Profile Types Splitter Premium from AntonLV - part 3

Quote · 7 Dec 2016

On the Profile Fields tab - if you'll click on any of the fields - it will bring you the field's properties form where you can manage a field's connections to different profile types. 

The same applies for most of the other tabs. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 7 Dec 2016

okeeeey, now i see. the list. so do you think my steps are working ? or should i pay for services ?

Quote · 7 Dec 2016

i like it,,, its really smart module

Quote · 7 Dec 2016


okeeeey, now i see. the list. so do you think my steps are working ? or should i pay for services ?

If in your steps you have modified the 8 files manually then I would suggest you to test it and see if everything works correctly. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 7 Dec 2016

one more thing, to be clear. when you said:

if you'll click on any of the fields - it will bring you the field's properties form where you can manage a field's connections to different profile types.


so if the user write in address bar the link will the user get access ?

i mean its it broke the link for the users or just hide function ? if yes, is there any custom page to tell the users

Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page !!
Quote · 7 Dec 2016

you said:

If in your steps you have modified the 8 files manually then I would suggest you to test it and see if everything works correctly.

so i saw in conclusion and the whole installation everything green color, only the lines of file for XXXX.php this was in red so, do you thing my way is working or not ? do you have any steps i can test ?

Quote · 7 Dec 2016


so if the user write in address bar the link will the user get access ?

 No, this page is a part of admin panel and is accessible only by admin. 


so i saw in conclusion and the whole installation everything green color, only the lines of file for XXXX.php this was in red so, do you thing my way is working or not ? do you have any steps i can test ?

After installing the module it was showing you a list of files to modify manually along with modification instructions (like: edit the file xxx.php, find the line aaa replace it with the code bbb and so on). If you have not modified any file then I suggest you to reinstall the module this time taking special attention to this step.  

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 7 Dec 2016
 No, this page is a part of admin panel and is accessible only by admin.

how came only admin id the admin is a part of personal type in your module?

but the way, if i'm a policeman and you are personal, like you example;

lets say on search page, the admin make it only police, so i cant access the link, right?

ok but if you are my friend and you give me the link by chat in the website, can i access the link ? what will happened, is the link will be broken to personal users? is the link will be only 100% access by policeman ?


After installing the module it was showing you a list of files to modify manually along with modification instructions (like: edit the file xxx.php, find the line aaa replace it with the code bbb and so on). If you have not modified any file then I suggest you to reinstall the module this time taking special attention to this step. 

yes i do it now, i do search in youtube,,alot, i hope you was make it easy for your customers who are no expert and programmer. you are a real one, you can make boonex easy llike paint software ... buy the way this what i done, i save it maybe i need it next time:


1-   line 445

2-   line 157

3-   line 168

4-A line 1031 here you got error there is one line no need for it line number 1033

4-B line 1021

4-C line 1073

5-A line 193

5-C line 741

6-   line 85

7-   line 36

8-   line 108


i hope i'm 100% correct :)

Quote · 7 Dec 2016


how came only admin id the admin is a part of personal type in your module?

 Probably you were having just one profile on the site. The module assigns the Personal type to all existing profiles during installation.



but the way, if i'm a policeman and you are personal, like you example;

lets say on search page, the admin make it only police, so i cant access the link, right?

ok but if you are my friend and you give me the link by chat in the website, can i access the link ? what will happened, is the link will be broken to personal users? is the link will be only 100% access by policeman ?

 What kind of link do you talking about? The module doesn't affects any links accessibility in any way. 

If you were talking about a link to module's admin panel - then nobody except admin can access it regardless of a profile type. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 7 Dec 2016

i just do the 8 point, because when i try to block one type of member i create, then i not working i try to many pages, so after now when i did this 8 point i got alot alot errors, please see attachment

error.jpg · 153.5K · 273 views
Quote · 7 Dec 2016

Looks like you've incorrectly modified the file inc/classes/BxDolProfileFields.php, somewhere around the line 1080. See the code near the line "// generate block input" something is wrong there.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 7 Dec 2016

see the attach please

error.jpg · 103.3K · 284 views
Quote · 7 Dec 2016

Nothing wrong as far as I can tell.

Check the very beginning of the file. It must start from the <?php (no any newlines or spaces) - this is my last guess. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 7 Dec 2016

maybe i know the problem, i will again delete all work and start again, when i search for the line some time i do 2 or 3 time enter to make sure this is only the line, so when its highlighted from "find" and click enter it will delete and enter again its give a empty line. i will do it again thin i will see.

Quote · 7 Dec 2016

i will do over write by fireftp, and i will again do the steps, by can you please send me the 8 line to edite, i dont wanna to delete the module

Quote · 7 Dec 2016

The easiest way is to hit the uninstall button and then hit the install button again - this will bring you the instructions again (no need to delete the file from the server at all). 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 7 Dec 2016

i cant, it was nothing happen when i need to delete in your way, i delete boonex, all :P. the work must be clear

so now i do it all and i dont see anything error. i guess thing different of my why, why i should do the 8 point, to follow me because i'm using a paid module ? if there is no body pay and use it, you can report to boonex ?

Quote · 7 Dec 2016

Report to boonex what? I'm not sure I understood you.

If the site no longer works then try to restore from a backup (if you have one) the files you were editing. Or provide us with FTP access and we will find the issue. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 7 Dec 2016

no you dont get what i said, anyway.. how i cant change the personal type name ?

Quote · 7 Dec 2016

ok, i know how to do it, i move the admin ... nice

Quote · 7 Dec 2016


ok, i know how to do it, i move the admin ... nice

Also you can put the ProfileType field on a profile edit page and change it simply by changing the ProfieType's field value. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 8 Dec 2016

1- if my users click join

2- and forget to choose the type.

3- starting fill out the form. then if they choose, the type.

the system will transfer the user to other page of a subdomain : join.php?pid=2*

so all fields will be removed by auto.

this is my users will know of a website are a stupid programmer. Cry

and i'm not: really not expert but smart enough to know and catch error's.


the best best to resolve this, is to remove the whole block number 3

so the users can click number 1 then 2 then 3, the the page will transfer by auto and the user start to fill the form. and in this step if the user start 1 then 3 , the system will tell user that must choose the profile type.


so after all of the 3 steps don when the system will transfer the user to the page of the type,,

number 6 must not be show..


* join.php?pid=2

" {2} this numbers is generate by auto when your clients use this module to create new profile type, so its ID number for the profile number"



i'm stuck, every day i know there will be problems.

uuuf.jpg · 186.6K · 381 views
Quote · 9 Dec 2016


why its still show the writer user type on the join page ?

or maybe you mean something different ? "Homepage members block"

home page block.jpg · 81.6K · 381 views
Quote · 9 Dec 2016



also this one its not working with me !!

member-blox.jpg · 192.3K · 369 views
Quote · 9 Dec 2016

OMG.... i should write this comments for you....

you will not believe that,,, you save my money and time. from one option of your module..

the minimum price i found for this was 750$ in freelancer com....

Big Thanks & Hugs for incredible Vendor Cool

save my money.jpg · 83.2K · 365 views
Quote · 9 Dec 2016


so after all of the 3 steps don when the system will transfer the user to the page of the type,,

number 6 must not be show..

This approach will require to heavily customize the whole join process, so it will be necessary to edit even more files than currently the module's installation requires. Which we are trying to avoid. So if you need it to work like that we can do it for you as a custom modification for a fee.

Alternatively you can split your join from in 3 steps and leave only the ProfileType field on the first step so it will not be possible to miss it.  


why its still show the writer user type on the join page ?

or maybe you mean something different ? "Homepage members block"

 If you don't want a profile type to appear on a join form then Deactivate it. The "Homepage Member Block" is exactly what it says - it adds a members block on homepage for that particular profile type.


also this one its not working with me !!

Ensure that the profile you're using for test is having the Inspector ProfileType but not Membership Level. The module operates with profile types only which aren't connected to membership levels. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 9 Dec 2016


Walter -
Quote · 24 Feb 2017


Let's say that I the roles I need for my website is here:

Role A,

Role B, 

Role Pro A

Role Pro B


I am wandering if it is possible like this:

A user can selects his role only A or B when he/she joins my website.

If one user with role A is qualified, the admin can set his Role from A to Pro A manually.

If one user with role B is qualified, the admin can set his Role from B to Pro B manually.


Attention: Role A and Role Pro A have the same fields. 


thanks a lot.



Walter -
Quote · 24 Feb 2017


You can use the following workaround to achieve this:

Deactivate the Pro A and Pro B types in module's admin panel - this way it will not be possible to register a profile with these types but still will be possible to use them for any existing profiles. Then put the ProfileType field to a profile edit form for admin only. When you'll want to change someone's profile type to Pro - then temporary activate the necessary back, apply it for a profile via profile edit page and deactivate it back. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 24 Feb 2017

I am clear.


tks a lot.

Walter -
Quote · 25 Feb 2017

@AntonLV - we have your PTS installed and I have a profile type I have deactivated, but it still shows in the drop down list on the join page. Any thoughts on why as I assume a deactivated profile shouldn't appear for new members to select when joining. 





Quote · 3 Jun 2017

@AntonLV - Okay definitely a problem with display. Just to make it easy I moved the four members I had in command and deleted that profile type entirely. However it is still showing in both the join page as well as the search page. I've cleared all cache on browsers and dolphin so not sure where it's pulling that type data from.


Any help is appreciated.

Quote · 4 Jun 2017

You were having a database inconsistency between the actual profile type IDs and records in the predefined values list. Probably a result of an improperly made upgrade/transfer. 

We went ahead and have fixed it so it should be fine now. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 5 Jun 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.