Profile Photos: default tab, and tab removal


I am creating a niche dating site and would like to edit the Profile Photos block.  There are several changes I would like to make to the tabs and have not found my answers in the code or in the forums.  Any help would be much appreciated.  Thank you!!

1) The default tab for Profile Photos is Latest, I would like to change the default tab to Random.

2) I would like to remove the Top tab (I am attempting to remove all voting / ranking of profiles or photos).

Thanks again for any help!!

Quote · 21 Jul 2009

Ok, I wasn't able to accomplish this with Profile Photos; however, I manipulated the Members block to only display members with photos based on okweb's post here:

Then, I edited the following code:

$aDBTopMenu = array();

foreach( array( 'last', 'top', 'online', 'rand' ) as $myMode )

To this:

$aDBTopMenu = array(); foreach( array( 'rand', /*'top',*/ 'online', 'last' ) as $myMode )

This did two things: 1) it removed the Top tab, 2) it changed the tab order to Random, Online, and Last.

I still have the problem of the tabs defaulting to Last.  I need to change the default to Random.  I'll post if I figure that one out.... I'd assumed that changing "Show members on index page (if enabled in the template):" to "Random" in the Basic Settings would take care of this issue, but it doesn't.

Quote · 22 Jul 2009

Got it, a few lines up you'll find this code:

if ( $_GET['members_mode'] == 'online' or $_GET['members_mode'] == 'rand' or $_GET['members_mode'] == 'last' or $_GET['members_mode'] == 'top' ) $mode = $_GET['members_mode']; else $mode = 'last';

I changed $mode = 'last'; to $mode = 'rand';

Quote · 22 Jul 2009

For the photos, most of us would just go into the Admin Panel and turn off that option.


As far as the rating of profiles, turn that off also.  You don't need to dig into the code for this item.


**I'd be kind enough to post screen shots for you, however it appears that not all appreciate it when I post a screen shot and as such I will no longer utilize my server resources by uploading them just to share them.


**I hope you have found this answer to be useful and if not, please do not hesitate to request further instructions.

Quote · 22 Jul 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.