Promo Flash Block issues!!!!!

check out my site

notice the stupid flash block and how it doesnt display the images properly. All i did was delete the images previously being used and then re uploaded new ones. press refresh and watch how it changes and messes up even more.

it also displays differently in firefox and IE.

good job Boonex!

Also when i try and use flash in the alternate html editor instead of using the flash promo crap, it displays alot better but then the stupid drop down menu displays behind the flash instead of on top of it.

Quote · 5 Jun 2008



I have visit your site today, and to me the flash block is working with no problems.
I used the IE 7 browser.

Kids first
Quote · 6 Jun 2008

Your site looks the contrast of colors...

Opened the link in Firefox and images look fine. What are you using Safari....Opera...sometimes when folks (and there are a lot of them) who use AOL have issues with the images.

I think it may have to do with having many browser windows open and/or working all day and filling up the temp memory. I find that sometimes this software doesn't respond well if you have a bunch of stuff open...

check out my site

notice the stupid flash block and how it doesnt display the images properly. All i did was delete the images previously being used and then re uploaded new ones. press refresh and watch how it changes and messes up even more.

it also displays differently in firefox and IE.

good job Boonex!

Also when i try and use flash in the alternate html editor instead of using the flash promo crap, it displays alot better but then the stupid drop down menu displays behind the flash instead of on top of it.

Quote · 6 Jun 2008

Hi....see you are back at Dolphin...what happened to ELGG?


I have visit your site today, and to me the flash block is working with no problems.
I used the IE 7 browser.

Quote · 6 Jun 2008

:) it was not what I look for... Dolphin has more te offer thats a fact.
So now I trye to make the best of it, without Orca... if I can find a soltion to get the groups a own blog.. Wink

Kids first
Quote · 6 Jun 2008

Ah... I am just using the Free version out of the box 6.1.1

I received an email from support at Boonex and they are actively working to solve issues...

I think with the complexity AND coolness of this software ... there are bound to be issues.

But I'll muscle on....Laughing

:) it was not what I look for... Dolphin has more te offer thats a fact.
So now I trye to make the best of it, without Orca... if I can find a soltion to get the groups a own blog.. Wink

Quote · 6 Jun 2008

Allright, thanks for the message,


I hope they get solved the urgent (there are many of it) problems :)

Kids first
Quote · 6 Jun 2008

Well the flash is working fine because i bypassed the dumb preloader thing. it sometimes would display the image in just the right corner of the area or sometimes it would delay and there would be nothing for a while and then it would start loading. Not sure why they went with javascript for that anyways, if someone has javascript disabled, you would be left with a blank area.

The real issue for me now is when you view the site

if you hover over the top menu items on the front page, you will notice the menu displays behind the flash and not on top of it.

Quote · 10 Jun 2008

Well the flash is working fine because i bypassed the dumb preloader thing. it sometimes would display the image in just the right corner of the area or sometimes it would delay and there would be nothing for a while and then it would start loading. Not sure why they went with javascript for that anyways, if someone has javascript disabled, you would be left with a blank area.

The real issue for me now is when you view the site

if you hover over the top menu items on the front page, you will notice the menu displays behind the flash and not on top of it.

Ok i am sick of the front page promo loader. i will not call it flash loader as it has nothing to do with Flash. The quality of the image once it is uploaded is not up to par as you will notice around any text there is pixelation (almost a blurry look to it). You may not notice it in the site i posted because i have bypassed the dumb pre loader.

ALSO ** When i was using the script promo loader, i would save an image the exact dimensions as the default Boonex big01.jpg, big02.jpg and then i would upload. In Firefox, the image looks squished and in IE7, only a small part of the image will show in the bottom right corner of the promo area.

Another stupid thing is IF you decide as an admin to not have the promo loader and instead have custom html in the block, your drop down menu will appear behind this html which is annoying and people will not be able to access any submenu options except for on any other page where the promo block is not used.

its evident, this 6.1 was released far to early from what i am seeing and hearing and the main fact stands

Boonex does not give adequate support after the fact. Sure they will say they are understaffed and didnt plan ahead.

Quote · 10 Jun 2008

Ok i have finally fixed this issue. I now have bypassed the dumb Boonex script promo loader and have been able to use my own Flash based promo loader. I have also managed to have the submenu display on top of the Flash loader i created.

Here is how i did it.

1) Create your flash movie with proper dimensions

2) open page1.html in Templates/tmpl_uni/

3) Just after __include _header.html__  paste the following code

<table width="974" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<div id="indexPhoto" onclick="location=''">
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=""
width="974" height="284">
<param name="movie" value="" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">

4) Make sure all widths of both the Table and Flash elements are correct sizes for your Flash Movie

5) Upload page1.html back to your site in the proper directory

Quote · 10 Jun 2008

compliments, nice site you have made...!!

Kids first
Quote · 10 Jun 2008

i really like your template. cool stuff!

Quote · 17 Jun 2008

Beautiful site man. Can you lead me to a good spot to learn how to modify my site? I can't find any developer/designer manual for Dolphin.

Quote · 17 Jun 2008

hey basslion


I was wondering where you edit the dimensions of the flash block if you do not want it that big? I made it smaller in height but the page shifted it below the nav bar so there is black space between the block and nav bar. I want the block to be smaller but flush to the nav barlike your site. Any suggestions where i might find it. I have searched the general.css and can't seem to find it. If you know could you point me the way?



Quote · 20 Jun 2008

Beautiful site man. Can you lead me to a good spot to learn how to modify my site? I can't find any developer/designer manual for Dolphin.

I appreciate your kind words :)

There really isnt any one spot to learn how to modify the templates. its alot of trial and error and experience with css stylesheets. whatever you want to do, just ask questions in the forums and hopefully you get a response and then you can implement that and then move onto the next task.

Quote · 23 Jun 2008

hey basslion

I was wondering where you edit the dimensions of the flash block if you do not want it that big? I made it smaller in height but the page shifted it below the nav bar so there is black space between the block and nav bar. I want the block to be smaller but flush to the nav barlike your site. Any suggestions where i might find it. I have searched the general.css and can't seem to find it. If you know could you point me the way?


So you are using the default Flash block right? let me know your site url through email or post it here and i will tell you what to edit.

Quote · 23 Jun 2008

Hey Basslion,


Very cool site ...which css file  and div ..did you edit to change the size of the promo block i am h=going to use the HTML alternative ... 



Thanks ..

Quote · 23 Jun 2008

One more thing,


Basslion I followed your instructions below for  the page1.html when I  did it ofsets my columns one falls below the other .....any advice?

Quote · 24 Jun 2008

Ok ..


Sorry guys scratch that complant ....I was doing it incorrectly works now.....

Quote · 24 Jun 2008

For those asking what CSS to modify, it is is templates\uni\general.css


Look for the top block area... can't remember the name of the class off hand. But if you search for Height=, skip over the ones that small, like 19 pixes, and zone in the ones that in the 100-300 pixels in height. You'll find it.

Quote · 24 Jun 2008

JAZZGURUMUSICSTUDIO.COM is a cool looking site with a very nice concept and idea. The only problem I see is page loading is very slow. Seems real choppy when I just try to sroll up and down the main index/homepage. Whether ie or ff browser. Maybe it's because of a larger resolution pix width or you have some rather large images/ads/content, or some combination. Most of your other pages loaded faster and smoother, although I didn't look at all everyone. - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 24 Jun 2008

Hey Basslion,

Very cool site ...which css file  and div ..did you edit to change the size of the promo block i am h=going to use the HTML alternative ...

Thanks ..

Sorry for the delay, i did not edit any css or div class to change the size of the promo block as i recall. the promo block is set to a specific width and then the flash you insert in there will stretch it out anyways so no need to adjust the size of it unless it is bigger than your actual flash element.

Quote · 3 Jul 2008

One more thing,

Basslion I followed your instructions below for  the page1.html when I  did it ofsets my columns one falls below the other .....any advice?

Usually when a column slips under another column, its because the table it is in is too small so it basically wraps the column below the other one. Try adjusting your entire site width through css general under .main {

Quote · 3 Jul 2008

Ok ..

Sorry guys scratch that complant ....I was doing it incorrectly works now.....


Quote · 3 Jul 2008

JAZZGURUMUSICSTUDIO.COM is a cool looking site with a very nice concept and idea. The only problem I see is page loading is very slow. Seems real choppy when I just try to sroll up and down the main index/homepage. Whether ie or ff browser. Maybe it's because of a larger resolution pix width or you have some rather large images/ads/content, or some combination. Most of your other pages loaded faster and smoother, although I didn't look at all everyone.

Yes i am starting to think its because of the size of the background image. its a high resolution pic and i guess on slower internet connections, this will pose a problem. I think i may have to tone down the resolution on it.

Thanks for your input!

Quote · 3 Jul 2008

Hi All,


I've really been having difficulty trying to sort this issue out. Basslion, I did what you mentioned regarding the <div> and it does work, but as others have mentioned, it cuts off the bottom of the flash movie. Drknight, I've tried changing/adding values to general.css with no luck.


I'm desperately trying to figure this out, anyone, please help.




Quote · 15 Jul 2008

have found a differnt workround

if you upload your new gif files in the admin panel. best to use one of theirs and edit it in photoshop to keep dimensions

open ftp and go to media>images>promo>

upload the same gifs again.

they will now display as they should without pixellation

on a seperate issue, ive found the .js commands to alter the image transitions. the files are located in /inc/js  you need to alter jquery.dolPromoT.js and jquery.dolPromo.js

also on this issue, can somone explain why the system is re-rendering the images like this- it must be happening during upload, i.e. some kind of re-size or re-res. i cant find the correct line to stop it doing that, which would fix this bug once and for all! must be somewhere in the PHP code but i cant find it anywhere.

Quote · 1 Aug 2008

Hi Basslion ,


I tried ur fix works fine in ie but something weird happend in firefox please take a look  any advice??

Quote · 3 Aug 2008


Cool site!

How did you adjust the position of the menu bar so you can fit your image without having the menu bar obscuring it? It seems like it is anchored somewhere.

Which file did you edit to remove the topest menu i.e. Links News Contact Us...?

Thanks for your help in advance

Quote · 1 Jun 2009

Cool site. How did you upload the pictures in the jazz media block? I am trying to upload different fashion pictures on my page, but am not sure how to do it yet. Your help will be appreciated

Quote · 4 Jun 2009

LOL - another one of those elder-posts.


This one is a year old folks. FYI

Quote · 4 Jun 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.