When I add an event in the admin panel and then log in as a user to view the event, 2 problems occur. 1 - The uploaded picture does not show up next to the event. 2 - When clicking on the event I get a "page not found error".
I can add an event as a user, but this is not an acceptable workaround for 2 reasons. First, I'm going to be running a commercial dating site for my local market and I don't want users to add events. Second, I want to use this dolphin feature to post local speed dating events we will be having and I need the extra functionality the admin panel has in adding events that adding an event as a user does not have.
I believe that this is a bug that is not exclusive to my installation. Has anyone found a fix or is boonex aware of and addressing the issue? I went to Trac to view tickets, but got a "page not found" error. I'm also unable to create an account or do a forum search on Expertzzz to see what is on there. This is something I really need to work and I would appreciate any information or help on the subject.
My website is http://www.twofastforlove.com . I can create an event tonight for anyone to look at if it will aid in troubleshooting the issue.
Thanks in advance.