I have worked this out.
I have the php blocks module installed... I forget who created it, but its very useful.
Anyway, I created a block to add:
define('USER_JOIN_PAGE', true);
Just define a constant, simple.
Now, I edit /siteroot/modules/boonex/photos/classes/BxPhotosUploader.php
function performPhotoUpload($sTmpFile, $aFileInfo, $bAutoAssign2Profile = false, $isMoveUploadedFile = true, $iChangingPhotoID = 0, $iAuthorId = 0)
global $dir;
$iLastID = -1;
if (!$iAuthorId)
$iAuthorId = $this->_iOwnerId;
$this->oModule = BxDolModule::getInstance('BxPhotosModule');
// checker for flash uploader
if (!$this->oModule->_iProfileId)
$this->oModule->_iProfileId = $this->_iOwnerId;
if (!$iAuthorId || file_exists($sTmpFile) == false || !$this->oModule->isAllowedAdd())
return false;
And modify the last If statement like so:
if (!$iAuthorId || file_exists($sTmpFile) == false || ( ! defined('USER_JOIN_PAGE') && !$this->oModule->isAllowedAdd() ))
return false;
I'll explain the changes. Before, the statement goes like this:
If there is no authorID or the temporary uploaded filed doesnt exist, or the user doesnt have permission to upload, then deny the upload
I change it so if they don't have permission to upload, BUT they are on the join page, it allows it.
I hope this helps some people. Cheers.