Predefined Lists


I'm trying to add some city to the Predefined Lists but when a reach a certain number the script won't work when I click save it just reload the page and discard the modify!

what could it be?

Quote · 25 Jun 2009

Not sure on this one.  I've heard rumors of PDL stopping/hanging up around 50, however I have PDL's that have over 400 items in them.  Now keep in mind I also have Dependent Fields tied directly into my PDL's so I may have overcome the issue before it ever existed for me.  Anyone else familiar with this issue?

Quote · 27 Jun 2009

I also tryed to add item directly to mysql but the don't show either in the configuration and in the page! is there a limit or is it a bug?

Quote · 29 Jun 2009

Webrix, PM me and I'll take a look at this.  I think I also have a cure for it if it is a limit as I've successfully over ridden it into the hundreds.

Quote · 29 Jun 2009
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