Hiya everyone, I hope you are all doing okay.
I need to ask for some advice again please.
The images I am using in the promo block are 800px by 270px, they are sitting on a background image which has the effect of looking like a border. The way the site should look is for the promo images to take up 800px by 270px exactly, but they are being made smaller by the javascript!
This is how I had hoped they would end up looking:
This is how they have actually ended up looking:
How do I make them stay at their 'actual' size?
I've done the search bit here to find the answer and the best I found was someone saying the ratio needs changing in design.inc.php.
What ratio exactly, there's a lot of stuff in that file and I have no idea what I'm looking at, can someone please tell me what bit of code I need to change and what to change it to so my promo images stay at 800px by 270px.
Peace be yours sisters and brothers,