Privacy to photos on private groups

Hi. I'm trying to configure private groups or secret group on boonex. Let me explain the issue I have:
1. I created the private group and configured privacy on it to allow only group's members to see comments etc from the group.

2. We use modzzz privacy module.

3. Everything is working good. For example, if someone write something on group's timeline, it is hidden from everybody that is not member of the group.

4. Issue is here. If we publish a photo everybody see it on the wall, no matter if member is part of the group or not. In this case private group does not have private pictures. Everyone will see them.

Thing is that in privacy configuration for the private group there is no one option to say boonex to hide photos to everybody except for members, as it exists for comments. Please I need your help to try to solve this issue.

Thank you.

Quote · 21 May 2018

I would have to test this.  Do you mean that the photo is showing up in the Outline?  What do you mean by Wall?  On the Outline, it also checks the privacy of the user.  To test you need to create test accounts that don't have access to the groups that are hidden/private.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 21 May 2018


Quote · 21 May 2018

Thank you geek_girl.

Yes, photo is shown on home page (Timeline, news), like the wall on Facebook. Photo should not be on home page of anyone, because it is a private group, so members can upload any type of photos. How can I try to know why boonex does not check privacy of the group to hide these photos? Test I did was to add a member as Fan of the private group (no admin). Then using that account I uploaded a photo from the group, and this photo is visible on all joined member of the site, no matter if they are not members of the private group. This behaivor is the issue I have. Please help.

Quote · 22 May 2018


Thank you geek_girl.

Yes, photo is shown on home page (Timeline, news), like the wall on Facebook. Photo should not be on home page of anyone, because it is a private group, so members can upload any type of photos. How can I try to know why boonex does not check privacy of the group to hide these photos? Test I did was to add a member as Fan of the private group (no admin). Then using that account I uploaded a photo from the group, and this photo is visible on all joined member of the site, no matter if they are not members of the private group. This behaivor is the issue I have. Please help.

OK, on the Outline block on the home page you need to test by logging in as a member that is not a member of the group.  See, the Outline does check to see if you have permissions to view the photo or not.  If you are a member of the group, you will see the private group photo.  If you are not a member of the group, then you won't see it on the Outline.  You have to create a test account that is a member of the private group and a test account that is not a member of the private group and then visit the home page and look at the Outline as each of those test accounts.  Do you understand?

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 22 May 2018

Yes I do understand clearly Geek_girl. I tested like you said and I can see the photo no matter if Im not member of private's group. In other words photo became public. 

To make the test I did as follows:

1. I logged in as private's group member. Get into the private group.

2. Inside the group I posted a photo on the Timeline of the group.

3. When I posted the photo there, photo became public, because it is shown in home page of all members. It appears like "photo posted by....", Nobody knows that this picture is from private group.

4. If I post a comment from the same Timeline, this comment is not visible on the home page.

5. If I upload a photo into a photo album made for the private group, these photos are hidden. Only members of the group can see them. This is the behaivor I need when photo is uploaded from the Timeline.


Is there something Im misundertanding? Why the photos have different behaivor than comments from Timeline?

I really appreciate your comments

Quote · 22 May 2018

It's likely to be a design issue with Modzzz module. I have the Adult Content filter and I have the same problem. I'm about to write to Modzzz because he can probably fix both rather easy and that will solve other issues with my module.

I don't know how the Privacy module works, but I'm guessing you select the Privacy level with an action button. If so, the problem is this:

By the time you change a photo to Private, Dolphin has already flagged to appear in the Outline. The item will in fact become private, but it will continue to appear in the Outline.

In my case at least, Modzzz needs to provide a tick box to make the photo/video etc private or adult at the time it's being uploaded. That will then tell Dolphin not to show it in the Outline.

See image.

Photos.jpg · 38.8K · 245 views
Quote · 22 May 2018

 @jsanchezs - When you post in the forum, please provide full details of your problem so it is easier to get help. You forgot to mention that you are using AndrewP Group Timeline module and it is the Photos that you are posting to this Group Timeline that you are having a problem with. This has nothing to do with my Privacy module as suggested by @johnk42. I have already told you that you need to seek assistance from AndrewP as Photos uploaded to a specific Group Timeline should not be showing in the general Photos section (regardless of Group Privacy setting). I am thinking that the easiest solution is to get the code for this third party module modified so that the privacy setting on the Photo Album created by the Group Timeline is always private.

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Quote · 22 May 2018

@modzzz. You are right. Like you pointed, problem is with AndrewP Group Timeline. I'm sure because of all testing I have been doing trying to understand the behaivor I explained. What I see is that when I post a photo on the Group Timeline, this module creates a photo album on user's profile with public access. This means that everybody will see the post on Home page. For private groups this implementation is not good. I will ask for assistance to AndrewP.

Thanks a lot for all suggestions.

Quote · 22 May 2018

@jsanchezs It would helpful and polite to tell us you're using third party modules. This is a forum for Dolphin and posts should be restricted to that.

Quote · 22 May 2018


It was mentioned in a post that AndrewP has not been responding to emails.  If you can't reach AndrewP then I might be able to make the change to the code so that the albums so they are private;  First see what AndrewP has to say.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 23 May 2018

@geek_girl. Thank you. I will see if AndrewP says something. Otherwise I will ask you for help. 

Quote · 23 May 2018

 @Geek_girl, we could really use your help on this please.


It was mentioned in a post that AndrewP has not been responding to emails.  If you can't reach AndrewP then I might be able to make the change to the code so that the albums so they are private;  First see what AndrewP has to say.


Quote · 26 May 2018
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.