Premium Events Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Premium Events mod.

Paypal email is -
9 Oct 2013



I saw that the last update is on the 9th of October. The last installation I did was on September 12. But the administration says that I have version 2.1.4


I'm not sure I have the most current version, since the last update was in October and my installation was in September.


Can you help me? Thank you!

11 Oct 2013

@PeterMr - To be sure you have the latest release, re-upload the mod files and recompile the language for the mod.

Paypal email is -
24 Oct 2013


I saw it is possible to have a RSS link for single event's forum. But it is possible to have a RSS for all the forum in every event ? Or a way that Admin get an notification for any forum post ?

(Same question for your Organization mod that you installed on my site)

Thank you

10 Nov 2013

- PM me to get this done as a customization.

Paypal email is -
15 Nov 2013

Version 2.1.5 released. (See patches/version 2.1.5 folder)

Added Youtube Embed button the the Actions block.

Paypal email is -
3 Dec 2013
How may I remove some of links I dont need on top of events pages like below?
Guynuked -- Dedicated server and Dolphin-friendly hosting with
6 Dec 2013

Login to your admin panel and go to Builders => Navigation Menu. Scroll across to Active Items block until you see this menu. Drag the items you do not need to the All Items block.

How may I remove some of links I dont need on top of events pages like below?


Paypal email is -
6 Dec 2013

Ah, thanks! So far it's looking good! 

Guynuked -- Dedicated server and Dolphin-friendly hosting with
6 Dec 2013

Where may I delete countries and states that I don't need? 

Guynuked -- Dedicated server and Dolphin-friendly hosting with
18 Jan 2014


Where may I delete countries and states that I don't need? 


1. I found it and deleted it in database. UPDATED: No, countries still show up in create event page. Where is the countries database? I looked in sys_countries but only thing I see left is US and Canada... 


2. Google indexed over 2,000 pages of the event countries/states that's empty (no events posted) on my website which I do not want because it results in many "duplicate contents". Any way to prevent this? 


As I deleted many countries and states that I do not want, google will still index the deleted country/state page. It just returns: 

Browse States
States/Regions for: __country_name__


I need it to return a 404 not found.


 3. How change date format in add event page? 


Please advise. 

Guynuked -- Dedicated server and Dolphin-friendly hosting with
22 Jan 2014

Version 2.1.6 released. (See patches/version 2.1.6 folder)

Several updates have been made.

Paypal email is -
23 Jan 2014

I get this when try running sqlupdate for 2.1.6 



ALTER TABLE `bx_events_main` ADD `Parent` int(11) NOT NULL

Mysql error: Duplicate column name 'Parent'

Found error in the file '/var/www/vhosts/' at line 17.
Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.

Guynuked -- Dedicated server and Dolphin-friendly hosting with
24 Jan 2014

@guynuked - The error suggests that either :
a) You had the latest version already and did not need the patch.
b) You attempted to run the sqlupdate.php more than once.

Paypal email is -
25 Jan 2014

The return 404 found works great. 


I'd like to change the date format in event start and event end when adding new events, please advise. 

Guynuked -- Dedicated server and Dolphin-friendly hosting with
26 Jan 2014

 See lines 72-73 in modules\boonex\events\classes\BxEventsTemplate.php

The return 404 found works great. 


I'd like to change the date format in event start and event end when adding new events, please advise. 


Paypal email is -
26 Jan 2014

Please re-apply patch 2.1.6 (See patches/version 2.1.6 folder)

Some glitches with the recurring events system has been fixed.

Paypal email is -
1 Feb 2014


Please re-apply patch 2.1.6 (See patches/version 2.1.6 folder)

Some glitches with the recurring events system has been fixed.


Shouldn't it be published as 2.1.7 with the recent update? I think it would be less confusing for some users who don't regularly check the forum. Just my opinion. 

Guynuked -- Dedicated server and Dolphin-friendly hosting with
1 Feb 2014


how to change the month for "Start"and "End" that are in english in one other language (jan, feb,...june...) in the information block?


3 Feb 2014

The mod has been updated to facilitate integration with Communities module.

Re-upload the modules\boonex\events\classes folder.

Paypal email is -
13 Feb 2014


where can i see the start time and end time?


23 Feb 2014

 This is shown on the view page for the Event.


where can i see the start time and end time?



Paypal email is -
23 Feb 2014

Here?  please see picture

event.jpg · 42.3K · 454 views
23 Feb 2014

Date display is now updated to show time component on view page.

Re-upload the modules/boonex/events/classes folder.

Paypal email is -
26 Feb 2014


can anybody help me telling me how to modify the style for the blocks in the event news subsections:



These pages are not in the table sys_page_compose, so I don't know how to chage their designbox.


4 Mar 2014

My map is still not visible since installation on 2 March 14.  Can you please fix.  Let me know if you have any questions. Where Health and Wellness Remain United
8 Mar 2014

 The integration with world maps has been redone.

My map is still not visible since installation on 2 March 14.  Can you please fix.  Let me know if you have any questions.


Paypal email is -
8 Mar 2014

Version 2.1.7 released. (See patches/version 2.1.7 folder)

-> Update made to the world map integration to include mapping by Zip code and State.

-> Added the ability for Event Admins to determine who can view the forum.

Paypal email is -
22 Mar 2014


please allow me some questions.

In the Demoversion iam not able to find, the point where i can make paidevents?

Where can i find this function please?

Is it possible that community members can setup Events that are free of charge and administrators

** Only ** can create paidevents.

Is it possible, to show paidevents at the events mainpage?

Thank you in advantage

25 Mar 2014

@thomasp - I did respond to your questions via PM already.

Paypal email is -
29 Mar 2014

How do I remove mandatory status for fields on the Event Search page?  Right now Keyword and Country are marked as mandatory fields.  Also, the default country set in admin has no effect in the Event Search country field.  Any way for the default country to be default in search?

12 Apr 2014

Keyword has to be mandatory, Dolphin expects it to be so. For the other changes, see below.

In boonex/events/classes/BxEventsFormSearch.php

Find :

     'values' => $aCountries,

Just above, add :

     'value' => getParam('bx_events_default_country'),


Also, look for the code snippet :

                    'required' => true,
                    'checker' => array (
                        'func' => 'preg',
                        'params' => array('/^[a-zA-Z]{0,2}$/'),
                        'error' => _t ('_bx_events_err_country'),

In the code snippet above, change 'required' => true to 'required' => false

How do I remove mandatory status for fields on the Event Search page?  Right now Keyword and Country are marked as mandatory fields.  Also, the default country set in admin has no effect in the Event Search country field.  Any way for the default country to be default in search?


Paypal email is -
13 Apr 2014

Almost perfect.  The default country is entered, but the associated States drop down list is empty.  When you select another country, then come back to the default country, the States drop down is populated. 

13 Apr 2014

 Also, find :

    'caption' => _t('_bx_events_caption_state'),

Just below, add :

    'values' => $oMain->_oDb->getStateArray(getParam('bx_events_default_country')),

Almost perfect.  The default country is entered, but the associated States drop down list is empty.  When you select another country, then come back to the default country, the States drop down is populated. 


Paypal email is -
15 Apr 2014

Perfect!  Thank you.

15 Apr 2014


I have now the block with all the forum post, but I like to limit it like the last 5.

I did put 5 in the event module settings panel "Number Of Forum Posts To Show On Main Page" But It Still Show All The Post (And It Start Tob To Much)

On My Site, I Still Have The Version 2.1.4 That You Install For Me But With The Integration In Your Organisation Module. Can I Make The Update Or I Will Loose The Integration ?


I saw it is possible to have a RSS link for single event's forum. But it is possible to have a RSS for all the forum in every event ? Or a way that Admin get an notification for any forum post ?

(Same question for your Organization mod that you installed on my site)

Thank you


12 Jun 2014

Once custom work is involved, you need to discuss via PM. 


I have now the block with all the forum post, but I like to limit it like the last 5.

I did put 5 in the event module settings panel "Number Of Forum Posts To Show On Main Page" But It Still Show All The Post (And It Start Tob To Much)

On My Site, I Still Have The Version 2.1.4 That You Install For Me But With The Integration In Your Organisation Module. Can I Make The Update Or I Will Loose The Integration ?


I saw it is possible to have a RSS link for single event's forum. But it is possible to have a RSS for all the forum in every event ? Or a way that Admin get an notification for any forum post ?

(Same question for your Organization mod that you installed on my site)

Thank you



Paypal email is -
20 Jun 2014


I will send you a message via PM. Could you check if you got the one I send you again days ago about the custom job paid in february ?


Once custom work is involved, you need to discuss via PM. 


20 Jun 2014

Version 2.1.8 released. (See patches/version 2.1.6 folder)

Updated to prevent past events from showing in the Google Map on main page.

Paypal email is -
12 Jul 2014

An update has been made to the Recurring Events functionality. The following file is affected :


Paypal email is -
31 Oct 2014

An update has been made that affects Business Listing module and Events module integration.
The following file has been updated : modules\boonex\events\classes\BxEventsFormAdd.php

Paypal email is -
11 Dec 2014

Maybe a good addition is that creators / administrators of an event can sell tickets via this module?

If they are selling tickets via a mayor ticket broker they can add the price + link ( via a buy tickets button ) to let people buy them via that broker.

Or if they don't have that and for example it's a starting event promoter they can sell them directly in the events module. Payment with credits for example. And the admin of the site can set a fee per ticket sold.

8 Feb 2015

I saw just this Topic
You where already thinking about it ;)

I saw the module from AntonLV in the market, but if you are working on a module or an update of the premium events module with that feature, I rather wait for you.

My personal opinion is that it would better be an addition to the premium events module. That way an administrator can set these things easily while creating an event. Also for people that haven't have your premium event module it would be a great addition and worth buying that one instead of 2 / 3 separate modules from different developers to achieve the complete results.

8 Feb 2015

@bellhophil - Boonex in-house development team has taken a decision to replicate every module I have made so I have officially stopped developing modules for the Dolphin Script. I will continue to support my existing portfolio though. I have started working with another script where its owners do not directly compete with third party developers.  Nothing is wrong with third party developers competing among themselves but there is a distinct disadvantage when you are competing against the actual script developers. No other development company does this except Boonex.

Paypal email is -
8 Feb 2015

Ok, understandable. Not very nice indeed... So there aren't coming any new modules from you for Dolphin?

8 Feb 2015

No, that is the end of the road of development where new dolphin modules are concerned. I have some in various stages of development that I may or may not complete (Newsletter, Tournament, Services, Shop for Physical Goods, Events Tickets and All-in-one Contest module). But as I said, I will continue to support the existing portfolio. I am not like some of the Boonex endorsed developers (or employees) who just abandon a portfolio of modules and disappear :)

Ok, understandable. Not very nice indeed... So there aren't coming any new modules from you for Dolphin?


Paypal email is -
8 Feb 2015

To bad... You are one off the best developers creating Third Party Modules. But understandable solution listening to your story. 

8 Feb 2015

 This does sound very disturbing. Frown

Boonex in-house development team has taken a decision to replicate every module I have made so I have officially stopped developing modules for the Dolphin Script. - The Online Guide to Travel
10 Feb 2015

I too will hate to see you go, you are one of the best. Your mods are the kind that people actually want.

I'm not sure how I can influence you to continue your work, but I have sooooo been waiting on some of your mods still in development. I can't afford to pay you to complete the entire job, but what ever I can do to encourage you, I will!


24 Feb 2015

I am not going anywhere. My post was related to developing new mods. For the Events Ticket module I have decided to continue working on what I started, hopefully it should be released at the end of next week.

I too will hate to see you go, you are one of the best. Your mods are the kind that people actually want.

I'm not sure how I can influence you to continue your work, but I have sooooo been waiting on some of your mods still in development. I can't afford to pay you to complete the entire job, but what ever I can do to encourage you, I will!



Paypal email is -
24 Feb 2015
26 Feb 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.