Promo Loader Problem


When my page loads it only displays 1/4 of the pictures in promo box. If I go a link on the page and then go back it is running fine.

Quote · 16 Feb 2009

When my page loads it only displays 1/4 of the pictures in promo box. If I go a link on the page and then go back it is running fine.

Sometimes it spasses out...mine does that also. It seems to do it mostly in IE.

Quote · 16 Feb 2009

That happens to everybody, in ALL browsers.  I've searched these forums before, but I've never seen a fix posted.


You can try this to see if it works better:

templates/tmpl_uni/css/index.css     lines 50 - 52

Change this:


#indexPhoto img {
position: absolute;


To This:


#indexPhoto img {
position: relative;

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 17 Feb 2009

Thanks... but didn't help.


Is there a specific size that the images should be maybe?

Quote · 17 Feb 2009

We are having the same problem - but only on one certain machine running Windows Vista with IE. Firefox and IE on Windows XP fine. Firefox and Safari on Mac fine. Firefox on Vista fine. But with Vista + IE the banners get clipped - with just the upper left corner showing in the lower right of the promo box area. And only part of the time does this happen! Very nutty that it isn't consistent.

Quote · 17 Feb 2009

That happens to everybody, in ALL browsers.  I've searched these forums before, but I've never seen a fix posted.


You can try this to see if it works better:

templates/tmpl_uni/css/index.css     lines 50 - 52

Change this:


#indexPhoto img {
position: absolute;


To This:


#indexPhoto img {
position: relative;

I managed to correct this.  It only happens in IE.

You were close with the CSS fix:

in the CSS goto this:

#indexPhoto img {
position: absolute;

and add

top: 0;

left: 0;

so that it looks like:

#indexPhoto img {
position: absolute;

top: 0;

left: 0;

Quote · 1 Mar 2009

I still have the problem, even with the css changes.  I think it might be a timing problem.  I'm not going to worry to much about problems in 6.1.4.  I'll ditch it as soon as Rev 7 is released.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 2 Mar 2009
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