Possible security attack - D7:

Total impact: 12
Affected tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe

Variable: REQUEST.message | Value: ok%20--%20just%20wiating%20for%20him%20to%20confirm%20his%20email
Impact: 6 | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe
Description: Detects very basic XSS probings | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe | ID: 21
Description: Detects common comment types | Tags: xss, csrf, id | ID: 35

Variable: POST.message | Value: ok%20--%20just%20wiating%20for%20him%20to%20confirm%20his%20email
Impact: 6 | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe
Description: Detects very basic XSS probings | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe | ID: 21
Description: Detects common comment types | Tags: xss, csrf, id | ID: 35

REMOTE_ADDR: 76.193.***.***
SCRIPT_FILENAME: /home/bwcluff/public_html/modules/index.php
QUERY_STRING: r=simple_messenger/get_operation/send_message/4&_r=0.24187054664582053
REQUEST_URI: /modules/?r=simple_messenger/get_operation/send_message/4&_r=0.24187054664582053
QUERY_STRING: r=simple_messenger/get_operation/send_message/4&_r=0.24187054664582053
SCRIPT_NAME: /modules/index.php
PHP_SELF: /modules/index.php

That showed up after using chat on D7

Quote · 29 Dec 2009

Go into your administrator.

Go to Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Other.

Increase values for Total security impact threshold to send report and Total security impact threshold to send report and block aggressor.

Double them from current settings and try again.

Quote · 29 Dec 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.