I tried search for a language string the admin Language settings, and get this error, and nothing being able to be found.
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/path/public_html/site/administration/lang_file.php on line 153
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
by (output started at
in /home/path/public_html/site/inc/admin_design.inc.php on line 56
I got the same problem mate ! am waiting for the solution too Proud Hosted by Zarconia.net |
I would reupload both files. I haven't run into that error but when I run into the "cannot modify header information" error I know there is likely some stray mark somewhere that is causing the problem. It can be too much white space in the file, you may have mad an accidental mark in a file, or it wasn't uploaded properly (maybe in binary). Try replacing them, recompile the language, and see if that works. |
I would reupload both files. I haven't run into that error but when I run into the "cannot modify header information" error I know there is likely some stray mark somewhere that is causing the problem. It can be too much white space in the file, you may have mad an accidental mark in a file, or it wasn't uploaded properly (maybe in binary). Try replacing them, recompile the language, and see if that works.
Man i did what you said . No way still have the same prob ! no key found ! annoying lol
Proud Hosted by Zarconia.net |
I just noticed the same issue from my end.
We need an immediate ticket for this. When an admin does a language key search this error appears.
It has to be something new with RC5 or release as RC4 did not give me this issue.
not having that problem here
let's say im looking for lng key 'contact' if i hit enter it returns me empty
however if i click on that little box apply it works fine
not having that problem here
your lucky then :)
Proud Hosted by Zarconia.net |
not having that problem here
your lucky then :)
not so lucky i guess hahaha
Thanks for hte update prolaznik, hitting the apply works for me in finding what i'm looking for. Just pressing enter returns the error at the top of the screen. We need ticket for this. |
What types of installs does everyone have. I have an upgraded install.
did you try clicking on that little box apply ?.. or you just hit enter
clicking that box works for me no errors on top hitting enter returns empty search
What types of installs does everyone have. I have an upgraded install.
did you try clicking on that little box apply ?.. or you just hit enter
clicking that box works for me no errors on top hitting enter returns empty search
I know I edited my post.
Typing and pressing enter returns the error at the top of the screen.
Typing and pressing check box returns the query search without any error.
I don't think having to press the checkbox every time is an effective way of querying, we should be able to just press enter as before.
Thanks for finding a solution that will at least allow us to query prolaznik
Thanks for hte update prolaznik, hitting the apply works for me in finding what i'm looking for. Just pressing enter returns the error at the top of the screen. We need ticket for this.
Thanks for the clue man :) yes hiting enter nothing show up ticking the apply box it does show :)
Thank you again .
Eli peace
Proud Hosted by Zarconia.net |
Further exploring....
If I type in Contact in the language search and check the "apply" box my search goes off without an error. Now if you clear out Contact and put in something else, and hit enter it brings you back to the Contact listing with the error at the top of the screen. Ticket Please, keep bumping till someone gets online to ticket this.
this issue was discover 6-7 month ago look at that link i provided
only way around is if you keep clicking that apply box it'll reload the page and you have to star over again with your new search (sucks)
Yeah, this didnt happen in the last RC, but I did a clean install of Hookie and it started this.
I will try the apply trick.
On previous RC versions i never had to check the apply box. Glad someone found that trick. Thanks.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Same problem here from a fresh install. It works when clicked on apply, but previous versions it would work with the enter key. ticket has been closed without a fix. Can we have it reopened?
Bump this BUG top the top for boonex to see. All of us are having the error so I highly doubt it's the "you didn't upgrade properly" explanation as some of these installs are fresh. someone needs to add this to TRAC. |
They put an apply checkbox for a reason. Use it... get used to it.. I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com |
If that is how it's suppose to be, then their logic is flawed.
Should be a button that says one of the following.
Get Results Locate
Or any of these would make more sense then whats there now.
Show me the results. Make it So.
Find It. Give it to me. Make the windows search dog do it's thing.
Make me work.
Ok, Ok, so i am being silly. But seriously. A check box that says apply. That would make more sense for saving something, not searching for something.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Within Languages Settings, the "Add key" button has no effect :-( Tried with both IE7 and FF3.5.
This is very annoying, all the more because some D7 languages text strings are missing...
Ticket re-opened: http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/ticket/1666#comment:2
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
The "Apply" check box remains checked after the language key search/edition... Needs to be manually unchecked before doing anything else... Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
i don't ask a lot question but i would like to know if it's fixed or not , also when i did read the answer from the ticket , one of boonex develloper say that it work fine in fresh install !!! so is that mean the uprgarde we did from RC5 to D7 final is uselless isnt ?
Am not blaming the devell but shouldn't be tell it this way ...should be better to think about a fix for it thats all.
Am happy enough with my dolphin 7 it does the Job better then other software and am sure it will get better in the future , am not also in hurry LOL and also i can't afford such expensive software out there + as long as i pay 32 $ for 90 days am the king of the castle ...
Keep up the good job .... but please keep fixing things .
Give more Bread .
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