Problem module video boonex


I have a problem with my video module, when I download a video from my computer to put on my site, the video shows 0 minutes, when clicked, it says file not found.

The video seems to convert file and not ... flv or avi file

I set attachments what is written in my FTP when I add a video.

I'm on a VPS hosting on OVH server so my webhost can not solve the problem, the RMS working properly, the file is ffmpeg.exe has 777, I have read many topics and often it is registered to configure well CRON the spots, but I do not really understand how to do, and if you really sela comes well of.


Could you help me please


1.jpg · 69.3K · 496 views
2.jpg · 61K · 267 views
Quote · 1 Feb 2016

Hi. What version of DolphinPro are you using?


What you mean is UPLOAD from your PC TO your Website?

If that is what you mean, then that tells me that the permissions on your host don't allow the write of the full file.

Quote · 1 Feb 2016

The creation of those files is normal...


Are you getting cron emails?


Also the time on an uploaded video will be at zero until it is played.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 1 Feb 2016

For the best tutorial or post about cron jobs, please start here.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 1 Feb 2016

I have the dolphin Version 7.2.1, and permissions are all good for the link you sent me, I looked but just being French, I do not quite understand, where can you find:


* * * * * / Usr / local / bin / php -q local /home/sitedir/public_html/periodic/cron.php


* * * * * / Usr / bin / php -q /home/sitedir/public_html/periodic/cron.php


to configure the CRON


I do not think cron receive emails


I do not really understand how to set it and where configure CRON

Quote · 1 Feb 2016


I do not think cron receive emails
I do not really understand how to set it and where configure CRON

The emails about cron jobs will come from the settings in your control panel depending on your setup.

If you have no idea how that is set, the cron job server side, then your going to need further help.

Another place to point your host company, they should at least help you setup a cron job.

If not send me a private message here and I will help you.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 1 Feb 2016

I do not know where to find the cron email or how to configure the cron if you can help me would be its really good, because even reading the link you send just before, I do not really understand, thank you

Quote · 2 Feb 2016
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.