Premium Groups - Events+News+Venue+Sponsors+Maps Mod Support (Modzzz) - part 4

27 Mar 2016

I upgraded to Dolphin 7.3.0 before adding the module upgrade patches, as I was advised to do.


Things are moving in the right direction, so I'm sure we'll get there eventually.

.htaccess gets overwritten in Dolphin 7.3.0 upgrade, so we need to add all the module rewrites.

Thanks for your patience. - The Online Guide to Travel
27 Mar 2016


Premium Groups version 2.1.9 by on Dolphin 7.3.0

However, we do have two repost buttons on group pages.

European Travel Network

Meta-Travel Groups

BTW - you need to upgrade version number on the market page.

Also, the readme file in the 7.3 upgrade folder says: under "Installed Modules" select "Premium Events".

Groups.jpg · 1.2M · 988 views - The Online Guide to Travel
27 Mar 2016

@TravelNotes - Market and Package has been updated, thanks. Regarding the duplicate "Repost" button, I have modified the sqlupgrade.php so it will not create more than one instance if the button exists already. Download the package again, get the sqlupgrade.php from the path Premium Groups - Dolphin 7.3 => upgrade and run it in your browser.

Paypal email is -
28 Mar 2016


Download the package again, get the sqlupgrade.php from the path Premium Groups - Dolphin 7.3 => upgrade and run it in your browser.

 Perfect. Thanks. - The Online Guide to Travel
28 Mar 2016

It is not able to download.

It says "404. Page Not Found"

28 Mar 2016

 That may have been a temporary glitch. I just downloaded it without issue.

It is not able to download.

It says "404. Page Not Found"


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28 Mar 2016

Modzzz, forgive my ignorance, but I may have a problem here...

I dont use the normal forums.  I use PKForum. So.. how would a forum be auto created for the group?

28 Apr 2016

I do not believe PKForum has integration possibility with other modules. You can check with the developer of that module to see if they have added such functionality as yet.

Modzzz, forgive my ignorance, but I may have a problem here...

I dont use the normal forums.  I use PKForum. So.. how would a forum be auto created for the group?


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29 Apr 2016

This concerns Cost per day for Featured Status.

If the rate is something like $0.16 per day, it does seem rather silly. Maybe we need to have an option for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days.

While we're on the subject of groups, it says: You can set thresholds for the amount of members that can join a Group based on the Membership level of the Group Creator.

Default value is 0. Does that mean unlimited?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel
27 May 2016

If the rate is something like $0.16 per day, it does seem rather silly. Maybe we need to have an option for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days.

RESPONSE : Your suggestion is noted.

Default value is 0. Does that mean unlimited?

RESPONSE : Yes, I will update the option to make this clear.


This concerns Cost per day for Featured Status.

If the rate is something like $0.16 per day, it does seem rather silly. Maybe we need to have an option for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days.

While we're on the subject of groups, it says: You can set thresholds for the amount of members that can join a Group based on the Membership level of the Group Creator.

Default value is 0. Does that mean unlimited?



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27 May 2016

The Social Media Sharing block - _sys_block_title_social_sharing - is not showing up on the Group Blog View page but it does on the Groups View Group one.

Any ideas?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel
30 May 2016

Check the viewing privacy setting for the Blog listing. Sharing block only shows for items with 'public' viewing access.

The Social Media Sharing block - _sys_block_title_social_sharing - is not showing up on the Group Blog View page but it does on the Groups View Group one.

Any ideas?



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30 May 2016

It's the same on the test site. - The Online Guide to Travel
30 May 2016

I'm looking at Settings and Membership Levels.

I have Enable Paypal purchase of Featured Status in Groups Administration.

In Membership Levels Actions, 'groups purchase featured' is enabled for Non-Member and Standard but on groups page I can't see where anyone can feature a group; unless only the group admin can feature the group?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel
5 Jun 2016

OK, I've just found 'groups mark as featured' and checked that.

Non members still see nothing but Standard does get the featured button show up in actions.

Clicking Feature as a standard member gives a Page Not Found, within the Actions block.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel
5 Jun 2016

To solve this issue, please re-upload the following file :


OK, I've just found 'groups mark as featured' and checked that.

Non members still see nothing but Standard does get the featured button show up in actions.

Clicking Feature as a standard member gives a Page Not Found, within the Actions block.



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5 Jun 2016

Thanks. - The Online Guide to Travel
5 Jun 2016

Hidden Albums has bugged me for a while and I couldn't figure out why it happens and how to tun it off.

Basically, images uploaded to groups, events, lodging, locations, etc seem to go in this Hidden folder under user path, and given an 8 for permissions. Interesting they are all modules by modzzz.

This then hid photos in certain categories and used to bring up the hidden, private eye image and looked a little eerie to new members who registered but hadn't yet confirmed their e-mail.

Rather off-putting.

I don't want default 'hidden' photos. If something is online and shouldn't be seen, it shouldn't be online.

So I've changed this Hidden default name to Public. It sounds better.

This also needed some database changes in `sys_albums`.

I changed Hidden to Public in caption and uri, then permissions from 8 to 3.

Recent photos added to Group Blogs seemed to go in with these 'hidden' Group Photos and don't appear to resize.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel
12 Jun 2016

I'm not sure what I'm looking for and might be probing in the dark.

There's a line in the resize script

if ($GLOBALS['MySQL']->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `sys_modules` WHERE `uri` IN('photos')"))

The photos we're having problems with are sitting in `bx_groups_images`, `bx_groups_blog_images`, and `bx_events_images`.

Not sure if this means anything, but in `sys_modules` there's a column 'dependencies'.

Would putting photos in there, for groups and events modules, have any effect?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel
12 Jun 2016

Hidden albums is not my creation. It is the way Dolphin handles photos uploaded in other modules except the main Photos module.

I am not sure which resize script you are referring to above, a filename would help. The 'dependencies' field is unrelated to what you are trying to achieve, do not modify it.

I have never really explored this hidden albums concept so unfortunately I do not have much advice at this time in terms of code changes to modify it.

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16 Jun 2016

The photo resize script comes with the Dolphin upgrade from 7.1.6 to 7.2.0


Most people won't even realise it's there; if they don't have many images and the script doesn't time out, due to memory restrictions.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel
17 Jun 2016

Modzzz, On the Groups Venue page, the address block (text block not showing. Only map block is showing) and recommend block aren't displaying on the user view, even though they are there in the builder page.  I Reloaded the BxGroupsVenuePageView.php file, but no change.  Their block lang files are:




Any ideas?  The Venue address is important.

20 Jun 2016


I looked back to Boonex version 7.1/Premium Groups 2.1.7 and I see the same issue.  The group venue location block and the recommend block do not show up on the venue page.  Do you have a fix for this?

22 Jun 2016

1) Fixed issue with location not showing on Group Venue page.

2) Fixed issue with Recommend block not showing on some pages.


Files in the modules\boonex\groups\classes folder have been updated.

Paypal email is -
22 Jun 2016

Works great.  Thank you.

22 Jun 2016



Is there any way, for when a group shows up as private for a certain user, to have it not show up at all, instead of showing up as "Private"? Let me know please. Thanks!

18 Jul 2016

The problem with this is the pagination. If the pagination is showing that there are 20 groups but 5 are hidden then the member will only be seeing 15 and that is going to be confusing to members.

Is there any way, for when a group shows up as private for a certain user, to have it not show up at all, instead of showing up as "Private"? Let me know please. Thanks!


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19 Jul 2016

I'm not seeing the "lock topic" option in the forum section. Is there something obvious I'm missing?

4 Sep 2016

Dolphin only has this implemented in the main forum.

I'm not seeing the "lock topic" option in the forum section. Is there something obvious I'm missing?


Paypal email is -
4 Sep 2016

I really need this implimented in the Group forums. Can it be done?

5 Sep 2016

Done it! Implemented the Lock Topic in Groups for admins of the group.

5 Sep 2016

Please help to solve the Error: Database Query Error


Then Upload the modules folder Mod Premium Groups That comes In This zip package. In admin, I went to Tools-> Modules. Look in the list of "Not Installed Modules" for "Premium Groups". I chose it and click "Install".

When access GROUPS menu or when access to Add Group, I presented the error: Error Database query

I applied the repair of all logging by phpMyAdmin and continuous error.

Thanking the attention, Yours, sincerely,


5 Sep 2016

I received this error message by e-mail administrator:


SELECT `bx_groups_main`.`id` as `id`, `bx_groups_main`.`title` as `title`, `bx_groups_main`.`uri` as `uri`, `bx_groups_main`.`created` as `created`, `bx_groups_main`.`author_id` as `author_id`, `bx_groups_main`.`thumb` as `thumb`, `bx_groups_main`.`rate`, `bx_groups_main`.`fans_count`, `bx_groups_main`.`country`, `bx_groups_main`.`city`, `bx_groups_main`.`state`, `bx_groups_main`.`categories`, `bx_groups_main`.`tags`, `bx_groups_main`.`comments_count`, `bx_groups_main`.`views`, `bx_groups_main`.`desc`, `bx_groups_main`.`group_membership_view_filter`, `bx_groups_main`.`featured`, `bx_groups_main`.`allow_view_group_to`, `bx_groups_main`.`author_id`,  `Profiles`.`NickName` as `NickName`  FROM `bx_groups_main`  left JOIN `Profiles` ON `Profiles`.`ID`=`bx_groups_main`.`author_id` WHERE 1 AND `bx_groups_main`.`status` ='approved' AND `bx_groups_main`.`allow_view_group_to` IN('3','4')   ORDER BY `bx_groups_main`.`created` DESC LIMIT 0, 10

Mysql error: Unknown column 'bx_groups_main.state' in 'field list'

Found error in the file '/home/apoyo/' at line 455.
Called 'db_res_assoc_arr' function with erroneous argument #0.

5 Sep 2016

@Priamo Rodriguez - You are having installation problems because you have not followed the instructions in the readme_install.txt. Open the readme_install.txt that comes with the module and follow the instructions . You have missed the important step shown below :


Upload sqlstates.php from "Groups_files" folder to your dolphin root and run

Paypal email is -
5 Sep 2016

Thanks you, problem with sglstates resolved, but I got the following error running sqlnews.php and sqlupdate.php:


INSERT INTO `sys_options` (`Name`, `VALUE`, `kateg`, `desc`, `Type`, `check`, `err_text`, `order_in_kateg`, `AvailableValues`) VALUES ('bx_groups_modzzz_news', 'on', 143, 'Integrate with modzzz news module', 'checkbox', '', '', '0', '')
Mysql error:
Duplicate entry 'bx_groups_modzzz_news' for key 'PRIMARY'

Found error in the file '/home/apoyo/' at line 53.
Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.




Database query error


ALTER TABLE `bx_groups_main` ADD `state` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '', ADD `group_membership_filter` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', ADD `group_membership_view_filter` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', ADD `video_embed` TEXT NOT NULL, ADD `rss` TEXT NOT NULL
Mysql error:
Duplicate column name 'state'

Found error in the file '/home/apoyo/' at line 60.
Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.

5 Sep 2016

@Priamo Rodriguez - You are doing a fresh installation so you should not be running sqlupdate.php. This was stated in the readme_install.txt

Also, there is no instruction in the readme_install.txt for running sqlnews.php

Paypal email is -
5 Sep 2016

Premium Groups Version 2.2.0 released for Dolphin 7.3 (see patches/version 2.2.0 folder)

Added ability to upload Group Logo.

Paypal email is -
14 Oct 2016


After upgrading from 7.3.2 to 7.3.3 yesterday, I was getting an error 500 when going to into premium groups. Error log showed:

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method BxGroupsTemplate::getPreListDisplay() in /home/xxxxx/public_html/modules/boonex/groups/classes/BxGroupsModule.php on line 1345

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method BxGroupsTemplate::blog_unit() in /home/xxxxx/public_html/modules/boonex/groups/classes/BxGroupsSearchResult.php on line 862


I checked to see if you had an update to your script and proceeded to update Premium Groups to your Version 2.2.0. including running the sqlupgrade.php file. Now, groups is getting the following database error:

Database query error


SELECT `bx_groups_main`.`id` as `id`, `bx_groups_main`.`title` as `title`, `bx_groups_main`.`uri` as `uri`, `bx_groups_main`.`created` as `created`, `bx_groups_main`.`author_id` as `author_id`, `bx_groups_main`.`thumb` as `thumb`, `bx_groups_main`.`icon`, `bx_groups_main`.`rate`, `bx_groups_main`.`fans_count`, `bx_groups_main`.`country`, `bx_groups_main`.`city`, `bx_groups_main`.`state`, `bx_groups_main`.`categories`, `bx_groups_main`.`tags`, `bx_groups_main`.`comments_count`, `bx_groups_main`.`views`, `bx_groups_main`.`desc`, `bx_groups_main`.`group_membership_view_filter`, `bx_groups_main`.`featured`, `bx_groups_main`.`allow_view_group_to`, `bx_groups_main`.`author_id`, `bx_groups_main`.`id`,  `Profiles`.`NickName` as `NickName`, `bx_groups_fans`.`id_profile`  FROM `bx_groups_main`  left JOIN `Profiles` ON `Profiles`.`ID`=`bx_groups_main`.`author_id` inner JOIN `bx_groups_fans` ON `bx_groups_fans`.`id_entry`=`bx_groups_main`.`id` WHERE 1 AND `bx_groups_main`.`status` ='approved' AND `bx_groups_fans`.`id_profile` ='1' AND `bx_groups_fans`.`confirmed` ='1'   ORDER BY `bx_groups_main`.`created` DESC LIMIT 0, 10

Mysql error: Unknown column 'bx_groups_main.icon' in 'field list'

Found error in the file '/home/xxxxx/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSearch.php' at line 455.
Called 'db_res_assoc_arr' function with erroneous argument #0.

5 Nov 2016

@markborrington - The error is saying that you did not run the sqlupdate.php found in the patches\version_2.2.0 folder. There is no sqlupgrade.php for upgrading from Dolphin 7.3.2 to Dolphin 7.3.3 so I am assuming that you mistakenly ran the sqlupgrade.php which was really for upgrading from Dolphin 7.2 to Dolphin 7.3 

Paypal email is -
5 Nov 2016


@markborrington - The error is saying that you did not run the sqlupdate.php found in the patches\version_2.2.0 folder. There is no sqlupgrade.php for upgrading from Dolphin 7.3.2 to Dolphin 7.3.3 so I am assuming that you mistakenly ran the sqlupgrade.php which was really for upgrading from Dolphin 7.2 to Dolphin 7.3 

 Yup, that's exactly what I did. Mistakenly thought the upgrade folder was the place to look in for upgrading the script.

5 Nov 2016

quick question - just installing module on a new site, made a test group and added test member - joined and subcribed to the group

However, when logged in as admin, the 'broadcast' button is not showing.

I have your actions manager module which shows it is there, but nothing on front end!

Any ideas?

13 Dec 2016

 Check and ensure that the membership action groups broadcast message is enabled. 

quick question - just installing module on a new site, made a test group and added test member - joined and subcribed to the group

However, when logged in as admin, the 'broadcast' button is not showing.

I have your actions manager module which shows it is there, but nothing on front end!

Any ideas?


Paypal email is -
14 Dec 2016

Bug: When you add blogs, news etc. the icon on the left of the Group title does not takes you back to the main group. It works for photos.

24 Jan 2017

 Acknowledged, I will investigate and update accordingly.

Bug: When you add blogs, news etc. the icon on the left of the Group title does not takes you back to the main group. It works for photos.


Paypal email is -
26 Jan 2017

I updated the whole site from version 7.3.2 to version 7.3.3 and Premium Groups - Dolphin 7.3 stopped working. Pages do not display.

Please tell me how to solve this issue?

4 Feb 2017

 Download the mod again and re-upload the files to your server.

I updated the whole site from version 7.3.2 to version 7.3.3 and Premium Groups - Dolphin 7.3 stopped working. Pages do not display.

Please tell me how to solve this issue?


Paypal email is -
5 Feb 2017


I downloaded the mod again and uploaded the files back to my server but it did not work.

I wanted to uninstall Premium Groups, the "Uninstall" did not finish correctly, the module disappeared from the front desk but still it is still in "Installed Modules" and the uninstall does not work.

Now I have a bigger problem, since I can not finish uninstalling via "Add & Manage".

Please help me out of this mess, I want to finish uninstalling and reinstall Premium Groups.

Thank you.

7 Feb 2017

@Priamo Rodriguez - PM me your Dolphin Admin and FTP logins so that I can offer some assistance. It seems as if you did not update the module to its latest version before you attempted to update your site.

Paypal email is -
8 Feb 2017

Bug: Sponsors, Blogs, News, Venues, Events all, when you click the group icon at the top return you to the Group main page which lists all the groups not the main page fro the group you are in. Any news on when this will be fixed?

21 Feb 2017
21 Feb 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.