This is the forum page for the Profile Cover Module. If you do have any comments on this module, please do post it here. For testing, you can use ebuser, ebuser2, ebuser3 and ebuser4 with the password 'welcome' on
Thanks. :)
This is the forum page for the Profile Cover Module. If you do have any comments on this module, please do post it here. For testing, you can use ebuser, ebuser2, ebuser3 and ebuser4 with the password 'welcome' on Thanks. :) - Boonex Module Development |
Hia Guys Love the mod but I think it looks better having the sub menu under the mod, see below I love the mod. Thanks |
I think that this is a good idea also. On my next upgrade, I will be adding the steps on doing this one. :) - Boonex Module Development |
Hi emmebytes, I will forward what I did to make the changes to you over the weekend. Cheers buddy :) |
Thanks. :) If its alright, maybe we can just post it right here and consider it tips and tricks for this module? It is just my idea though. :) - Boonex Module Development |
To make the profile mod appear above the sub menu, instead of:
1. Near the line 18, insert this codes,
Your should put at line one of /templates/base/navigation_menu_sub_header.html <div class='eb_profile_cover' style='width:__main_div_width__;'> <bx_injection:injection_eb_profile_cover />
Gareth |
Making the changes will look like this: To make the profile mod appear above the sub menu, instead of:
1. Near the line 18, insert this codes,
Your should put at line one of /templates/base/navigation_menu_sub_header.html <div class='eb_profile_cover' style='width:__main_div_width__;'> <bx_injection:injection_eb_profile_cover />
thanks a lot. :) - Boonex Module Development |
I'm happy with the profile cover where it is. It took me a while to get this module working properly, basically due to errors on my part - not clearing the cache. I also tried to make some language changes and played around in the database tables a little too much. It would be nice not to have city and date of birth required. Some people may just want to show their country and birthday; without the year. I also wanted to change instances of Relationship Status to Specialist Region, and individual relationship field to regional fields. I managed to get much of it working how I wanted but on clear cache, or update languages, some of the changes came undone. The install instructions were easy to understand. I do have one issue though, your icon is not showing up in the admin panel. Any ideas? - The Online Guide to Travel |
Thanks for buying the Profile Cover module. I will be uploading this module probably by today or by tomorrow with some additional settings. Thanks. :) - Boonex Module Development |
For the problems on the profile cover icon. Please upload the attach file on your root folder and run http://{your website name}/profile_cover_icon_update.php. Thanks. @TravelNotes - Hopefully, I can add that setting for the city and the date of birth on version 1.2. For the version 1.1, I am currently adding an extra settings for the displaying of the containers. Hope you will enjoy the changes when I will update it by tomorrow. :)
Thanks again for the support and have a nice day to you all. - Boonex Module Development |
Thanks. Profile icons working. - The Online Guide to Travel |
Had just uploaded the version 1.1.0, I had added some additional settings at the administration side. Hope you will like it. :) - Boonex Module Development |
The profile avatar from members that were already registered are showing too small, how can i make those avatars re-size to fill the square (see pic)? |
@Sadel - Hello, good day! It is because this module is using the default boonex avatar images when a user doesn't upload his/her avatar after the installation of this module. For now, the default boonex avatar image has only a width of 64 pixels and a height of 64 pixels and I don't wan't to resize it to fit the image container since it will make the avatar blurry and pixelated. But after the installation of this module, once the user adds his/her avatar on the avatar module or on this module, it will certainly fit the Profile Cover avatar container. Hope this explanation does help you. Also, if you have any suggestions about this one, please don't hesitate to comment and I might add it on version 1.3. Thanks and have a great day! - Boonex Module Development |
@Sadel - Hello, good day! It is because this module is using the default boonex avatar images when a user doesn't upload his/her avatar after the installation of this module. For now, the default boonex avatar image has only a width of 64 pixels and a height of 64 pixels and I don't wan't to resize it to fit the image container since it will make the avatar blurry and pixelated. But after the installation of this module, once the user adds his/her avatar on the avatar module or on this module, it will certainly fit the Profile Cover avatar container. Hope this explanation does help you. Also, if you have any suggestions about this one, please don't hesitate to comment and I might add it on version 1.3. Thanks and have a great day! Hello, the avatar on new members still stays small, like the one on the pic above. |
@sadel - Good Day! I would just like to ask if you had uploaded the new avatar after the installation? As I previously said, the profile cover fetch the default boonex avatar when a user didn't uploaded his/her avatar after the installation. And the default dolphin avatar size was only 64X64 at this moment. But when a user upload his/her new avatar after the installation of the Profile Cover, it will certainly fit the container. The user can upload his/her avatar by using the avatar module or on the functionality that was provided by the Profile Cover module. Hope this will clear your questions. Also, if you think that there was a problem with the installation and couldn't upload a new avatar after the installation please don't hesitate to send me a message and I will certainly love to help you out on that. Thanks again. - Boonex Module Development |
Hello, Yes, the avatars were uploaded after the installation of the module and still show small. The first time when the avatar is uploaded it fits the container but when you navigate to another page and then come back to the profile, the avatar goes back to small size. This avatar below original size was 300x320 and this is how it show after upload. |
@sadel - Hi and good day! If its alright, could you please send me the account details of your site at I would like to check out this problem also. - Boonex Module Development |
My mistake, thank you for fixing it! Avatars are working now!
@sadel - Hi and good day! If its alright, could you please send me the account details of your site at I would like to check out this problem also.
@sadel - not a problem at all. Thank you also for allowing me to check it. - Boonex Module Development |
Hello, it is an awesome module! Please, how could it be implemented in a third-part template? |
@guillaumeinnov24 - Thanks, I have sent you a private message also. - Boonex Module Development |
Just perfect! Cover profile is not only an amazing module, Emmetbytes is also a great dev, quick and efficient! Thx! @guillaumeinnov24 - Thanks, I have sent you a private message also.
Problem uploading background image.
When I try to upload a new background doesn't upload anything... Looking at the instructions that are in the txt file about the file modules/boonex/avatar/BxAvaModule.php. I saw an interesting thing, that there these instructions: 5. Apply these following changes on this file modules/boonex/avatar/BxAvaModule.php changes 1. Near the line 126, insert this codes, // emmetbytes profile cover propertyvar $profileCoverTmpPath; after this line of code, var $_iProfileId; 2. Near the line 375, insert this codes, // setting the emmetbytes avatar$this->setEmmetBytesAvatar($sImg); after this codes, if (!$this->_iProfileId)return false; if (!file_exists($sImg))return false; 3. Near the line 797, insert this codes, //emmetbytes profile cover$this->renameEmmetBytesProfileCoverAvatar($iAvatar); after this lines of code, if (IMAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS != $o->resize($sImageThumb, $sImageIcon)) {$this->_oDb->deleteAvatarByIdAndOwner ($iAvatar, $this->_iProfileId, $this->isAdmin());@unlink(BX_AVA_DIR_USER_AVATARS . $iAvatar . BX_AVA_EXT);@unlink(BX_AVA_DIR_USER_AVATARS . $iAvatar . 'i' . BX_AVA_EXT);return false;} 4. Near the line 866, insert this codes // setting the emmetbytes profile cover avatar$this->setEmmetBytesAvatar($sSrcImagePath); after this lines of codes $sSrcImagePath = BX_AVA_DIR_TMP . $this->_iProfileId . BX_AVA_EXT;$sDstImagePath = BX_AVA_DIR_TMP . 'tmp' . $this->_iProfileId . BX_AVA_EXT; 5. Near the line 885, insert this following functions // BOF THE EMMETBYTES PROFILE COVER METHODS// setting emmetbytes profile cover avatarprivate function setEmmetBytesAvatar($sImg){$this->profileCoverTmpPath = BX_AVA_DIR_TMP . $this->_iProfileId . 'eb' . BX_AVA_EXT;$o = BxDolImageResize::instance(EB_AVA_W, EB_AVA_W);$o->removeCropOptions ();$o->setJpegOutput (true);$o->setSize (EB_AVA_W, EB_AVA_W);$o->setSquareResize (true);$o->setJpegQuality (getParam('bx_avatar_quality'));if (IMAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS != $o->resize($sImg, $this->profileCoverTmpPath))return false;} // rename emmetbytes profile cover avatarprivate function renameEmmetBytesProfileCoverAvatar($iAvatar){if(isset($this->profileCoverTmpPath) && !empty($this->profileCoverTmpPath)){$sEmmetBytesImagePath = BX_AVA_DIR_USER_AVATARS . $iAvatar . 'eb' . BX_AVA_EXT;copy($this->profileCoverTmpPath, $sEmmetBytesImagePath);}}// EOF THE EMMETBYTES PROFILE COVER METHODS after this function function _cropAvatar () {....}
But in my Boonex, this file is present under this directory: modules/boonex/avatar/classes/BxAvaModule.php Could this be the reason why it does not work? How can I solve that problem? Regards |
When will the mod be updated for the latest version of Dolphin? |
yes i to am wondering when i can get the updated version for 7 1 4 ... thanks |
Hello, I have just uploaded the latest Profile Cover for dolphin 7.1.4. Also, I would just like to apologize to everyone that was affected. I believe that I had sent you a private message regarding on that one. I had just been affected by a major disaster that had happened on our place. Anyway, I like to tell you that I will still be supporting this product for later dolphin versions. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to send me a private message or submit on this post. Thanks and have a nice day everyone. - Boonex Module Development |
Nice to see you back. - The Online Guide to Travel |
Nice to see you back.
Thanks, I am really grateful to be back also. :) Also, hope you had downloaded the latest version of the module. - Boonex Module Development |
Just uploaded some minor fixes. - Boonex Module Development |
i am unable to get this to work on my site. how do i get support for a fix or installment? |
Hello, I have sent you a message also. Hope you can have a time to read it. Thanks. - Boonex Module Development |
Just wondering if you've checked for compatibility with Dolphin 7.1.5. - The Online Guide to Travel |
@TravelNotes - Hello, I am currently working on it at this time. - Boonex Module Development |
Hello, I am not able to get it to work on Dolphin 7.1.5. I sent you a message! |
Hello, I wonder if the module will be upgraded to version 7.1.6? Thanks |
waiting for the update and to make it compatible with 7.2?!!!! any one know how to do that?!!! |
do anyone know how to update this to 7.2...???? |
waiting for the update and to make it compatible with 7.2?!!!! any one know how to do that?!!! Me Too |
@emmetbytes - Are you still around? Dolphin is now up to 7.3.0 and it seems they have something like Profile Cover installed. The way they have the profile photo, centered middle left; over what looks like a fuzzy splash image - possibly an enlargement of the profile photo - doesn't compare with your excellent module. I'm thinking the two might conflict though. - The Online Guide to Travel |
They've done it in a full column row, that people can add in page builder. - The Online Guide to Travel |
If updating Profile Cover is no longer of interest to you, could you at least let us know. Dolphin is now at 7.3.0 and I need to upgrade from 7.1.6 to 7.2.0 first. Actually, I did try to upgrade but things broke so might need to start by removing this mod. Your Change files: templates/base/_sub_header.html - The Online Guide to Travel |
Not a good sign when the website demo domain is available for purchase: - The Online Guide to Travel |
If anyone has the module installed but can't get it to work since upgrading, I have completed the Installation Notes to make Profile Cover module by emmetbytes compatible with Dolphin 7.3. Working Example. Message me with your website URL and e-mail address if you would like the text file free of charge but with no guarantees or further upgrades. A little PayPal donation would be appreciated but not required. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel |
Hi there, |