Hi - on my site it happens on all profiles and does not go away with refreshing or clearing cache.
I have turned off the slideshow as its painful in IE :-(
Tomorrow I will do some more testing with different versions of IE and report back.
At the moment Im using IE8 but Im pretty sure IE7 had the same problem.
The reference to the mod is that I have Dadniels cool css mod installed.
I think the problem only appeared after the mod was installed but... I could be wrong.
Also other mods installed that may effect this. It might not be one mod causing it but a combination even?
I cant say for sure which one and therefore cant really ask any of the makers to fix it.
Since Michael and Artur say they have seen something very similar - even if refreshing cures it -
then I presume it may be a bug - and might be fixed in the next version as I hear they are improving the slideshow anyway??
Dan V