Posting Events Error for 6.1.6

I checked around the forums as much as i could bear and i won't be surprised if i missed a post for this, because i found simlars but they didnt work for me and i blame that on the version. here's my error message when i try to post:

Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Filename cannot be empty in /home/uknoecom/public_html/community/admin/sdating_admin.php on line 80

Database query error
INSERT INTO `SDatingEvents` SET `Title` = 'Obama in Raleigh, NC for town hall meeting', `EntryUri` = 'Obama-in-Raleigh-NC-for-town-hall-meeting', `Description` = 'fghedg', `Status` = 'Active', `StatusMessage` = 'Presidential', `Country` = 'US', `City` = 'Raleigh, NC', `Place` = 'Broughton High School', `PhotoFilename` = '', `EventStart` = FROM_UNIXTIME( 1248843600 ), `EventEnd` = FROM_UNIXTIME( 1248843600 ), `TicketSaleStart` = FROM_UNIXTIME( ), `TicketSaleEnd` = FROM_UNIXTIME( ), `ResponsibleName` = '', `ResponsibleEmail` = '', `ResponsiblePhone` = '', `EventSexFilter` = 'female,male', `EventAgeLowerFilter` = 18, `EventAgeUpperFilter` = 75, `EventMembershipFilter` = '\'all\'', `TicketCountFemale` = 0, `TicketCountMale` = 0, `TicketPriceFemale` = 0, `TicketPriceMale` = 0, `ChoosePeriod` = 5, `AllowViewParticipants` = 0
Mysql error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '), `TicketSaleEnd` = FROM_UNIXTIME( ), `ResponsibleName` = '', `' at line 13

The code:
Found error in file /home/uknoecom/public_html/community/admin/sdating_admin.php
at line 198. Called db_res function with erroneous argument #0

Debug backtrace:
[1] => Array
[file] => /home/uknoecom/public_html/community/admin/sdating_admin.php
[line] => 198
[function] => db_res
[args] => Array
[0] => INSERT INTO `SDatingEvents` SET
`Title` = 'Obama in Raleigh, NC for town hall meeting',
`EntryUri` = 'Obama-in-Raleigh-NC-for-town-hall-meeting',
`Description` = 'fghedg',
`Status` = 'Active',
`StatusMessage` = 'Presidential',
`Country` = 'US',
`City` = 'Raleigh, NC',
`Place` = 'Broughton High School',
`PhotoFilename` = '',
`EventStart` = FROM_UNIXTIME( 1248843600 ),
`EventEnd` = FROM_UNIXTIME( 1248843600 ),
`TicketSaleStart` = FROM_UNIXTIME( ),
`TicketSaleEnd` = FROM_UNIXTIME( ),
`ResponsibleName` = '',
`ResponsibleEmail` = '',
`ResponsiblePhone` = '',
`EventSexFilter` = 'female,male',
`EventAgeLowerFilter` = 18,
`EventAgeUpperFilter` = 75,
`EventMembershipFilter` = '\'all\'',
`TicketCountFemale` = 0,
`TicketCountMale` = 0,
`TicketPriceFemale` = 0,
`TicketPriceMale` = 0,
`ChoosePeriod` = 5,
`AllowViewParticipants` = 0


[2] => Array
[file] => /home/uknoecom/public_html/community/admin/sdating_admin.php
[line] => 1214
[function] => SDAddEvent
[args] => Array


Called script: /community/admin/sdating_admin.php
Request parameters:
[event_title] => Obama in Raleigh, NC for town hall meeting
[event_desc] => fghedg
[event_status] => active
[event_statusmsg] => Presidential
[event_country] => US
[event_city] => Raleigh, NC
[event_place] => Broughton High School
[event_photo_width] => 200
[event_photo_height] => 150
[event_start] => 2009-07-29
[event_end] => 2009-07-29
[event_sale_start] => 00
[event_sale_end] => 00
[event_resp_name] =>
[event_resp_email] =>
[event_resp_phone] =>
[event_sex_female] => on
[event_sex_male] => on
[event_age_start] => 18
[event_age_end] => 75
[event_membership] => Array
[0] => all

[event_count_female] => 00
[event_count_male] => 00
[event_price_female] => 00
[event_price_male] => 00
[event_choose_period] => 5
[event_save] => Save
[action] => new
[adminID] => legacy
[adminPassword] => a758973944bf42efec705a71020d9100
[ZP_CAL] => \'fdow\':null,\'history\':\"2009/07/29/16/53\",\'sortOrder\':\"asc\",\'hsize\':9
Quote · 29 Jul 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.