First let me say I'm brand new to Dolphin, and I've installed Dolphin 7.3.2 on a dedicated Apache server.
I'm blown away by how utterly complicated it is. I'm trying to simply customize the profile fields with the builder.
All hosting items in Host Tools are green, so the server seems to be compliant.
I've been running a social network for about 5 years on Oxwall then switched to mooSocial. No problem.
But when I got Dolphin installed and began messing around with it, what a feeling of overwhelm. Why is it so complicated to make a simple profile question with checkbox items? I just can't get it to work, and the method makes little to no sense. I have no clue what "matching" means, and what to do. I think I'm in way over my head with this script. Glad I chose the monthly lease license. I am not sure I'm going to continue the subscription if I can't get this site set up at least halfway within the 30 days.
I'm not the most technically knowledgible webmaster. Is there any docs or forums with CURRENT instruction for CURRENT issues?
I created a new "Looking for" item which I wanted checkboxes, and I THINK I set it up properly and saved, but it doesn't show up in the edit profile page..
And what is sad is, most of the documentation is old, and there doesn't seem to be any more in-depth instruction. I'm feeling quite overwhelmed with this script.