack'. If there's was a STICKY thread under the 'Security' sub-section, it would get a lot easier for new users to find resolutions for their issues.
Let's be smart and organize things better.
Thank You
i suggested that long ago, guess what it was ignored.
there needs to be a better forum structure because this is getting crazy. i was looking for the post about the mass mails and have looked through a page and a half of posts on D7, and its 'hello' buried.
also need moderation so double posts and questions posted that have already been answered can be appropriately relocated.
I don't know why such important requests are being ignored. If DosDawg and other senior members have raised this before, why no action has been taken ???? We are all trying here to help the community grow, so we want our requests to be taken into consideration.
I have a vbulletin forum site running since last 2-3 years so I won't even go comparing Ocra to Vbulletin but atleast we can make sub-sections and try to organize things and make everyone life's easier.
Even I have difficuly digging my old posts from this forum forget about new users :D
Actually, this topic has just reminded me: BoonEx said that we'd have proper integrations with third party forum software when Dolphin 7 was released. Also, what happened to Google Wave?
Seems I still can't tell the difference of when they say something will happen, and when something will not happen.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
will get all your old posts....
ofcourse there ajax sucks so you may need to copy and past that into a new browser window - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
Actually, this topic has just reminded me: BoonEx said that we'd have proper integrations with third party forum software when Dolphin 7 was released. Also, what happened to Google Wave?
Seems I still can't tell the difference of when they say something will happen, and when something will not happen.
You are correct i do remember reading that as well. Forgot all about it. - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
Now that you have asked, it will never happen Mickscool. Don't you know how things work around here? You jinxed it! |
bump it.
this needs to be read monday morning when boonex comes back to work.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |