Profile Photo Box - I give up

Hey all, I admit it, I'm stumped on something, so here it is for all you to look at.  I'd really appreciate it if someone could pop an answer on this one.


When your viewing the member's profile page, the box header says "Member's Names Photos" and this is pulled from a language string that says:  {0} Photos and the {0} stands for Members Nickname  The section "Members Nickname" is within the string parameters of the Language Key and can not be edited.  I've tried it. 


So, the question for all of you is this:


How do I edit this so it no longer says Members Name and instead pulls it's value from a different field.  I need it to reference the names of each member in the event of a couple profile. 



Quote · 3 Jul 2009


function showBlockPhoto


$sNickName = $this -> _aProfile['NickName'];


$sNickName = $this -> _aProfile['FirstName'];

where FirstName is new data in profils table


$sNickName = $this -> _aProfile['FirstName'] . '(2)';

change (2) to Wife or whatever....

grabs the couples info if they are a couple.

I have video tutorials to help you
Quote · 4 Jul 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.