Profiles: hide top banner area

Hi - Can anyone tell me how to hide the main top banner area on the Profile pages? Thats the area with Join Now, Member Login, MyProfile, Mail, etc.

Also the main navbar submenu area, just above the actual Profile contents - I used to have it semi transparent. Can anyone tell me how to control this areas transparency?

Thanks in advance

Dan V

Visit the Universe's most Beautiful and Cosmic online community here

Quote · 3 Nov 2008

I have found using Firebug that I can set the general.css .submenu { background-color: transparent;

I can also change the colour and size of fonts here and it works in Firebug.

But when I upload my changes to genreal.css and check nothing has changed.

So of course I clear my cache and check in a different browser - no diff.

How can changing in Firebug show the transparency but changing the actual code in general.css doesnt do anything?

Same with changing font colour and size. Is somthing overruling general.css ?

When I reload the page in Firebug after making the changes Firebug does not see the changes either. Weird.

(I know IE doesnt display transparency properly).

What am I missing?


Dan V

Quote · 3 Nov 2008

Ha - well that was 'interesting' - Cry

the reason the changes were not showing was because my wonderful hosting company somehow changed my IP address and left a copy of the site at the old address.

So I could log in to ftp and make changes but nothing would actually happen on the web - I was working on a duplicate site!

Any experienced hosts care to comment on why if they change the IP address they would leave a copy of the whole site at the old IP address??

I think they must have recently read '101 ways to torment a new webmaster' !

Well what I think of them best not be said ... Sealed and yes they are a well known Dolphin host!

Dan V

Quote · 4 Nov 2008

Regards top banner, checkout templates/tmpl_uni/scripts/functions.php - this has a lot to do with the content. I am not sure how you remove the banner itself but you can try general.css either in the templates/tmpl_uni/css/general.css or templates/tmpl_uni/base/general.css

If you are using firefox3 try firebug, very useful!

I hope this helps!


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Quote · 5 Nov 2008

Hi Stuart - The tricky part is that I only want to remove the top banner from the profiles - not from any other pages. Thanks Dan V

Quote · 5 Nov 2008

I know that it can be done. I used to have an Esase mod installed for hiding blocks on the profile pages.

When he installed it he also removed the top banner area from the profile pages.

Ive seince upgraded to 6.1 and moved servers so thats all long gone.

Guess I can ask him - but anyone have any suggestions how to effect the header area only on profile pages?

(actually I would like to know how to do this on the blogs too).


Dan V

Quote · 13 Nov 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.