Possible Bug with Mass Mailer

Just yesterday I was trying to help someone with a problem with the mass mailer; it seems it kept removing the start of the URL.  See this post: http://www.boonex.com/forums/?action=goto&my_threads=1#topic/Auto-correct-in-Tiny-MCE-is-driving-me-nuts-.htm

Today I receive a message from someone wanting help on the same issue.

When in preview mode, everything looks fine but after I sent notification the received notification is not OK because the photo's url is wrong.

It misses the site url:

instead of:


the address is:


Further more, if I try to modify it through HTML code editor, the site url never "stays"  after I click Update and Save.

In HTML editor I see the path as:



Since two people have experienced the same problem; I am lead to believe this is a bug with the mass mailer in some way.  In the quote above, it seems to be forcing the path to be relative which of course doesn't work if you are out in the world.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 16 Feb 2013

I have run into the same issue if you use a external network to send the message to.  IOW it appears all http calls are automatically changed to a internal call which is great for bandwidth but and however you have to change anything that is going to go outside the network.

OBTW it is a system wide change that is done...

http://www.mysiteaddress.com/users_files/uploads/users/Admin/images/photo.jpg  Http Call = bandwidth

the address is:  

http://users_files/uploads/users/Admin/images/photo.jpg Internal call is  = a server call only

Are you sure the http:// on the second is there?

Quote · 16 Feb 2013

Yep, I got annoyed with that as well

Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
Quote · 16 Feb 2013


I have run into the same issue if you use a external network to send the message to.  IOW it appears all http calls are automatically changed to a internal call which is great for bandwidth but and however you have to change anything that is going to go outside the network.

OBTW it is a system wide change that is done...

http://www.mysiteaddress.com/users_files/uploads/users/Admin/images/photo.jpg  Http Call = bandwidth

the address is:  

http://users_files/uploads/users/Admin/images/photo.jpg Internal call is  = a server call only

Are you sure the http:// on the second is there?

That was a direct quote so I have no idea.  I just repeated what was in the message to me.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 16 Feb 2013

Thank you for posting this!  Yes it's annoying as hell!!!  I searched for many different possibilities to get this work.  All this work for a silly link!   Boonex need to look at this!  

Quote · 16 Feb 2013


Are you sure the http:// on the second is there?

 Yes, I'm sure, 'couse I'm the one beeing quoted by geek_girl

This second http:// appears when I manualy change = through HTML editor:




I end up with:





"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 16 Feb 2013

If you assume it is there because you put it there you should be able to rely on it.  This reminds me of the html-purifier stuff...

Quote · 16 Feb 2013

I am not seeing a problem with autolink on the blog editor.  What and where is the TinyMCE editor for the mass mailer?  Is it hardcoded into the mass mailer?  The other question would be if this is an issue with TinyMCE, or the mass mailer? 

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 16 Feb 2013

Third report I have seen: http://www.boonex.com/forums/#topic/Broken-links-in-mass-mailer.htm

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 16 Feb 2013

 Yes it is my post. Anyway, what I did I have installed pommo mass mailer and send my newsletter from there which is quite easy.

Just export your profiles from the database with CSV. Then delete all column you don't need, in my case I just kept Nicknames and Email, add a nickname field at pommo and import your contacts.

Third report I have seen: http://www.boonex.com/forums/#topic/Broken-links-in-mass-mailer.htm


Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
Quote · 17 Feb 2013

 Well that's a coincidence. I've been working on turning Pommo into a 7.1 module for the last week!


I used to make some pretty cool stuff for 6.X but this is my first real mod using the 7.X module system so it might have a bug or two but you guys are welcome to try it out.


When someone joins they are added to the Pommo database, active if they select yes for site emails. Inactive if not. If they edit their profile the email address and notify preference is updated in Pommo too. Oh and if you delete someone it deletes them from Pommo. You're whole profile list is added to pommo on install too. The login is the same as your Dolphin admin. 



 Yes it is my post. Anyway, what I did I have installed pommo mass mailer and send my newsletter from there which is quite easy.

Just export your profiles from the database with CSV. Then delete all column you don't need, in my case I just kept Nicknames and Email, add a nickname field at pommo and import your contacts.

Third report I have seen: http://www.boonex.com/forums/#topic/Broken-links-in-mass-mailer.htm



pommomod71.zip · 1.9M · 302 downloads
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 17 Feb 2013

I'm going to give it a try :-)

Thanks :-)

I did try a couple of month ago to make this mod but I'm simply too busy with my work

Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
Quote · 17 Feb 2013

 I installed it but when I login with my ID1 which is not username admin it logs me out of the site.

my admin name is sensual4ever.

when I click on forget password it kicks me out as well and I need to login again at my dolphin site

when I login with my admin username which is ID 2256 then I have same, wherever I click on pommo it kicks me out of the site.

I can see at pommo_config at the database that the admin has same passoword as my Dolphin admin username, But each time it logs me out my site :-)

 Well that's a coincidence. I've been working on turning Pommo into a 7.1 module for the last week!


I used to make some pretty cool stuff for 6.X but this is my first real mod using the 7.X module system so it might have a bug or two but you guys are welcome to try it out.


When someone joins they are added to the Pommo database, active if they select yes for site emails. Inactive if not. If they edit their profile the email address and notify preference is updated in Pommo too. Oh and if you delete someone it deletes them from Pommo. You're whole profile list is added to pommo on install too. The login is the same as your Dolphin admin. 


Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
Quote · 17 Feb 2013

I have the same problem with broken links in the mass mailer.  Keeping an eye on this thread for a solution.  Thanks

Quote · 17 Feb 2013

Other solutions are always nice; however, if the Mass Mailer does have a bug it needs to be fixed.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 17 Feb 2013

 Definitive this needs to be fixed :-)

Other solutions are always nice; however, if the Mass Mailer does have a bug it needs to be fixed.


Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
Quote · 17 Feb 2013


I have installation without TinyMCEBrowser installed so I will try to compose new Mass mail there and I will post the findings here. So we will know who's to blame...

"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 18 Feb 2013

I've tryed from D7.1 installation where I do not have TinyMCE Browser and it works, it does not stripe out the http... part of inserted photo.

So it looks like it is TinyMCE problem and not Mass Mail problem...

"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 18 Feb 2013

Diddy here's another version.. I adjusted the dolphin admin verification and also added the nickname variable so it could be added to emails.


I might have gone over board by having it verify your logged in the Dolphin admin AND logging in Pommo but you can never be too careful :-) If it still gives you trouble I might take one out. It's working for me which is odd.


pommomod71.zip · 1.9M · 264 downloads
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 18 Feb 2013

Can not login....

"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 18 Feb 2013


I've tryed from D7.1 installation where I do not have TinyMCE Browser and it works, it does not stripe out the http... part of inserted photo.

So it looks like it is TinyMCE problem and not Mass Mail problem...

So where does the mass mailer TinyMCE come from?  I have not notice this problem when composing blog posts but will check and see.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 18 Feb 2013


I have not notice this problem when composing blog posts

 I've tested Blog and Mail compose and the inserted photo url is correct...

I don't know where to look.



"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 18 Feb 2013

 Are you logging into your Dolphin admin, then clicking "Pommo Mass Mailer" under modules and logging in Pommo with your Dolphin admin login? If you have multiple admins it would be the first one from when you installed Dolphin. 


It's odd, I just tried it with IE, Chrome and Firefox and it worked for me with all 3??


Can not login....


BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 19 Feb 2013

 hi mscott,

thanks for this mod!!! was looking for something like this for a long long long time!!!

hmm...i just have to ask...is there a version of this that could work on 7.0.9?
(really sorry, am not a 7.1 yet..or would there be any simple instructions on how to make to work with the older version?)

thanks again!!

 Are you logging into your Dolphin admin, then clicking "Pommo Mass Mailer" under modules and logging in Pommo with your Dolphin admin login? If you have multiple admins it would be the first one from when you installed Dolphin. 


It's odd, I just tried it with IE, Chrome and Firefox and it worked for me with all 3??


Can not login....



Quote · 19 Feb 2013

You're welcome. It should work with 7.0.9 also. Just open /modules/mscott/pommo/install/config.php and change line 18 to '7.0.9'


Let me know if you have trouble with logging into Pommo after installing. 


 hi mscott,

thanks for this mod!!! was looking for something like this for a long long long time!!!

hmm...i just have to ask...is there a version of this that could work on 7.0.9?
(really sorry, am not a 7.1 yet..or would there be any simple instructions on how to make to work with the older version?)

thanks again!!

 Are you logging into your Dolphin admin, then clicking "Pommo Mass Mailer" under modules and logging in Pommo with your Dolphin admin login? If you have multiple admins it would be the first one from when you installed Dolphin. 


It's odd, I just tried it with IE, Chrome and Firefox and it worked for me with all 3??


Can not login....




BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 19 Feb 2013

Thanks mscott!!

Will try it soon and update again!

You're welcome. It should work with 7.0.9 also. Just open /modules/mscott/pommo/install/config.php and change line 18 to '7.0.9'


Let me know if you have trouble with logging into Pommo after installing. 


 hi mscott,

thanks for this mod!!! was looking for something like this for a long long long time!!!

hmm...i just have to ask...is there a version of this that could work on 7.0.9?
(really sorry, am not a 7.1 yet..or would there be any simple instructions on how to make to work with the older version?)

thanks again!!

 Are you logging into your Dolphin admin, then clicking "Pommo Mass Mailer" under modules and logging in Pommo with your Dolphin admin login? If you have multiple admins it would be the first one from when you installed Dolphin. 


It's odd, I just tried it with IE, Chrome and Firefox and it worked for me with all 3??


Can not login....





Quote · 20 Feb 2013


 Are you logging into your Dolphin admin, then clicking "Pommo Mass Mailer" under modules and logging in Pommo with your Dolphin admin login? If you have multiple admins it would be the first one from when you installed Dolphin. 


It's odd, I just tried it with IE, Chrome and Firefox and it worked for me with all 3??


Can not login....


 That was the problem - not using the first admin account. After your hint and using my first Admin account I can login.

Now I have other problems....

- It would be nice to know the correct files and folders permissions - a list of files/folders maybe.

- Next, Mass Mailer / SMTP Mailer works OK on my server, but none of offered Mail Exchanger doesn't send mail (demo mode is off). I am using Exim4 as MTA (Mail Transfer Agent)

- When trying to Update Administrator email I got error: Please review and correct errors with your submission.

- When clicking on "Messages" tab nothing happend, just stays on Processing...

- Can not select to send e-mail to Moderators accounts only (possible in Mass mailer)

Things/problems go on and on...., but the most important to solve is why none of the Mail Excangers are sending mail??

If someone can help on this then we can go on to other problems I encoutered....



"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 25 Feb 2013

damn... which I hadda read through this thread before 40k emails went out...


sooo... no fix eh?

Quote · 25 Feb 2013


sooo... no fix eh?

 This thread kinda went bad, since we are not trying to solve Mass Mailer bug - which I had established that is not an Mass Mailer bug but it is TinyMCE Browser bug.

And about that...., no fix jet... no one:

- is looking for it

- can not find it...

"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 25 Feb 2013

would just editing the row in sbs_messages and insert the proper link work I wonder...

Quote · 25 Feb 2013


would just editing the row in sbs_messages and insert the proper link work I wonder...

 It won't.

I've already tryed.

I've edited the sbs_messages through phpmyadmin, but it does not stick. ??

It get striped out by something...., somewhere....

"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 25 Feb 2013

bummer... guess then the only way to do it would be to create the message, submit it.... then export the sys_sbs_queue, mass change the href link(s), save and re-insert into the queue....

Quote · 25 Feb 2013

well, maybe, but this is not the solution we are looking for, isn't it?


"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 25 Feb 2013

haha of course it isn't... :P but.. just in case you HAVE to get a message out...

Quote · 25 Feb 2013

I was hoping Alex would see this post and investigate; or put a ticket in.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 25 Feb 2013


haha of course it isn't... :P but.. just in case you HAVE to get a message out...

 I was hoping Alex would see this post and investigate; or put a ticket in. a message out...

@crack_foo: to get message out..., hm that is why I'm trying with mscott - pommo mailer module...., but I have a few problems as stated above.

@geek_girl:  I was hoping and counting on AlexT as well ( or maybe some other user who can help us)

"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 25 Feb 2013

I messaged AlexT to acknowledge this thread but maybe he's on vacation?

Quote · 27 Feb 2013


Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 28 Feb 2013

Thanks a lot AlexT!

Quote · 28 Feb 2013


It works.



"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 7 Mar 2013
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