Problem 1
Top menu search box text color overridden by javascript code. Cannot be changed via CSS.
<div id="gse_search" style="height: 33px;"> <form name="SearchForm" method="get" action="searchKeyword.php"> <input id="keyword" type="text" onblur="if ('' == this.value) this.value =
'Search';'#D4D4D4';" onfocus="if ('Search' == this.value)
this.value='';'#333333';" value="Search" name="keyword"
style="color: rgb(212, 212, 212);"/> </form> </div>
Screen Shot.

Problem 2.
Orca forum defaults to UNI template unless skin cookie was set. Thus unless you switch templates while viewing site by passing
skin="skinname" on url, orca will use UNI. The default skin setting for dolphin set in admin is not used by orca.
Problem 3.
live_fade on orca forums css overridden by background image style specified in code.
<div id="live_fade" class="live_fade" style="background-image:
url(;"> </div>
Screen Shot.

Problem 4.
Orca forums icons cannot be specified by CSS. Hard coded in.
Either move to CSS so custom icon can be specified for each template,
or replace with PNG files so images look good on various background colors.
Screen Shot

There are most likely other areas. I will post as i find them. |
Rules → |
How delete menu search box ? |
i have a solution, try this out... go into templtes folder, then in there you have the base folder, where in you might have the top_menu.css... in the css file just find this code
table.topMenu td.right { border-right: 0px; }
then just replace it with.
table.topMenu td.right { border-right: 0px; display:none; /* adding display as none here */ }
hope you get the solution here... try out.. i got it :)
sorry i din mention, it was a solution for billibrasov's post above... that is how to hide the search from menu. |
Did you clean the cache????
i am sure it works... clean your cache and refresh the page again... i have hidden my search here....
you got the exact code that i have mentioned here??
Here it is the code that was in that line
table.topMenu td.right { -moz-background-clip:border; -moz-background-inline-policy:continuous; -moz-background-origin:padding; background:transparent url(../images/subhead_r.png) no-repeat scroll right 0; border-right:0 none; padding-right:16px; }
Here it is the code that was in that line
table.topMenu td.right { -moz-background-clip:border; -moz-background-inline-policy:continuous; -moz-background-origin:padding; background:transparent url(../images/subhead_r.png) no-repeat scroll right 0; border-right:0 none; padding-right:16px; }
fine no issue just add this one line in your above code,
did u try this??? if not try and get back.... so your code now looks like this
table.topMenu td.right { -moz-background-clip:border; -moz-background-inline-policy:continuous; -moz-background-origin:padding; background:transparent url(../images/subhead_r.png) no-repeat scroll right 0; border-right:0 none;
display:none; }
I did as you said. Not working

( The
answer from the support very very hard )
Please help you
friend i have tried it more than thrice to see if i was right to you, it wirks here.. i am not sure about wat is wrong in there...
will let you know if i can really crack that out,... let me confirm that it has to be done in the top_menu.css...
Yes I understand
very well. Here we made
changes "top_menu.css"
But not working.
Yes I understand
very well. Here we made
changes "top_menu.css"
But not working.
Yes gave a look at your website.. its a good work, i suppose you have added a customized search button on your own in the menu,
does not seems to be a default one.. i hope you might have this to be removed in your admin panel?? builder-> navigation????
but i am sure its not a default coming search.... and my code wont work here as there is a difference in the class name..
will try for some other solution, but u try on the admin side in the navigation menu under builder...
friend how you got the language in the menu list at top??? must have done work on any php???? can i know that, that can help us to get to the solution... |
Ok here i have a yet another solution, you must try this,
get into your templates -> base -> "navigation_menu_item.html", here just open it for the source code, look for this code,
<span class="down"> <img src="__icon_url__" style="vertical-align:middle;width:16px;height:16px;" /> </span>
try removing this code or simply comment it... then try back... but i think the crack for this issue hides in this file only..
(Note: do have a back up for this file before you try, in case things do not work simply replace this file.)
LOL Deano - looks like your thread is well and truly hijacked. Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Not working :( yes remove completely.
"""<span class="down"> <img src="__icon_url__"
style="vertical-align:middle;width:16px;height:16px;" /> </span>"""""
( If we must have support as the issue was long resolved )
Not working :(
"""<span class="down"> <img src="__icon_url__"
style="vertical-align:middle;width:16px;height:16px;" /> </span>"""""
did u delete or remove it completely??? hey also do clear the cahce once... it should work...
try again.. remove completely.. and clear the cache...
come on
Hey haven't you hijacked this thread enough, without posting yet another question to it.
Start your own thread.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Please stick to the topic posted by the member when replying to forum posts. If your reply has nothing to do with resolution or assistance in troubleshooting the originating post, please start a new topic to discuss.
Thank you,
Nothing to see here |
So....... What's everybody's favorite brand of scotch? My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
i apologize for this guys... ok billi i have created a separate post here, lets discuss there...
Do you like scotch whiskey?
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |

like plain water with lemon
How delete menu search box ? Please help
How delete menu search box ? Please help
Why do you keep asking this in somebody else's thread that has nothing to do with what you're asking?
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
OK. I understand what to do? |